Index for words including 責


Duty, Responsibility, Responsible For, Punish, Reprimand, Scold, Blame, Admonish, Exhort, Hold To High Standards Of Achievement

Word Links for words containing 責 (sorted via character pairs)

責 zeˊ
Duty, Responsibility, Responsible For, Punish, Reprimand, Scold, Blame, Admonish, Exhort, Hold To High Standards Of Achievement

Words containing

(Use links to see word pronunciation)


責任 Duty, Duties, Responsibility, Responsibilities

公民的責任 Civic duty, Civic duties, Civic responsibilities

孝親的責任 Filial duties

身為公民的責任 Civic duties, Your responsibilities as a citizen

責任 Sense of responsibility

責任推得一乾二淨 Shirk responsibility and let someone else take care of it


責備 Reproach, Blame


責怪 To blame


斥責 Vituperate, Reprove, Reproach, Censure, Denounce, Castigate

斥責的眼光 Vituperative glances, Censorious looks, Reproving looks, Reproachful looks

引起好幾個保持站立的婦人斥責的眼光 Drawing censorious looks from several still standing women, Drawing disapproving looks from a few women who stayed standing


負責 Responsible, Oversee, Handle, Handles, Handling, Handled

負責 Responsible

團隊負責 Team leader

都由他負責 He is in charge, He was in charge, He is responsible, He was responsible

都由她負責 She is in charge, She was in charge, She is responsible, She was responsible

不願為自己行為負責 Unwilling to take responsibility for their own actions

這個計劃的團隊負責 A team leader on this project, This project's team leader

負責 Person in charge, Officer

負責 Responsible (for)

負責的區域 Area of responsibility

負責指揮一切 In total command

負責的範圍內 Field of responsibility, Within (one's) field of responsibility

負責的區域面積 Area of responsibility

負責的區域面積比較小 A relatively smaller area of responsibility

負責任的大人 Responsible adult, Responsible adults

這算哪門子負責任的大人 What kind of responsible adult does this?


譴責 Condemn


自責 Remorse


苛責 Rebuke, Censure, Excoriate, Severely criticize


刑責 Sentencing for a criminal, Sentencing


職責 Job, Duty, Responsibility


指責 Disparage, Charge, Accuse, Censure, Condemnation, Denouncement

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