Index for words including 這

zheˋ, zheiˋ

This, These, Those, Here, This One

Words containing

(Use links to see word pronunciation)


這回 This time, Now

這回毫不遲疑 No hesitation this time, No hesitation now

在他的世界裡根本沒這回 No such thing in his world, Did not belong in his world


這最後一個成分 This final ingredient, This last ingredient


這是 This is

這是哪裡 Where am I?, Where are we?

這是去哪裡 Where are you going?

這是真的 This is real

如果這是真的 If that is true

這是歷史課 This is a history lesson, This is a lesson in history

這是不可以的 This is not allowed, This is frowned upon

這是大人的事 This is grown-up stuff

這是測試我嗎 Is this to test me?, Is this some sort of test?

這是怎麼回事呢 What is this about

這是種很奇怪的 This is a very strange, This is a very strange kind of

以為這是某種比賽 Thought it was some sort of competition, Was under the impressiont that it was some sort of contest

這是很重要的一點 This is an important point

這是一輛很美的車子 This was a beautiful car, It was a beautiful car

認為這是某幽靈欲與她溝通所致 Believes that it is because a ghost is trying to communicate with her


這時 Then, This time, At this time, While, As, At that time

這時代不用再 It was no longer necessary

這時 This age, This era, Nowadays, These days

這時 Then, At this moment, At this time


這暗 This implies


這間 This (place)


這思 This thought, These thoughts


這疊其餘 The rest of this


這顆西瓜 This watermelon


這點 This point

關於這點 About this, On this point

我沒忘記這點 I have not forgotten, I did not forget

自覺地意識到這點 Consciously realized this, Consciously realized it

這點很不好 This was not so good, Which was not so good

這點他很清楚 About this he was very clear

這點我倒不知道 The point escaped me, I fully don't understand

這點省了法官得 This point saved the judge from having to

你認為我們的學校能做到這點 Do you think that our schools accomplish this?


這股力量 This power


這女人的很多事情是他不明白的 There was a lot he didn't know about her


這幾本相簿 These few albums

這幾隻小狗 These puppies


領會到這細 Got it, Understood this


這張 This, This piece (of)

這張 This bed

這張照片 This photo

這張床很硬 This bed is hard

這張床很軟 This bed is soft


這群 This group, This group of people


這扇 This door


這兒 Here

這兒 Here

不想站在這兒 Didn't want to stand here

這兒有筆 Here is a pen


這舉動本身 This behaviour in and of itself


這段 This, This section (of)

這段影片 This video, This film, This clip, This recording


這匹 This horse


這區 This region, This area


這片 This slice, This piece of

這片 This field

這片花生田 This peanut field


這句 This phrase

這句話的意思 The meaning of this sentence

這句話就會是一個徹徹底底的偽君子 To say this would be the height of hypocrisy, Saying this was the height of hypocrisy


這名祕書 This secretary's


這年 These times, In these times


這罐裡面剩下的給他吧 Give him what's left in this can


這條 This (slender)

這條小河 This stream, This river

這條街上有 This street has

這條命很可能撐不到 Probably won't last, Would probably die before


這隻小狗 This little dog, This puppy


這雙 This pair

這雙鞋子 This pair of shoes


這件 This piece (of), This item (of)

這件 This matter, This subject, This affair

這件 Deal with this matter

彌補這件 Make up for it

幫忙我這件 Help me in this matter

我不知道這件 I didn't know that, I didn't know about that

意識到自己在做這件 Realized what they were doing

是否意識到自己在做這件 Whether or not they realized what they were doing

她是否意識到自己在做這件 Whether or not she realized what she was doing

這件事情 This matter

這件事上 On this matter, With respect to this matter

這件事完畢 See this through to the end, Wait till this is finished

這件事太嚴重了 This matter is far too important, This matter is far too serious

我對這件事的看法 My opinon on this matter

我們就等這件事完畢吧 We'll see this through to the end, We'll wait till this is finished

如果這件事發生在你身上 If this happened to you

我們以後講起這件事一定會笑死 We'll have a good laugh about this afterwards


這份名單 This list of names


這位 This (person)


這個 This, These, The

這個 Do this, Doing this

弄到這個 Get this

找到這個 Found this

見過這個 Seen this, Seen this one

這個 This person

這個 Well, Here it is

這個 This family

這個 This talent

這個 Like this

這個 The word, This word, This phrase

終於從齒縫中擠出這個 After much struggle, finally say

這個世界 This world, The world

俯看這個世界 Looking out over the world

這個動作 This movement

這個動作 Do this movement, Perform this movement

這個原理 This principle, These principles

這個計劃 This project

這個話題 This topic

這個連結 This link, This connection

這個人答道 The man said

這個多項式 This polynomial

只有這個可能 That was the only explanation

這個狀況下 In this condition, In this situation, In this state

這個念頭導致 This thought led to

這個座位是空的 This seat is free, This seat is not taken

這個是哪一年的 What year is this one?

