
Definition, Pronunciation with char definition links


zheˋ leiˋ renˊ qing¯ xiangˋ shiˋ zheˋ weiˋ maoˊ dunˋ

Such people tend to see a contradiction, This type of person tends to see a contradiction

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Words and Phrases included in:

這類 This kind of, This type of

zheˋ leiˋ

這類人 This kind of person, Such people, Such men, People like that

zheˋ leiˋ renˊ

傾向 Inclination Inclined to, Tend to, Have a tendency towards

qing¯ xiangˋ

傾向視 Tend to see

qing¯ xiangˋ shiˋ

矛盾 Contradict, Contradiction, Inconsistant, Inconsistency

maoˊ dunˋ

傾向視這為矛盾 Tend to see as a contradiction

qing¯ xiangˋ shiˋ zheˋ weiˋ maoˊ dunˋ


丶-辶 : > : > [這]-這類 : >

人-米 : > : > [類]-這類 : >

人-人 : > : > [人]-人傾 : >

丿-亻 : > : > [傾]-傾向 : >

丶-丶 : > : > [向]-傾向 : >

丶-礻 : > : > [視]-視這 : >

丶-辶 : > : > [這]-這類 : >

丶-丶 : > : > [為]-為矛 : >

𠃌-龴 : > : > [矛]-矛盾 : >

厂-𠂆 : > : > [盾]-矛盾 : >


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