
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 河



yunˋ heˊ

河 heˊ

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Phone , Tone

Words that rhyme with 運河 (yun-e)

Grouped by first phone

yun, xun

暈車 yun¯ che¯

Car sick, Motion sick, Motion sickness

運河 yunˋ heˊ


yun, xun

遜色 xunˋ seˋ


尋著 xunˊ zhe˙

Seeking, Following

尋著大樂隊的樂聲 xunˊ zhe˙ daˋ yueˋ duiˋ de˙ yueˋ sheng¯

Following the sound of the big band

循著 xunˊ zhe˙

Follow, Followed

循著直而窄的軌道 xunˊ zhe˙ zhiˊ erˊ zhaiˇ de˙ guiˇ daoˋ

Follow the straight and narrow path, Followed the straight and narrow path

Grouped in tone pairs

42, 11, 25, 44

運河 yunˋ heˊ


42, 11, 25, 44

暈車 yun¯ che¯

Car sick, Motion sick, Motion sickness

42, 11, 25, 44

尋著 xunˊ zhe˙

Seeking, Following

尋著大樂隊的樂聲 xunˊ zhe˙ daˋ yueˋ duiˋ de˙ yueˋ sheng¯

Following the sound of the big band

循著 xunˊ zhe˙

Follow, Followed

循著直而窄的軌道 xunˊ zhe˙ zhiˊ erˊ zhaiˇ de˙ guiˇ daoˋ

Follow the straight and narrow path, Followed the straight and narrow path

42, 11, 25, 44

遜色 xunˋ seˋ



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丶-氵 : > : > [河]-運河 : > [河]-運河 >

運河 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 河

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