在教這個女孩識字 Teaching this girl to read

擋在這個國家之外 Keep out of the country, Keep out of this country

這個人怎麼沒有頭 How is it that this person has no head

這個問題不知怎的 This question somehow, Something about this question

這個問題的核心是 The crux of the matter is

重複這個動作幾次 Repeat this movement a few times

我就是為這個過來的 That's why I came here

這個東西起死回生 Bring this thing back to life, Brought this thing back to life, Revived this thing

這個計劃的團隊負責 A team leader on this project, This project's team leader

重複這個動作幾次後 After repeating this movement a few times

這個人難道不能直接 But couldn't this person just

從來沒跟這個人講過話 Had never spoken with this person

這個多項式各項分別為 The terms of this polynomial are

可是別人可以拿這個名字來對付他們 But others can use this against them

我只不過是要別人欣賞我這個人罷了 I just want others to appreciate me for who I am

我為了這個快要趕不上和家人共進晚餐了 This is making me late for dinner with the family

這個問題 This question, This problem

解決這個問題 Solve this problem, Resolve this issue

這個建議 This suggestion

聽到這個建議 Heard this suggestion

這個時代 These days, Nowadays, At this time, Now

這個時候 Utilized that time, Utilized this time, During this time

一年的這個時期 Every year around this time, At this time of year

去年的這個時候 This time last year

到一年的這個時期 At this time of year

這個般田地 This situation

落到這個般田地 How'd you end up in this situation

這個年紀時 At your age, About your age

到了差不多妳這個年紀時 Get to about your age, When getting to about your age

我就是這個意思 That's exactly what I mean, That's exactly what I meant

思考一下顛覆這個詞的意義 Ponder the meaning of the word subversive

實在不太喜歡這個畫面 Really don't like the look of this picture, Really don't like the way things are looking, Really don't like the way that this looks

我實在不太喜歡這個畫面 I really don't like the look of this picture, I really don't like the way things are looking, I really don't like the way that this looks


這倒新鮮了 This is fresh, This is new


這做父親的壓力 The pressure of being a father, The pressures of fatherhood


這傢 This guy, The guy


他看過這儀 He'd seen the ritual


是寫這程式的人 Was the person who wrote the program


這種 This sort of, This kind of, This type of

這種 This kind of thing

這種 Type of person

這種事上 In such matters, In this sort of thing

這種廢話 Listen to this sort of nonsense

這種事就像 This is like, This sort of thing is like

這種防禦工事 These fortifications

這種照相機我會用 I can use this type of camera

付出這種代價 Pay the price, The price to pay

得付出這種代價 Have to pay the price

不是用這種方式 Not like this, Not this way

但不是用這種方式 But not like this, But not this way


這稱為對焦鎖定 This is called focus lock


這筆 This money


這算哪門子負責任的大人 What kind of responsible adult does this?


這篇 This

這篇文章 This article

下面這篇文章 The following article


這之 Before this

這之 Below this

這之 Before this


傾向視這為矛盾 Tend to see as a contradiction

這類人傾向視這為矛盾 Such people tend to see a contradiction, This type of person tends to see a contradiction


這就 That, This then, That then

這就 This is

這就是說 That is to say, This means that

這就奇怪了 That's weird, That's strange, That's mystifying

這就是我所做的 And so that is what I did


事情安排這方 This aspect of the arrangement, That aspect of the arrangement


這新時代 In this modern era, In these new times


這意味著 This means, This implies


這話 Say this, Says this, Saying this, Said this

你說這話 You say this, You are saying this, You said this


不過這該不太可能 This was not too likely, Which was not terribly likely


這說得通 That makes sense, That explains it


這讓他想起 This reminded him of, It reminded him of

這讓他回憶起 This reminded him, This reminded him of


這家公司 This company

這家餐廳 This restaurant

這家麵包店 This bakery

這家鄉村俱樂部 This country club

這家麵包店所賣的麵包 The bread sold at this bakery


這麼 This

這麼 For so long, For how long

這麼 Doing this

這麼 So much, So many, Such a large amount (of)

這麼 This far, This distant, At this distance

這麼 This little, This (tiny) amount (of)

