Index for words including 跟


With, Follow, Go With, And, Heel (Of Foot)

Word Links for words containing 跟 (sorted via character pairs)

跟 gen¯
With, Follow, Go With, And, Heel (Of Foot)

Words containing

(Use links to see word pronunciation)


跟蹤 Tracking, Following, While tracking, While following

一路跟蹤 Follow him, Followed him

一路跟蹤他到 Follow him to, Followed him to


好像跟黑板內容有關 It seems related to what is on the blackboard


跟朋友最大的不同是他知道這輩子要做什麼 The biggest difference between him and his friends was that he knew what she wanted to do with his life

跟朋友最大的不同是她知道這輩子要做什麼 The biggest difference between her and her friends was that she knew what she wanted to do with her life


跟骨 Calcaneus


跟隨 Follow

跟隨 Been followed

我們被跟隨 We've been followed

跟隨 Followed, Following


跟她一樣快 As fast as her, Matched her in speed, Matched her speed, Matched her for speed

速度跟她一樣快 As fast as her, Matched her in speed, Matched her speed, Matched her for speed

跟她聊拳擊 Want to talk to her about boxing, Wants to talk to her about boxing, Wanting to talk to her about boxing, Wanted to talk to her about boxing

跟她不算很熟 Didn't know her that well, Doesn't know her that well, Had not known her that well

跟她做了朋友 Became friends with her

可是他沒跟她 But he didn't tell her

你是第一個跟她聯絡的 You're the first to contact her, You're the first to get back to her

一個跟她一模一樣的複製品 An exact copy of her, An exact replica of herself

當他跟她在一起 When he was with her

跟她上課學的一樣 Like she'd been taught


跟每個人一樣 Like anyone else, Like everyone else, Like anyone


跟他 Me and him

他們跟他 They followed him, They had followed him, They went with him

跟他一起 Was with him, Accompanied him

跟他們不一樣 I'm not like them, I'm different from them

跟他上課學的一樣 Like he'd been taught

跟他作對 Go against him, Fight against him, Mess with him

不敢跟他作對 Wouldn't dare go against him, Wouldn't dare mess with him

分別跟他 With each of them separately

可是她沒跟他 But she didn't tell him

跟他一樣快 As fast as him, Matched him in speed, Matched him speed, Matched him for speed

速度跟他一樣快 As fast as him, Matched him in speed, Matched him speed, Matched him for speed

跟他聊拳擊 Talk with him about boxing

跟他聊拳擊 Want to talk to him about boxing, Wants to talk to him about boxing, Wanting to talk to him about boxing, Wanted to talk to him about boxing

跟他不算很熟 Didn't know him that well, Doesn't know him that well, Had not known him that well

跟他吵了起來 Argued with him

一個跟他一模一樣的複製品 An exact copy of him, An exact replica of himself

跟他上次來的樣子大不相同 Looked very different from the last time he came, Had changed a lot since last he came

跟他把你打傷一點關係都沒有 It has nothing to do with him hurting you

所以跟他把你打傷一點關係都沒有囉 So it has nothing to do with him hurting you?


跟任何人說 Without saying a word to anyone, Not saying a word to anyone


跟你見面 Meet you

在這裡跟你見面 (to) meet you here

想儘快跟你見面 Wants to meet with you as soon as possible

跟你保證 I promise you, I assure you

我什麼都跟你 I'll tell you everything

我想跟你講個故事 I want to tell you a story

跟你興趣一樣 Have the same interests as you

可以跟你在一起 Can be with you, Can stay with you

你的小孩在你造訪期間當然可以跟你在一起 Off course your children can stay with you during your visit

他飛機落地時會跟你聯絡嗎 Will he call you when he lands?

她飛機落地時會跟你聯絡嗎 Will she call you when she lands?


跟侍者點了義大利濃縮咖啡 Ordered an espresso from the waiter


跟您 With you


用手跟手指來 Use hand and fingers to, Use hands and fingers to


跟我 With me

曾經跟我 I have in the past

跟我 Follow me

跟我 Tell me, Speak to me

跟我見面 Meet me

跟我一起去 Go with me, Come with me

跟我討工作 Beg for work from me, Begging for work from me, Begged for work from me

妳會跟我一起去嗎 Are you coming with me?, Will you accompany me?

妳會跟我們一起去嗎 Are you coming with us?, Will you accompany us?


跟彼 With each other

跟彼此說話 To talk with each other


跟前跟後 Followed closely


跟得 Kept up with, Kept up to date with


跟誰 With whom


從來沒跟這個人講過話 Had never spoken with this person


跟人客套 Polite, Civil, Act politely


跟前 In front of

跟前跟後 Followed closely


跟著 Follow, Accompanied, With

跟著 Following

跟著 Followed him

跟著來的 Come along

跟著我唸 Say it with me

跟著他上了三樓 Follow him to the third floor, Followed him to the third floor

跟著她上了三樓 Follow her to the third floor, Followed her to the third floor


跟鞋 High heel shoe, High heels


跟其他人一樣 Same as anyone else


跟頭 Somersault, Loop the loop


跟不 Can't keep up


跟平常一樣 As always, As usual


跟工作有關 Work related, Related to work

跟工作無關 Not job related, Not work related


跟上 Keep up with

那就努力跟上 Well, try and keep up


跟戴目鏡的人過不去 Don't mess with someone wearing sights


跟壞蛋扭打了一下 Had a scuffle with a bad guy, Had a run-in with a bad guy


也不過跟加法一樣 It's just like adding


跟大家一樣 Like everyone else

跟大家一樣 Like everyone else


跟來 Following, coming

沒有跟來 Wasn't following, Wasn't coming

還是沒有跟來 Still wasn't coming, Still wasn't following


跟在他後面 Follow him

跟在她後面 Follow her

跟在他們後面 Follow them


腳跟 Heel, Heels

腳跟 Heel, Heels

腳跟 Use the heel, Use the heels, Use your heel, Use your heels

雙腳腳跟 Both heels

腳跟與前腳掌 Heel and forefoot, Heels and forefeet

雙腳腳跟與前腳掌 Heels or forefeet, Both heels or both forefeet

腳跟平衡 Balance on your heel, Balance on your heels, Balance on one heel, Balance on the heels, Balancing on one heel, Balancing on the heels


後跟 Heel, Heels


靴跟 Boot heel, Boot heels


不跟 Not with

至少不跟 At least not with, Certainly not with

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