Index for words including 識

shiˋ, zhiˋ, shiˊ

Recognize, Understand, Comprehend

Word Links for words containing 識 (sorted via character pairs)

識 shiˋ, zhiˋ, shiˊ
Recognize, Understand, Comprehend

Words containing

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識別 Identify


識字 Literacy

在教這個女孩識字 Teaching this girl to read


識破 See through

識破 Saw through


見識 Experience directly (at first hand), Experience

見識致命的意義 See the meaning of fatal, Show the meaning of fatal, Know the meaning of fatal, Experience the meaning of fatal first hand


膽識 Courage and wisdom, Brave and wise


結識 Get acquainted


知識 Knowledge, Information, Intellect, Intellectual

知識 Cool knowledge

增長知識 Increase knowledge

補充知識 Supplemental knowledge

你剛學過的知識 What you have just learned

知識分子 Intellectuals, Scholars, Free thinking and independent

知識快遞 Knowledge express

知識系統 Intellectual system


辨識 Discern, Differentiate


意識 Consciousness

意識 Subconscious, Unconscious, Not consciously aware of

意識 Subconscious

意識 Unconsciously

潛在意識 Subconsciousness

自我意識 Self-conscious, Self aware

身體意識 Body awareness

漸漸恢復意識 Gradually came to, Gradually regained consciousness

意識 Realizes, Realized

讓他意識 Made him realize, Reminded him

讓她意識 Made her realize, Reminded her

直到他意識 Until he realizes, Until he realized

自覺地意識 Consciously realized

深埋在下意識 Buried deep in the layer of the subconscious

意識清醒 Conscious

自覺地意識到這點 Consciously realized this, Consciously realized it

意識到自己在做這件事 Realized what they were doing

是否意識到自己在做這件事 Whether or not they realized what they were doing

她是否意識到自己在做這件事 Whether or not she realized what she was doing


認識 Learn about, Acquaint, Become acquainted with, Understand, Comprehend, Recognize, Know someone, Realize, Remember

認識 To learn about

認識 Better understand, Know better

單純認識 Very simple understanding of

開始認識 Started to get to know, Began to understand

我們共同認識 We both know

認識 Understand, Now understand, Met, Got to know someone

你怎麼會認識 How do you know him?

認識得不多 Don't know much, Didn't know much

認識的某人 Someone she knows, Someone she knew

是她認識的人 Was someone she knew

如果我認識那個人 If I know that person, If that person is someone I know

認識她的時間比你還久 I've known her longer than you


遠識 Wise, Farsighted, Forward looking, Prescient, Perceptive


鑑識 Forensic, Distinguish, Discern, Judge, Tell

鑑識 Forensic types

鑑識小組 Forensic team or unit

鑑識會計 Forensic accounting


常識 Common sense


共識 Agreement, Consensus


相識 Met, Become acquainted

似曾相識 Deja vu

素不相識 Strangers

相識敬愛 Known and loved

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