Light, Agile, Easy, Facile, Mild, Gentle, Soft, Tender, Frivolous, Flippant, Disparage, Lowly, Unimportant
Word Links for words containing 輕 (sorted via character pairs)
輕易 Easy, Effortless
能輕易 Could easily
輕易得手 Easy to accomplish, Easy to achieve, Achieve easily
能輕易得手 Had the ability to do it with ease
他是能輕易得手的 He could have easily done it
無足輕重 Insignificant
舉足輕重 Position of so much importance that each step can have an affect, Position of importance
舉足輕重的地位 Important position, Important post
輕微 Slight, Slightly, Soft, Softy, Gentle, Gentley
最輕微 Very least
輕微的 Slight, Soft, Gentle
輕微移動 Slight movement, Slight movements
輕率 Careless, Reckless, rash, Curt, Indiscreet, Hardy, Make light of, Neglect, Slight, ignore
輕率的操作 Curt maneuver, Abrupt maneuver
被這輕率的操作激出大笑 Were driven to laugh heartily by the curt maneuver, The curt maneuver drew hearty laughter
輕快 Agile, Nimble, Brisk, Spry, Lively, Light-hearted
輕快的 Lively, Sprightly, Briskly, With agility, Agilely, Nimbly
輕快走下 Quickly walk down, Quickly walking down, Happily walking down
輕聲 Softly, Speak softly, Mandarin phonetics
輕聲問 Ask softly
輕聲斥喝 Quietly scolding, Hissing
輕聲細語 Speak softly
輕聲地哭泣 Quietly cried, Cried quietly
輕輕 Gently, Lightly, Quietly, Softly
輕輕揚 Gently spread
輕輕的 Gently, Lightly, Softly
輕輕敲門 Gently knocked on the door, Tapped on the door
輕輕柔柔 Light and soft, Gentle
輕輕的說 Softly said, Gently spoke
輕輕碰地 Lightly touch the ground, Lightly touch the floor
風輕輕吹著 Wind blew gently, Gently blowing wind
輕輕地關上門 Softly, Quietly, Gently
輕輕朝高塔那邊盪 Swung gently toward the tower
伸出手來輕輕摸一下 Reach out to lightly touch, Reach out to brush
年輕 Young
這麼年輕 Such a young, So young?
年輕人 Young, Young people, Youth
一個年輕人 A young person, A young man
本地年輕人 Local kids
我們已經不年輕了 We aren't getting any younger
年輕男子 Young men
在我還很年輕的時候 When I was still young, When I was young
看見一名年輕的女人朝他走過來 Saw a young woman walking towards him
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