這麼 Don't say that, Don't speak like this

不該這麼 Shouldn't be doing this

他只這麼 Was all he said

就是這麼 Did exactly that

才沒這麼 Are not so big, Are not as big, Are not that big

能忍這麼 Endure for so long, Endures for so long, Enduring for so long, Endured for so long

話雖這麼 That being said

怎麼會這麼 How could it be that light

哇雨下得這麼 Wow! That's a lot of rain, Wow! That's a heavy rain

我倒喜歡這麼 I like to think so, I like to think

我只知道這麼 I know that much, I only know that much, I only know so much

你為什麼要這麼 Why are you doing this

我想你可以這麼 I think you could say, I guess you could say that

未必是刻意這麼 Probably didn't do it intentionally

這麼做是 This was done

這麼熱鬧 Really busy, Really lively

這麼一說 Now that you mention it

這麼設計出 Designed this way

這麼久了 It's been so long, After that much time

居然這麼陰險 Just how tricky, How tricky, How cunning, How deceitful

這麼一個位置 Such a position

這麼多好東西 So many nice things

事情沒這麼發生 It didn't pan out, It didn't work out that way

這麼設計出的系統 Systems designed this way

這麼一份最美好的生日禮物 This most wonderful birthday present

好多年都沒看到過這麼漂亮的一張臉了 Had not seen such a beautiful face in many years

這麼年輕 Such a young, So young?

即使這麼多年後 Even after all this time, Even after all these years

這麼回事了 This is the case

可不是這麼回事了 This is not the case


這座 This (school, Institution)

這座 This mountain


好像他對這島的寶整性依舊存疑 It was as if he were still doubtful of the island's integrity


這般 This sort, This type

像你這般地位的人 A person in your position

像您這般地位的人 A person in your position


這艘 This (ship)

這艘太空船 This space craft


這姿勢讓他看來就像是 This position made him seem like


這次 This time

這次 For this

這次來說 In this case, This time,

這次不一樣 This time it's different, This is different

這次容易多了 This time it is easier, This time it was easier


這沒規矩 Cheeky, Naughty

這沒有道理 It doesn't make sense

這沒有道理啊 It doesn't make sense!


遵照這準 Complying to these standards, According to these standards, Accordingly


這通電話 This phone call, This call


菜單上沒有這道 This dish isn't on the menu


這還用說 Needless to say, Oh yes

這還是讓他憤怒 This still made him angry, This still rankled him


這邊 Here, This side

這邊 This way please

這邊都是你的朋友 We're all your friends here, You are among friends


這禮 This week


這裡 Here

這裡 Came here, Come here

這裡 Here, It's here

這裡 Sleep here

我在這裡 I am here

還在這裡 Is still here

可是在這裡 But here

問題在這裡 Here's the problem, Here's the thing

我屬於這裡 I belong here

所以妳來這裡 So you came here

你作麼會在這裡 How did you get here?

從日落大道這裡 From here on Sunset Boulevard

階級差異就在這裡 That was the difference between classes

找了個借口不來這裡 Found an excuse not to come

他搭的那輛巴士剛好停在這裡 The bus he was on just happened to have stopped here

這裡 Here, Get it here...

這裡 Come here to live

這裡 Here, In here

跑回這裡 Ran back to here

他會到這裡 He will come here

她會到這裡 She will come here

這裡是個小鎮 This was a small town, It was a small town

這裡討論案子 Discuss the case here, Discusses the case here, Discussing the case here, Discussed the case here

這裡跟你見面 (to) meet you here

他在這裡有段過去 He has a history here

妳帶我來這裡幹嘛 Why did you bring me here?

我在這裡的原因是 The reason that I'm here is

這裡沒人趁亂打劫 There had been no looting, There has been no looting

這裡什麼都長不出來 Nothing can grow here

這裡東北方五十哩處 50 miles northeast of here

你是覺得他會到這裡來嗎 Do you think he will come here?

你是覺得她會到這裡來嗎 Do you think she will come here?


