Index for words including 諺


Maxim, Proverb

Word Links for words containing 諺 (sorted via character pairs)

諺 yanˋ
Maxim, Proverb

Words containing

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諺語 Proverb, Proverbs, Aphorism, Saying, Saw, Adage

諺語學的研究 Research into the study of proverbs, Paroemiological studies

諺語 Paroemiology, Paroemiological, Study of proverbs

諺語 A saying, A maxim, A proverb

有句諺語 There's a saying, There's a phrase


俗諺 Laymen terms, Proverb

臺灣俗諺 Taiwanese proverb

俗諺中所講 In laymen's terms

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