Walk, Go On Foot, Move About, Move, Locomote, Change Location
Word Links for words containing 走 (sorted via character pairs)
走路 Walk
學走路 Learn to walk
正在學走路 Learning to walk
走路上山去 Walk up the mountain
走路回家時 While walking back home
走路還有一點跛 Walk with a limp, Walks with a limp, Walking with a limp, Walked with a limp
走出 Leave, Head out, Heading out, Leaving, Walk out of, Get out of
走出了 Walked out, Left
走出來 Come out of, Leave from, Exit, Exit from
那個門走出去 Go out that door
從那邊那個門走出去 Go out through that door over there
走出去到 Head out to, Walked out to
走出車廂 Leave the train, Exit the train carriage
走出車外前 Prior to leaving the vehicle
他走出門口 He walks out the door, He walked out the door
她走出門口 She walks out the door, She walked out the door
走了 Go, Walked
往樹上跑走了 Ran up a tree, Went up a tree
沉默無語地走了 Walked silently, Walked in silence, Walked without speaking
被一列火車載走了 Taken away by a train, Carried away by a train
走了三步 Walked three steps
走了出來 Walked out, Came out, Emerged
走了四步 Walked four steps
走了進來 Walked in, Came in
往前走了一步 Took a step forward
走了一公里路 Walked for a kilometer
走向 Head towards, Heads towards, Heading towards, Headed towards, Move towards, Moves towards, Moving towards, Moved towards, Walk towards, Walks towards, Walking towards, Walked towards
大步的走向 Walked towards, Deliberately headed off in the direction of
談話的走向 Direction of a conversation
走向他 Headed towards him
轉身走向門 Turned towards the door
走向學校 Walk to school, Walking to school
走向中央集權 Moving towards centralized power
從封建走向中央集權 From Feudalism to Centralism (From Distributed to Centralized Power)
走廊 Corridor, Hallway, Hall, Veranda
推過走廊 Push through the corridor, Pushes through the corridor, Pushing through the corridor, Pushed through the corridor
越過走廊 Crossed the hallway
微風習習的走廊 Breezy veranda, Breezy verandas
在走廊上奔跑 Run in the hallway
走近 Walked up to, Approached
當你走近 When you approach
走近直升機 Walked up to the helicopter, Approached the helicopter
走進 Enter, Entered, Walked into
快步的走進 Quickly entered
走進了 Entered
走進自由的空氣中 Walked into the free air
走過 Cross, Crosses, Crossed, Walk past, Walks past, Walked past, Went past, Walk across, Traverse, Traversed, Traverses
大步走過 Strode past, Strode through
從他面前走過 Walked past him
從她面前走過 Walked past her
走過來 Come over to, Came over to
走過去 Walked over
走過場 Go through the motions
看見一名年輕的女人朝他走過來 Saw a young woman walking towards him
帶領走過小道 Lead down the path, Lead through the trail, Led through the lane, Lead through the lanes
走過大街小巷 Through the streets
再走遠了 Go any further
我不敢再走遠了 I dare not go any further, I'd better not go any further
還沒走遠 Was still nearby
走入 Enter, Entered, Walk in, Walked in
他走入 He entered, She walked in
她走入 She entered, She walked in
走前 Before leaving, Before moving off
臨走前 Before leaving
走前門 Use the front door, Used the front door
從來不走前門 Never used the front door
走到 Arrived at, Walk to, Walked to
走到了 Arrive at
走到外面 Went outside, Walked outside
走到我身邊 Walked to my side
走到餐桌邊 Walked to the table
走到中間的門 Go to the middle door, Went to the middle door
走到全身鏡前 Go to the full-length mirror, Goes to the full-length mirror, Went to the full-length mirror
走到前面再繞過來 Go around to the front, Go around
走到河邊研究蝌蚪 Walk down to a river to study tadpoles, Walking to a river to study tadpoles
走到門口 Go to the door, Goes to the door, Went to the door
他走到門口 He went to the door
她走到門口 She went to the door
走到房門前 Go to the door, Goes to the door, Went to the door
走到敞開的門邊 Walked to the open door, Reached the open door
走到碼頭盡頭 Walk to the end of the pier
走到車道盡頭 Walk to the end of the driveway
走下 Walking down, Moving down, Heading down
走上走下 Roam up and down
輕快走下 Quickly walk down, Quickly walking down, Happily walking down
在通道走上走下 Roam up and down the aisle, Roam up and down the aisles
走下去 Go down
就想走下去 Thinking to go down
走下騾子 Dismount from a mule, Get off the mule, Got off the mule, Dismount, Dismounted
沒走下騾子 Didn't dismount, Didn't get off the mule, Didn't get of their mules
走不回來 Not make it back, Not able to make it back
走不回去 Can't go, Can't get back
可能走不回來 Might not make it back, Might not be able to make it back
永遠走不完 Endless walk
沒有走不通的死巷 There are no dead ends
走上歧途 Go astray, Be devious
走上稱去 Step onto the scale
步下飛船走上小島 Strolled down from the airship onto the island
走上走下 Roam up and down
在通道走上走下 Roam up and down the aisle, Roam up and down the aisles
逼他們走上跳板 Make them walk the plank, Made them walk the plank
要逼他們走上跳板 Wanted to make them walk the plank
走去 Went over, Wandered over
走來走去 Went around, Wondered around
朝出口走去 Walk toward the exit, Walking towards the exit, Walked towards the exit
拖著步子走來走去 Shuffled around
走來 Come over, Came over, Approached
朝她走來 Head towards her, Walk towards her, Headed towards her, Walked towards her
走來走去 Went around, Wondered around
拖著步子走來走去 Shuffled around
有個女侍拿著菜單走來 A waitress came over with menus, The waitress came over with menus
走在前頭 Walk in front, Lead the way
走在土上 Walking on earth
走在他旁邊 Walking by his side, walked by his side, Walk beside him, Walks beside him, Walked beside him
吹走 Blew, Blew off
吹走了 Blew, Blew off
風吹走了 Wind blown, Blown (off) by wind
大風吹走了 Blown by strong wind, Blown off by strong wind
遊走 Drift
到處遊走 Wander around
遊走到 Wandered
遊走到客廳 Wandered into the living room
到處遊走的傾向 Tendency to wonder, Tendency to wonder around
他們人到處遊走的傾向 Their tendency to wonder around
倒著走 Walked backwards, Walking backwards
隨身帶著走 Portable, Can be carried on one's person while walking
一走 Started walking, Began to walk away
走一走 Walked, Strolled
圍著桌子走一走 Strolled around the desk, Strolled around the table
一走上去 Went up, Went up onto
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