這全都不重要 None of this matters, None of this mattered, None of that mattered


常有這念 Thought about it from time to time

這念頭的種子 The seed of this idea


這會 Now, At this moment, At present

這會 This can help

這會幫你 This can help you

這會幫妳 This can help you

這會兒才發覺 But now realized, But at this moment realized

或許這會造成不同 And maybe that made it different, Maybe that made a difference


這類 This kind of, This type of

這類 This kind of thing

這類 This kind of person, Such people, Such men, People like that

這類元素 These types of elements, These elements

這類意外 These kind of unexpected, These kind of accidental, Mishaps like this

這類技置 This technology, This kind of device, These kinds of devices, Such devices

這類東西 This kind of thing

這類元件很難控制 It was difficult to control these devices

這類人傾向視這為矛盾 Such people tend to see a contradiction, This type of person tends to see a contradiction

這類的事 Do this kind of thing, Did this kind of thing

對她做這類的事 Do this kind of thing to her, Did this kind of thing to he, Did these kind of things to her

這類意外成為不再有的事 Made this sort of mishap a thing of the past


這首 This poem

這首 Wrote this poem


這並不是說 This is not to say that, This was not to say that

這並不重要 It's not important


這瓶 This bottle, This


大體上這觀念是 The general idea is


可沒這苦 Did not suffer from this affliction, Did not have this affliction


這難道不是意味著 Doesn't this imply


這其實不是問題 This really wasn't a question


這一 This generation

這一 All of this

這一 This column, This line

這一 This time

這一 Tonight, This night

這一 This day

這一 This game

這一 This household, This family

這一 This trick

這一 This book

這一 This time

這一 This point

這一 Playing this (game, Profession trade)

這一 Look at a bunch of, Look at a lot of

這一 Waited for this moment

從海的這一 From this end of the sea

我相信這一 I believe this, I believe that

滾到田的這一 Rolling to this side of the field, Rolling to the other side of the field

不會受制於這一 Free from all of this, Not restrained by all of this

這一時間 At this time, This time

這一連串 This series of, This line of

這一輩子 His whole life

這一片海域 This part of the ocean

這一間房子 This house

這一陣騷動 This disturbance

這一刻之前 Until now, Until this moment, Up until this moment

這一塊的面積 The area of this piece

這一趟的麻煩 The difficulty of the trip

這一切都過去了 It was all over now

這一點就像我了 Just like me

一會兒轉這一會兒轉那 Rotating this way and that way, Turning this way and that way

一會兒轉這一會轉兒那 Turning this way and that, Rotating this way and that

這一塊的面積是多少呢 What is the area of this piece?


這三個字 These three characters


這副德行 Such a manner, Like this, In this way


這頭 This cow

這頭大象 This elephant


這不 This isn't, This wasn't

這不表示 This wasn't to say that

這不是說他很窮或很吝嗇 It's not that he's poor or stingy, It's not that he was poor or mean

這不是說她很窮或很吝嗇 It's not that she's poor or mean, It's not that she was poor or mean


這可 This could, It would

這可能性 This possibility

覺得這可能是 Dialed from memory

這可做個好 This could be a good, This could act as a good

這可不是什麼好事 This is not a good thing, This can't be good, That can't be good

這可是告訴你一個秘密 I tell you this in all confidence


這頂紳士帽 This gentleman's hat


這天 This day

這天下午 This afternoon


這兩 These two

這兩 These two

這兩 These two chunks, These two pieces (of)

這兩 These two items

這兩個值 These two values

這兩句話 These two sentences

這兩幅畫 These two pictures, These two paintings

這兩本書 These two books

這兩項特質 These two qualities, These two characteristics


這工作不能做一輩子 This job isn't forever

這工作讓我的腰簡直快要斷了 This is back-breaking work!


這項 This (project or mission or item)

這項工作 This job

這項計畫上也做了些工作 Did some work on this project

這項細節 This detail, That detail

這項計畫 This project

這項任務的 This project's, This mission's


這班開往 This bus


這需時較久 This took longer, This took more time


這要 This request

這要搞上好久 It's going to take a while


這聽起來像 This sounds


這面牆壁 This wall


這確實是常聽到的理論 This is of course a familiar argument


把話用這串聽起來很悅耳的字眼說出 Put it so eloquently, Put it in such fine-sounding terminology


這幅 This (puzzle)

這幅 This picture


這處 Here (on)


這些 These

這些 With these

這些 That's it, That's all

並不這些 Not worried, Wasn't worried

所有這些 All these

不是以這些 Not with these

這些 These things, This, All of this

這些 These people

這些噪音 The noise, The din

不太介意這些噪音 Didn't mind the noise so much

這些工作 This work, These jobs

這些籃子 These baskets

這些貼片 These stickers, These patches, These pads, These films

這些轉變 These changes, These shifts

這些部份 These parts

這些開口 These openings

這些雕像 These statues

這些零碎 These pieces, These fragments

這些好種族 With respect to these wonderful ethnic groups

湊起這些線索 Gathered these clues

這些他都認可 This he all approved

這些妳也都知道 You know all of this, You knew all of this anyway

這些恐懼為力量 Turn these fears into strength, Turns these fears into strength, Turning these fears into strength, Turned these fears into strength, Use these these fears for strength, Uses these fears for strength, Using these fears for strength, Used these fears for strength

