Rise, Raise, Get Up
Word Links for words containing 起 (sorted via character pairs)
起司 Cheese
起司片 Sliced Cheese, Slice Of Cheese, Cheese Slices
烤肉起司蛋 Roasted meat with cheese and egg
起司漢堡 Cheeseburger
一個起司漢堡 A cheeseburger
起司蛋糕 Cheese cake
鮪魚起司三明治 Tuna melt, Tuna and cheese sandwich
看都沒看就點了一個起司漢堡和一杯汽水 Ordered a cheeseburger and soda without looking
起了皺紋 Wrinkled
已染了風霜起了皺紋 Were weathered and wrinkled
起了變化 Start to change
皺起了眉頭 Frowning, Frowned
起了個念頭 A thought rose up, Came to mind
心裡悄悄的起了個念頭 A thought quietly came to mind, A thought quietly rose up and came to mind
起伏 Ups and downs, Undulate, Undulating
不再起伏 Flatten, Even out, Flattened, Evened out, No longer undulated
語氣完全聽不出起伏 Totally expressionless voice
起伏搖擺 Bobbed and swayed
起起伏伏 Up and down, Ups and downs
起重機 Crane
橋架型起重機 Bridge Crane
用於起吊重物的起重機 Crane used for lifting heavy loads
起重機械 Hoisting machinery, Lifting machinery, Cranes
起效 Beginning to work, Beginning to have an affect
起效了 Beginning to work, Beginning to have an affect
起訴 Accuse, Sue, Prosecute, Charge, Indicted
起訴書 Indictment
起訴他們 Prosecute them, Charge them, Accuse them, Sue them
起身 Got up, Rises up
直起身 Rose up, Stood up
站起身 Rose, Stood up
便站起身 Stood up, Rose
起身子 Get up
起身後 After getting (back) up
蜷起身子 Curl up
便站起身來 Stood up
起源 Origin, Originated, Origins
起源於 Originated in, Came from, Originally came from
起源說 Origin theory, Origin
起一點 A little more, A little bit
下起一陣大雨 It started to rain heavily
承受得起一點浪費 Can afford a little largesse, Can afford a little extravagance
我們承受得起一點浪費 We can afford a little largesse, We can afford a little extravagance
起死回生 Come back to life, Came back to life, Brought back to life
讓這個東西起死回生 Bring this thing back to life, Brought this thing back to life, Revived this thing
起死回生了 Come back to life, Came back to life, Brought back to life
起碼 At least
最起碼 At least
起碼九次 At least nine times
起碼看見 See at least, Saw at least
起碼目前如此 At least for now, At least for the time being
但起碼直截了當 But at least it had been straightforward, But at least it had been to the point
起碼有百分之八十 At least eighty percent
起來 Get up, In the process of, While doing, (gp verb ending)
做起來 Do, While doing
加起來 Add up to, In total
動起來 Set in motion, Get moving
存起來 Save, Save up
帶起來 Carrying, While carrying
折起來 Folded
收起來 Put away
看起來 Looking at, To look at, Looked, Appeared
站起來 Stand up, Stood up
算起來 Calculate
綁起來 Tie up, Tied up
聽起來 Sounds, Sounded
跳起來 Jumped up
躲起來 Hide, Avoid, Escape
造起來 Built, Built up
鎖起來 Lock
關起來 Shut down, Shut off, Closed
交流起來 Communication, Communicating with
他沒起來 He hadn't gotten up, He was still in bed
儲存起來 Saving, Storing
動了起來 Moved, Started moving
包了起來 Wrapped, Wrapped in
召集起來 Gather, Get, Get together, Call together, Convene
吵了起來 Argued, Had an argument
尖叫起來 Scream
彎了起來 Bent, Curled
愉快起來 Brightened a bit, Became a bit happier
拼貼起來 Gluing pieces together to form a collage
捲了起來 Curled, Curled up, Curled up into
收集起來 Gathered, Collected
歡呼起來 Cheers, Starts cheering
照顧起來 Looking after, Taking care of
站了起來 Stands, Stood up, Rose
腫了起來 Swelled up
腫脹起來 Swelling
興盛起來 Flourish, Flourishes, Flourishing, Flourished
被關起來 Locked up, Held in captivity, In captivity
說了起來 Said
鎖了起來 Locked
開朗起來 Cleared up, Lightened, Gladdened
飛了起來 Take flight, Fly up
鼓了起來 Bulged up
鼓脹起來 Bloating, Bulging
