Clear, Unimpeded Movement, Unimpeded Flow, Go Through, Connect, Unobstructed, Communicate, Understand
Word Links for words containing 通 (sorted via character pairs)
通用 All-around, General, Universal
通用測光模式 All-around metering mode, General metering mode
此模式為通用測光模式 This is an all-around metering mode
通風 Ventilation, Fresh air
不能開個窗戶來通風 Can't open a window for ventilation
通風井 Ventilation shaft, Airshaft
通緝 Warrant, Public notice of reward leading to arrest or apprehension of some person
通緝海報 Poster offering reward (for capture of a fugitive), Reward notice (for capture of fugitive)
通知 Inform, Notify
繳費通知 Payment notice, Bill (of money owed)
重要通知 Important Notice
通知單 Notification, Written notification
通知我 Inform me, Get back to me, Let me know
通知書 Notice
月繳費通知單 Monthly utility bill, Utility bill
通信 Communicate, Exchange information, Exchange notes, Communications, Correspondance
簡訊通信 Text message
通訊 Communication
通訊器材 Communications equipment, Communications array
通訊設備 Communications equipment
坐標通訊碼 Coded coordinates
通過 Undergo, Take, Experience, By means of, Through, Via, Have experienced, Confirm an appointment
沒通過 Didn't pass (the tests)
一直通過 Has been using
通過了 Passed (a test)
通過考試了 Passed the tests
通過了什麼考驗 Had been tested
速度快得像是糞便通過鵝腸一樣 As fast as shit through a goose, Like shit through a goose
通道 Passageway, Passage, Corridor, Aisle, Portal
步入通道 Step into the corridor, Stepped into the passageway
打開兩個世界之間的通道 Open a passage between two worlds, Opening a portal between two worlds
在通道走上走下 Roam up and down the aisle, Roam up and down the aisles
通常 Usually, Generally, Often
而通常 And generally
通常錢很少 Usually didn't pay well
而通常會對焦最近的主體 And generally will (bring into) focus the nearest object
通常沒有什麼是我弄不到的 There isn't much that I can't get
通報 Notify
主動通報 Self reported
通報值 Reported values, Observed values
通報率 Reporting rate, Notification rate
通報者 Notifier
通報中心 Notification Center
全國藥物不良反應通報中心 National Adverse Drug Reaction Notification Center
疫苗不良事件通報系統 Vaccine Adverse Effect Reporting System
交通 Traffic, Transportation, Communication, Crossed, Intersected
交通工具 Vehicle, Mode of transportation, Transportation, Transportation means, Means of transportation
長途交通工具 Long distance travel
交通標線 Tire marks, Tracks of rubber
交通號誌 Traffic signal(s)
乘交通工具的人 Someone using a means of transportation, Someone riding a vehicle
溝通 Communicate with, Talk with or to
間的溝通 Inter communication
欲與她溝通 Wants to communicate with her
認為這是某幽靈欲與她溝通所致 Believes that it is because a ghost is trying to communicate with her
普通 Ordinary, Mediocre, Common, Regular, Plain
像空氣一樣普通 As common as air
普通人 Normal people
普通話 Mandarin
就像普通人 Like normal people
普通的直覺 Ordinary intution, Run-of-the-mill intuition
僅是普通的直覺 Just ordinary or run of the mill intuition
不通 Blocked, Impassable, Illogical, Non-sensical
行不通 Unable to pass, Get nowhere, No dice, Impracticable, Not feasible
行不通了 Doesn't work
已經行不通了 No longer works, Doesn't work anymore
沒有走不通的死巷 There are no dead ends
想通 Convince, Convinced
想通了 Convinced
很快就想通了 Was quickly convinced, Didn't have to ponder for too long
接通 Connected
接通過武力迫使 Use force of arms to compel, Compel through force of arms
決定接通過武力迫使 Decide to use force of arms to compel
撲通 Thump, Thud, Plop, Splash, Make a big splash, Spend extravagantly, Dance awkwardly
撲通撲通 Thumped, Thudded repeatedly
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