
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 細


Pay attention to detail, Plodding

jiangˇ jiuˋ xiˋ wei¯ moˋ jieˊ

細 xiˋ
Tiny, Minute, Fine, Delicate, Detailed, Slender

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Phone , Tone


講究 jiangˇ jiuˋ

細微 xiˋ weiˊ

末節 moˋ jieˊ

Words that rhyme with 講究細微末節 (yang-you)

Grouped by first phone

jiang, qiang, xiang, yang

將就 jiang¯ jiuˋ

Make do, Make the best of a situation

講究 jiangˇ jiuˋ

Have regard for, Be particular about, Apply a particular taste in execution, Tasteful, Tastefully accomplished

講究細微末節 jiangˇ jiuˋ xiˋ wei¯ moˋ jieˊ

Pay attention to detail, Plodding

醬油 jiangˋ youˊ

Soy Sauce

jiang, qiang, xiang, yang

搶救 qiangˇ jiuˋ

Emergency rescue, Act with urgency to rescue

搶救傷患 qiangˇ jiuˋ shang¯ huanˋ

Rescuing and treating the injured

強求 qiangˊ qiuˊ

Demand, Force

jiang, qiang, xiang, yang

香油 xiang¯ youˊ

Scented oil

香又甜 xiang¯ youˋ tianˊ

Fragrant and sweet

享有 xiangˇ youˇ

Possess, Have in one's possession

向右 xiangˋ youˋ

To the right

向右彎曲 xiangˋ youˋ wan¯ qu¯

Bend to the right, Bending to the right, Bent to the right

向右看齊 xiangˋ youˋ kanˋ qiˊ

Right Dress

jiang, qiang, xiang, yang

洋流 yangˊ liuˊ

Ocean current(s)

央求 yang¯ qiuˊ

Beg, Implore, Plead

洋繡球 yangˊ xiuˋ qiuˊ


洋油 yangˊ youˊ


Grouped in tone pairs

34, 12, 14, 22, 24, 33, 42, 44

講究 jiangˇ jiuˋ

Have regard for, Be particular about, Apply a particular taste in execution, Tasteful, Tastefully accomplished

講究細微末節 jiangˇ jiuˋ xiˋ wei¯ moˋ jieˊ

Pay attention to detail, Plodding

搶救 qiangˇ jiuˋ

Emergency rescue, Act with urgency to rescue

搶救傷患 qiangˇ jiuˋ shang¯ huanˋ

Rescuing and treating the injured

34, 12, 14, 22, 24, 33, 42, 44

香油 xiang¯ youˊ

Scented oil

央求 yang¯ qiuˊ

Beg, Implore, Plead

34, 12, 14, 22, 24, 33, 42, 44

將就 jiang¯ jiuˋ

Make do, Make the best of a situation

香又甜 xiang¯ youˋ tianˊ

Fragrant and sweet

34, 12, 14, 22, 24, 33, 42, 44

強求 qiangˊ qiuˊ

Demand, Force

洋流 yangˊ liuˊ

Ocean current(s)

洋油 yangˊ youˊ


34, 12, 14, 22, 24, 33, 42, 44

洋繡球 yangˊ xiuˋ qiuˊ


34, 12, 14, 22, 24, 33, 42, 44

享有 xiangˇ youˇ

Possess, Have in one's possession

34, 12, 14, 22, 24, 33, 42, 44

醬油 jiangˋ youˊ

Soy Sauce

34, 12, 14, 22, 24, 33, 42, 44

向右 xiangˋ youˋ

To the right

向右彎曲 xiangˋ youˋ wan¯ qu¯

Bend to the right, Bending to the right, Bent to the right

向右看齊 xiangˋ youˋ kanˋ qiˊ

Right Dress


丶-言 : > : > [講]-講究 : > [講]-講究細微末節 >

丶-穴 : > : > [究]-講究 : > [究]-講究細微末節 >

𠄌-糸 : > : > [細]-細微 : > [細]-講究細微末節 >

丿-彳 : > : > [微]-細微 : > [微]-講究細微末節 >

十-夫 : > : > [末]-末節 : > [末]-講究細微末節 >

丿-竹 : > : > [節]-末節 : > [節]-講究細微末節 >

講究細微末節 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 細

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