急促了起來 Sped up, Became strained
沮喪了起來 Became depressed
熱鬧了起來 Becomes lively
猶疑了起來 Hesitated
他們笑了起來 They laughed
他慢慢站起來 He stood up slowly
她慢慢站起來 She stood up slowly
將其圈了起來 Had been circled, Had a circle around it
把小孩綁起來 Tied up the kid, Tied up the kids
眉頭皺了起來 Frowning, Frowned
跟他吵了起來 Argued with him
再一一拼貼起來 Then glue together one-by-one to form a collage
讓東西運作起來 Make something work, Get something to work
離表情嚴肅起來 Get serious, Got serious, Became serious, Got a serious look
高興得叫了起來 Happily shouted
他龜裂的嘴唇抿了起來 His cracked lips pursed
我們該把所有幫手都召集起來 We need all the help we can get
打起來了 Start a battle, Get into a fight, Get into a war
滿起來了 Fills up, Filled up
聞起來像 Smelled like
躲起來了 Hid
飛起來了 Flying
這聽起來像 This sounds
折起來的紙 Folded piece of paper, Folded sheet of paper
看起來好遠 Looked very far, Seemed a long way off
看起來不再像 No longer looked like
看起來很混沌 Looks chaotic, Looked chaotic
看起來糟透了 Looked awful, Looked terrible
交流起來很麻煩 Communication is a problem, Communication is difficult
加起來長度高達 Added up to a length of
看起來像十八歲 Look eighteen years old, Pass for eighteen years old
看起來完全就像 Looked exactly like
聽起來很不錯啊 That sounds good
工作起來像頭騾子 Works like a mule
看起來至少七十歲 Looked to be at least seventy, Looked at least seventy years old
聞起來像塑膠燃燒 Smelled like burning plastic, Smelling like burning plastic
聽起來十足的疲憊 Sounded completely exhausted
使他聽起來像鴨子叫 Caused him to sound like a duck
聽起來似乎是華滋華斯 Sounds like Wordsworth
看起來都像一朵朵小野花 They all look like tiny wildflowers, All looking like tiny wildflowers, They all looked like tiny wildflowers
加起來長度高達兩萬一千哩 Added up to a length of twenty-one thousand miles
看起來你很清楚自己在幹什麼 It looks like you know what you are doing
看起來又像印度人又像阿拉伯人 Looked sort of Indian and sort of Arabic
把話用這串聽起來很悅耳的字眼說出 Put it so eloquently, Put it in such fine-sounding terminology
看起來似乎 To look at it seems
情況看起來似乎 Situation seems
看起來像是 Looks like, Looked like
聽起來像是 Sound like, Sounds like, Sounding like, Sounded like
看起來很怪 Looked strange, Looked weird
聽起來很大 Sounded big
聽起來很棒 Sounded great
聽起來好像很多 Sounds like a lot
聽起來真的很棒 That sounds really good
起來活動了 Up and about
他是不是起來活動了 Is he up and about
他看起來大致 For the most part he looked
看起來不大好 Doesn't look so good
今天看起來不大好 Doesn't look so good right now
聽起來都一樣 Sound the same, Sounds the same, Sounded the same, Sound alike
已經站起來一半 In the midst of standing up, Already getting up
看起來和美人魚一樣 Looked like a mermaid
情況聽起來很不妙 The situation sounded bad
情況看起來發展得還不賴 Things are coming along nicely, Things are looking good
你的語氣聽起來像在等我 From your tone, it sounds as if you were waiting for me, You sound like you were waiting for me
妳的語氣聽起來像在等我 From your tone, it sounds as if you were waiting for me, You sound like you were waiting for me
比起 Compared to
比起來 Compared to, Compared with
大多數人比起來 Compared to most people
和世界大多數人比起來 Compared to most people in the world
響起 Sounded
電話響起 The phone rang
一聲鷹鳴響起 An eagle cried out, A hawk shrieked
設定時間響起的鬧鐘 An alarm clock set to go of at a particular time
引起 Attract, Cause, Arouse, Drew in
引起的 Causing
引起好幾個保持站立的婦人斥責的眼光 Drawing censorious looks from several still standing women, Drawing disapproving looks from a few women who stayed standing
彈起 Pop up, Lift up
自動彈起 Automatically pop up
如內置閃光燈彈起 If built in flash pops up
內置閃光燈將會自動彈起 Built in flash will automatically pop up
