
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 節


Ankle Joint, (Cats: Anatomy next)

huaiˊ guan¯ jieˊ

節 jieˊ, jie¯
Rhythm, Integrity, Principles, Beat, Constrain, Control, Junction, Knot, Node, Joint, Section, Juncture, Holiday, Festival, Celebration

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Phone , Tone


關節 guan¯ jieˊ

Words that rhyme with 踝關節 (wai-wan)

Grouped by first phone

huai, guai, wai

踝關節 huaiˊ guan¯ jieˊ

Ankle Joint

huai, guai, wai

拐彎 guaiˇ wan¯

Turn the corner

huai, guai, wai

外觀 waiˋ guan¯

External appearance, Outward appearance, External features

外觀上很不令人愉快 waiˋ guan¯ shangˋ henˇ buˊ lingˋ renˊ yuˊ kuaiˋ

Externally unappealing, Unpleasant to look at

Grouped in tone pairs

21, 31, 41

踝關節 huaiˊ guan¯ jieˊ

Ankle Joint

21, 31, 41

拐彎 guaiˇ wan¯

Turn the corner

21, 31, 41

外觀 waiˋ guan¯

External appearance, Outward appearance, External features

外觀上很不令人愉快 waiˋ guan¯ shangˋ henˇ buˊ lingˋ renˊ yuˊ kuaiˋ

Externally unappealing, Unpleasant to look at


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口-門 : > : > [關]-關節 : > [關]-踝關節 >

丿-竹 : > : > [節]-關節 : > [節]-踝關節 >

踝關節 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 節

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