這些神經上傳達 Transmit along these nerves

這些腦門帶點的人 These dotheads

某種這些人想要的東西 A particular something that these people want

沒有使用這些物品或舉辦儀式的資格 Are not allowed to use these items or perform ceremonies

這些家務 Do these chores, Did these chores

毫無怨言地做這些家務 Did the chores without complaint


這齣戲曲 This drama


這輩子都不愁吃穿了 Would never be short of money, Would never have to worry about food or clothing

她知道這輩子要做什麼 She knows what she wants to do with her life, She knew what she wanted to do with her life

他跟朋友最大的不同是他知道這輩子要做什麼 The biggest difference between him and his friends was that he knew what she wanted to do with his life

她跟朋友最大的不同是她知道這輩子要做什麼 The biggest difference between her and her friends was that she knew what she wanted to do with her life


這真 This truly is

這真是個有趣的問題 That's an interesting question

這真是個有趣的問題 Well now, that's an interesting question


這都是你當年教我的 It's what you taught me back then, Like you taught me way back when, Just like you taught me


這封 This letter, This message, This email


這地 This place


這場球賽 This game


這塊正方形土地 This square of land, This parcel of land


這臺電腦 This computer


這表 This indicates that, This shows that

這表 This shows, This indicates


這架飛機 This airplane


這奇妙的世界 This wonderful world


這本 This (book)

這本 This book

這本筆記本 This notebook


這東西 This thing


這枝 This brush, This pen, This pencil


這棟 This building

這棟建築物 This building, This structure


這棵 This (tree or plant)

這棵樹上 Up in this tree, Upon this tree


這樣 This, Thus, Then, Like this, In this case

這樣 Like this

這樣 Don't be like this

這樣 In this way

四倍這樣 Four times, Four fold

因為這樣 Because of this, Because of that

就是這樣 That's It!, It is what it is, That's just because the way it is!

不只是這樣 There's more to it, There's more to it than that

為什麼這樣 Why this?

用兩支這樣 Used two of these

但如果是這樣 But if this was the case, But in that case, But if that was the case

是不是因為這樣 Is it because of this?, Is it because of that?, Is that why?

只要每天都能這樣 If only everyday could be like this

這樣 Do it this way, Doing it this way

這樣 Do this, Doing this, Do that, Doing that

這樣 Believe this, Think this

這樣 Is that it?, Is that so?, Is that what you think?

這樣 Well, it's like this

不想這樣 Didn't want to die like this

事情是這樣 Here's what happened, Here's the thing, This is the deal, This is what happened, It's like this

這樣很好 This was good, Which was good

這樣好多了 That's better, That's much better

這樣的想法 This thought, These thoughts

這樣的冷天 This cold

這樣才能進步 Only then will you improve

這樣算很累人 Calculating like this is tiring, This is tiring

這樣親身體驗 This type of personal experience, Experiencing it like this, This kind of first-hand experience

就是這樣發生的 That's how it happened, That that's how it happened, Happened in that way

如果這樣都還不用提 If that isn't worth bringing up, If that isn't worth mentioning

這樣的要求不算過分吧 It's not too much to ask it it?

這樣的話 In this case

用兩支這樣的臂 Used two of these arms

這樣講好不好 How 'bout it?

不曉得這樣行不行 Don't know if this will work, Doesn't know if this will work, Will this work?, Will this do?, Will that do?

是不是因為這樣你才不喜歡他 Is that why you don't like him?

是不是因為這樣你才不喜歡她 Is that why you don't like her?


這才 This is

這才重要 That's what matters, That's the main thing

這才想到 It occurred to him, He realized


這頓 This meal


這事 This issue, This matter

忘了這事 Forgot about it

容易就忘了這事 Easy to forget, Forgettable

這事 In this matter, In this case

這事比先前更重要了 This is now more important than ever, This is more important than ever


本來就有這打 That was the plan, That was the basic idea


這排數字 These numbers

看看這排數字 Look at these numbers


這也是我的房間 This is also my room

這也太侮辱人了吧 This is insulting


這世界自有保持事物平衡的方法 The world has a way of keeping things in balance


這輕率的操作激出大笑 Were driven to laugh heartily by the curt maneuver, The curt maneuver drew hearty laughter


這輛 This car

這輛車了 Love this car, Loved this car


到這 Speaking of this

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