必要時內置閃光燈將會自動彈起 If necessary the built in flash will automatically pop up
舉起 Raised, Lifted, Heaved
舉起來 Lift up, Raise
舉起手 Raised a hand, Raised hands, Raised an arm, Raised arms
舉起一手 Raised a hand
舉起丟到 Heaved into
舉起雙手 Raise both hands, Raised both hands
他舉起兩手 He lifted his hands, He lifted both hands
舉起丟到角落 Heaved into a corner
豎起 Hold up, Erect, Hoist, Direct upward
豎起耳朵 Listen, Open your ears, Prick up one's ears
我豎起耳朵 I prick up my ears, I listen, I listened
豎起大拇指 Thumb's up
對我們豎起大拇指 Gave us a thumb's up
升起 Arise, Rose up
冉冉升起 Rising up, Ascending
從海底升起 Rose up from the sea bottom, Rose from the bottom of the sea
升起來 Rise up, Rise out of
冉冉升起上百縷炊煙 Rising wisps of smoke from a hundred cooking fires
住得起 Able to live in, Afford to live in
對得起 Sorry
看得起 Think highly of, Respect
禁得起 Withstand
買得起 Afford, Can afford
強韌到禁得起 Strong enough to withstand
築起 Build
築起巢 Built a nest
在最高的樹枝上築起巢 Build a nest on the highest branch, Built a nest on the topmost bough
說起 Begin (talking about)
面前說起 Say in front of
說起來 Talk about
認真說起來 For that matter
我該從哪說起呢 Where should I begin? Where do I begin?
談起 Mentioned, Talked about
不再談起 No longer talked about
絕少談起 Rarely talked about, Rarely mentioned
從來沒談起過他們 Never talk about them
坐起 Sit up, Sits up, Sat up
坐起身來 Sat up
坐起身 Sit up, Sits up, Sitting up, Sat up
跪坐起來 Got up onto their knees, Rose onto their knees
一起 Together
在一起 Together
住在一起 Lived together
卡到一起 Force together, Jam together
坐在一起 Sit together
排在一起 Grouped together, Line up, Align
撞在一起 Crash together, Crashed together
擠在一起 Crowd together
混到一起 Blend together
相擁一起 Huddled together
綁到一起 Tied together
跟他一起 Was with him, Accompanied him
連到一起 Link together, Linking together, Link, Linking
連在一起 Connected together, Linked together
安排在一起 Arrange them together, Arranges them together, Arranging them together, Arranged them together, Arranged together
折疊到一起 Folded together
疊合在一起 Superimposed, Stacked over together
讓我們一起 Let's go together
被吸引到一起 Drawn together, Drawn towards each other
可以跟你在一起 Can be with you, Can stay with you
把一切綁到一起 Tied them all together
當他跟她在一起 When he was with her
都會折疊到一起 All folded together, All accordioned together
你的小孩在你造訪期間當然可以跟你在一起 Off course your children can stay with you during your visit
一起來 Come together
一起去 Went together to
一起坐 Sit together
跟我一起去 Go with me, Come with me
我不能和你一起去 I can't go with you, I won't be able to go with you
我不能和你們一起去 I can't go with you, I won't be able to go with you
一起哭泣 Cry together
一起扔進 Toss it all into
一起擠在 Crammed together, Jammed together
一起發生 Happened at once
一起讀書 Study together
一起辦案 Handle a case together
一起做生意 Do business together
和我一起過去 Go with me, Come with me to
和同學一起討論 Discuss with classmates, Discusses with classmates, Discussing with classmates, Discussed with classmates
請你們一起加入 Won't you please all join
我們大家一起分擔 We all have to pitch in, We all have to do our part
正和她一起在探索奇觀 Was exploring wonders with her right now
把一切綁到一起形成網路 Tied them together to form a network, Tied them all together to form a network
請你們一起加入我的生日宴會 Won't you please all join my birthday party
一起來參觀 Together come to visit
希望下次能和他一起來參觀 Hope that next time we can come together to visit
一起出去玩 Go to play together
妳會跟我一起去嗎 Are you coming with me?, Will you accompany me?
