Index for words including 逮

daiˋ, daiˇ

Catch, Capture, (dai4), Reach, Come up to, Hunt, Chase, Arrest

Word Links for words containing 逮 (sorted via character pairs)

逮 daiˋ, daiˇ
Catch, Capture, (dai4), Reach, Come up to, Hunt, Chase, Arrest

Words containing

(Use links to see word pronunciation)


逮住 Catch, Capture


逮人 Catch person(s), Catch prey


逮著 Catch, Caught


逮到 Catch, Capture, Grab

逮到 Catch her, Capture her, Grab her

一旦我們逮到 Once we catch her

不過一旦我們逮到 But once we catch her


逮捕 Arrest, Arrested

逮捕 Been arrested

逮捕 Been arrested

逮捕了他 Captured him, Arrested him, Brought him to justice

逮捕了她 Captured her, Arrested her, Brought her to justice

逮捕他一次 Arrest him again

逮捕她一次 Arrest her again

十年前是你逮捕他的 You arrested him ten years ago

八十年前是你逮捕他的 You arrested him eighty years ago

你從來也沒有逮捕過什麼人 You never arrested anyone

妳從來也沒有逮捕過什麼人 You never arrested anyone

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