Index for words including 認


Recognize, Understand, Admit, Acknowledge, Accept

Word Links for words containing 認 (sorted via character pairs)

認 renˋ
Recognize, Understand, Admit, Acknowledge, Accept

Words containing

(Use links to see word pronunciation)


認同 Identify

認同 Identify, Identified as


認出 Recognize, Recognized

認出 Recognized

認出布上的花樣 Recognized the patterns on the cloth

有人認出了他 Someone recognized him, He was recongized

有人認出了她 Someone recognized her, She was recongized

硬是認出了他 Had recognized him (in a crowd), Picking him out, Picked him out

硬是認出了她 Had recognized her (in a crowd), Picking her out, Picked her out


認了 So be it


認知 Cognitive, Cognition, Perception, Discernment, Learning, Understanding, Comprehension, Insight

雜燴式的認知 Hodgepodge of insights, Assortment of suppositions

認知 Recognized


認得 Know, Knew, Recognize, Recognized

有人看到天才也不認得 Some people don't recognize talent when they see it

認得 Recognize, Would recognize, Recognized

認得 Still recognize, Still know

認得出嫌犯 Recognize the suspect


認為 Think that, Thinks that, Thinking that, Thought that, Consider, Considers, Considering, Considered, Admit, Acknowledge, Believe that, Of the opinion that

認為 Do not see, Do not believe, Not of the opinion

認為 Always thought, Always believed that

認為 Believed to be

我不認為 I don't think that, I don't believe that

真心認為 Really felt, Really believed

以前他認為 He'd believed, He'd thought, He'd once believed, He'd once thought

以前她認為 She'd believed, She'd thought, She'd once believed, She'd once thought

你憑什麼認為 Are you really sure

認為 Believes that, Believing that

認為 Thought it would

如果你認為你見過 If you think you've seen

認為那只是燈光作怪 Thinking that it was just a trick of the light

認為有居住可能性的 Believed to be habitable

認為有居住可能性的行星 Planets that are believed to be habitable

認為我們的學校能做到這點嗎 Do you think that our schools accomplish this?

認為這是某幽靈欲與她溝通所致 Believes that it is because a ghost is trying to communicate with her


認證 Certified


認識 Learn about, Acquaint, Become acquainted with, Understand, Comprehend, Recognize, Know someone, Realize, Remember

認識 To learn about

認識 Better understand, Know better

單純認識 Very simple understanding of

開始認識 Started to get to know, Began to understand

我們共同認識 We both know

認識 Understand, Now understand, Met, Got to know someone

你怎麼會認識 How do you know him?

認識得不多 Don't know much, Didn't know much

認識的某人 Someone she knows, Someone she knew

是她認識的人 Was someone she knew

如果我認識那個人 If I know that person, If that person is someone I know

認識她的時間比你還久 I've known her longer than you


認讀 Read and recognize, Read and understand


認字 Literacy, Ability to understand written language

教他認字 Teach him to read, Taught him to read


認定 Assumed

認定 Was assumed

而被認定 And so was assumed

而被認定已經死亡 And so was assumed to be dead


認清 See clearly, See it clearly, Know, Know it, Recognize

那該認清 Then that's it


翻臉不認人 Deny a friend, Betray an old acquaintance


認錯 Admit mistake


認不 Don't recognize

認不 Unrecognizable, Unintelligible


認可 Sanction, Approve

這些他都認可 This he all approved


認真 Serious(ly), Earnest(ly), Attentive(ly)

從未認真 Never really, Never seriously

你努力工作的表情很認真 Your facial expression is very serious when you work

把製造商的保證看得很認真 Take the manufacturer's guarantee seriously

從未把製造商的保證看得很認真 Had never taken the manufacturer's promise seriously

認真 Seriously, Earnestly, Carefully, Attentively

認真 Seriously, Truly, Carefully, Attentively

認真看待 Taken seriously

被他們如此認真看待 Taken seriously, To be taken seriously

認真說起來 For that matter

認真地看待他 Take him seriously

認真地看待她 Take her seriously


承認 Recognize, Confess, Admit, Claim

打死不肯承認 Would sooner die than admit

承認或授予 Recognized or granted,


辨認 Identify, Recognize, Discern, Distinguish

辨認出來 Identify, Recognize, Discern, Distinguish


誤認 Mistake for, Mistakenly identify

誤認為是 Mistakenly believe, Mistake for

誤認為是平靜 Mistaken for calmness


自認 Believe

自認晦氣 Handle adversity without complaint, Grin and bear it

自認顧客服務品質極佳 Prided themselves on customer service


公認 Recognized, Accepted, Established


否認 Deny, Reject, Repudiate, Disown, Denies

無法否認 Can't deny


確認 Confirm

對焦確認 Focus confirmation

對焦確認指示燈 Focus confirmation light, Focus confirmation indicator light


指認 Identify, Identification, Recognize, Recognition

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