Index for words including 速


Speed, Speedy, Quick, Rapid, Fast, Prompt, Invite

Word Links for words containing 速 (sorted via character pairs)

速 suˋ
Speed, Speedy, Quick, Rapid, Fast, Prompt, Invite

Words containing

(Use links to see word pronunciation)


速限 Speed limit


速之 Uninvited guest, Unwelcome visitor

有如不速之 Like an uninvited guest


速率 Rate

以一個速率 At one rate

以另一個速率 At a different rate


速記 Shorthand


速度 Speed

速度 Uniform velocity

放慢速度 Slowed down

初始的速度 Initial speed

最快的速度 Great haste, As fast as possible

過度的速度 Excessive speed, Excessive velocity

驚人的速度 Amazing speed, Startling speed

以最快的速度 With great haste, Working as fast as possible

以驚人的速度 With amazing speed, With startling speed

稍稍放慢速度 Slowed down a little

整個過程的速度 The speed of this process, The speed of the process

速度太快 Speed is too fast, Speed was too fast, Too fast

速度變慢 Slow down, Slows down, Slowing down, Slowed down

享受速度 Enjoying the feeling of speed, Enjoying the speed

快門速度顯示 Shutter speed display

是為速度著想 For the sake of speed

速度快得像是 As fast as, As quickly as

速度太快沒法安全迴轉 Going to fast to safely turn, Going to fast to make a safe U-turn

速度快得像是糞便通過鵝腸一樣 As fast as shit through a goose, Like shit through a goose

速度跟他一樣快 As fast as him, Matched him in speed, Matched him speed, Matched him for speed

速度跟她一樣快 As fast as her, Matched her in speed, Matched her speed, Matched her for speed


速表 Rev Counter, RPM Gauge


速控畫面 Quick control screen


時速 Speed (distance per hour)

最高時速 Highest speed, Top speed

時速一百哩 One hundred miles per hour

時速一百七十五公里 175 kph, 175 kilometers per hour

遇上時速一百七十五公里的沙塵暴 Encountered a 175 kph sandstorm


怠速 Idle speed, Idling speed


變速 Gear shift, Shift gears

九段變速 Nine gears, Nine speed gearbox, Nine speed, Nine speeds

變速 Gearshift lever, Gearshifter, Shifter

腳踏變速 Gear shifter


飛速 Fast


急速 Rapid

急速加快 Accelerate rapidly


失速 Stall


高速 High speed

高速 Super high speed

高速 Highway, Highways

高速道路 Super highway

高速公路上 On the highway, On the motorway

高速公路往北一分鐘路程處 One minute north of the highway

高速公路 Highway, Motorway

一條高速公路 A highway

收費高速公路 Turnpike, Toll highway


音速 Speed of sound

音速 Hypersonic


減速 Slow down, Decrease speed

減速 Parachute, Drag chute

減速 Decelerating, Slowing down


迅速 Quick, Quickly

動作迅速 Move quickly

迅速下降 Quickly reduced

得以快樂地迅速解除 Happily resolved in no time

幾乎得以快樂地迅速解除 Happily resolved in practically no time


快速 Quick, Prompt

快速 Super fast, Ultrafast

快速 Increase speed, Accelerate

快速帆船 Fast sail boat, Clipper

快速搜尋影像 Searching for images quickly

海浪快速湧入 Wavers quickly rushed in

快速彈過的鋼琴音符 Quickly played piano notes

快速且堅定 Fast and firm, Quick and determined

驚人快速且堅定 Startling speed and determination, Alarmingly quick and determined, Shocking speed and steadiness

動作驚人快速且堅定 Moving with shocking speed and steadiness, Moved with alarming speed and determination

快速入門指南 Quick Start Guide

快速參考指南 Quick Reference Guide


全速 Full speed


火速 Quickly


光速 Speed of light

光速很快 The speed of light is very fast


超速 Speeding


聲速 Velocity of sound, Speed of sound


盡速 As soon as possible, With all haste, As quickly as possible


加速 Accelerate, Speed up, Accelerated, Sped up

持續加速 Sped onwards

加速 Accelerator

加速 Acceleration

粒子加速 Particle accelerator

加速離開 Accelerate away from, Accelerated away from

加速離開時 While accelerating away, While accelerating away from

持續加速飛行 Flew quickly onwards

加速度運動 Uniform accelerated motion, Uniform acceleration


極速 At top speed, As quickly as possible


提速 Speed up


車速 Speed

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