
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 出


The sooner the departure

yueˋ zaoˇ chu¯ fa¯

出 chu¯
Leave, Exit, Go Out, Come Out, Appear, Produce, Beget, Pay Out, MW For Plays

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Phone , Tone


出發 chu¯ fa¯

Words that rhyme with 越早出發 (yue-ao)

Grouped by first phone

yue, jue, lue, que, xue

約到 yue¯ daoˋ

Go on a date

越高 yueˋ gao¯

The higher the better

越高的越好 yueˋ gao¯ de˙ yueˋ haoˇ

The higher the better

約好 yue¯ haoˇ

Make an appointment

越好 yueˋ haoˇ


越老 yueˋ laoˇ

The greater the age

越早出發 yueˋ zaoˇ chu¯ fa¯

The sooner the departure

yue, jue, lue, que, xue

絕少 jueˊ shaoˇ

Rarely, Seldom, Very few

絕少談起 jueˊ shaoˇ tanˊ qiˇ

Rarely talked about, Rarely mentioned

絕招 jueˊ zhao¯

Skill(s), Special skill(s)

yue, jue, lue, que, xue

略高 lueˋ gao¯

A little above

略高於 lueˋ gao¯ yuˊ

A little above

yue, jue, lue, que, xue

確保 queˋ baoˇ


缺少 que¯ shaoˇ

Lack, Short of, Deficient

缺少的成分 que¯ shaoˇ de˙ chengˊ fenˋ

Missing ingredient

確鑿 queˋ zaoˊ


yue, jue, lue, que, xue

學到 xueˊ daoˋ

Learn, Acquire

學到了 xueˊ daoˋ le˙


學到的一課 xueˊ daoˋ de˙ yiˊ keˋ

A lesson learned, The lesson that was learned

學好 xueˊ haoˇ

Learn well

Grouped in tone pairs

43, 13, 14, 21, 23, 24, 41, 42

確保 queˋ baoˇ


越好 yueˋ haoˇ


越老 yueˋ laoˇ

The greater the age

越早出發 yueˋ zaoˇ chu¯ fa¯

The sooner the departure

43, 13, 14, 21, 23, 24, 41, 42

缺少 que¯ shaoˇ

Lack, Short of, Deficient

缺少的成分 que¯ shaoˇ de˙ chengˊ fenˋ

Missing ingredient

約好 yue¯ haoˇ

Make an appointment

43, 13, 14, 21, 23, 24, 41, 42

約到 yue¯ daoˋ

Go on a date

43, 13, 14, 21, 23, 24, 41, 42

絕招 jueˊ zhao¯

Skill(s), Special skill(s)

43, 13, 14, 21, 23, 24, 41, 42

絕少 jueˊ shaoˇ

Rarely, Seldom, Very few

絕少談起 jueˊ shaoˇ tanˊ qiˇ

Rarely talked about, Rarely mentioned

學好 xueˊ haoˇ

Learn well

43, 13, 14, 21, 23, 24, 41, 42

學到 xueˊ daoˋ

Learn, Acquire

學到了 xueˊ daoˋ le˙


學到的一課 xueˊ daoˋ de˙ yiˊ keˋ

A lesson learned, The lesson that was learned

43, 13, 14, 21, 23, 24, 41, 42

略高 lueˋ gao¯

A little above

略高於 lueˋ gao¯ yuˊ

A little above

越高 yueˋ gao¯

The higher the better

越高的越好 yueˋ gao¯ de˙ yueˋ haoˇ

The higher the better

43, 13, 14, 21, 23, 24, 41, 42

確鑿 queˋ zaoˊ



十-土 : > : > [越]-越早 : > [越]-越早出發 >

口-日 : > : > [早]-早出 : > [早]-越早出發 >

凵-出 : > : > [出]-出發 : > [出]-越早出發 >

𠃌-癶 : > : > [發]-出發 : > [發]-越早出發 >

越早出發 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 出

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