和好朋友一起出去玩 With friends go to play together
妳會跟我們一起去嗎 Are you coming with us?, Will you accompany us?
一起坐在家門口 Sit together in front of the house
我們可以一起坐在家門口 We can sit together in front of the house
不起 Extremely ill, Die
了不起 Wonderful, Fantastic
坐不起 Can't afford to ride (sit on) (plane, Train, Bus)
對不起 Sorry, Excuse me, Do wrong by
想不起 Cannot remember
看不起 Despise, Look down upon
瞧不起 Look down on, Hold in contempt, Despise
禁不起 Cannot allow
買不起 Cannot afford to buy
不起眼 Humble, Meek, Indistinct
很不起眼 Unexceptional, Unremarkable
抬不起來 Could not lift
站不起來 Can't stand up, Unable to stand, Unable to stay standing
飛不起來 Not able to fly
快站不起來 Quickly unable to stay standing
重得抬不起來 Too heavy too lift
沒有什麼對不起的 There is nothing to be sorry for, It's okay, Don't worry about it
不起眼地 Indistinctly
想表達卻想不起來的 Wanted to say but couldn't
一輛很不起眼的黑色腳踏車 An unremarkable black bicycle
對不起你的事 Wronged you
以前做了很多對不起你的事 Wronged you in a lot of ways in the past
翹起 Lift up, Lift, Stick up, Sticking up
高高翹起 Lifted high
臀部不過度翹起 Buttocks do not lift
翹起拇指比向 Cocked a thumb at
翹起拇指比向他 Cocked a thumb at him
想起 Think of, Thought of, Reminded of
回想起 Recall, Remind, Reminded
就想起 Then was reminded of, Then began thinking about
讓人想起 Reminiscent
讓他回想起 Reminded him
這讓他想起 This reminded him of, It reminded him of
被迫再次想起 Forced to again think about
想起了 Thought of
想起來 Remember, Think of
隨即想起來 Then remembered, Then suddenly remembered
但隨即想起來 But then remembered, But then suddenly remembered
我剛好想起來 I've just realized, Now it occurs to me that
想起來了 Remembered, Could remember
才又想起他來 Only then thought of him again
好像忽然想起一樣 As if suddenly remembering, As if suddenly having an afterthought
抬起 Lift, Lift up, Lifted, Hoisted
拉抬起 Lifted, Hoisted
向外抬起 Lift outwards, Lift out to the side
從地上拉抬起 Hoisted off of the ground
將腿筆直向上抬起 Lift your leg straight up, Lift your legs straight up, Lift the leg straight up, Lift the legs straight up
抬起來 Lift up, Lift
抬起手 Raise a hand, Raised a hand
抬起頭 Lift head, Look up
把腳抬起來 Lift the feet, Lift your feet
抬起頭來 Lift head, Look up
抬起頭來看著 Looked up at
提起 Lift, Raise, Arouse, Mention
從來沒提起過 Never mentioned it, Never brought it up, Never talked about it
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