Experience, Pass, Go Through, Arrive, Past Perfect Tense, Pass On, Transfer, Visit
Word Links for words containing 過 (sorted via character pairs)
過目 Look over, Take a look, Read over, Glance at
過目一遍 Look over, Look through
粗略地過目一遍 Cursory look over
邊喝上午的咖啡邊將郵件粗略地過目一遍 Glance over the mail while drinking their morning coffee
把左臂甩過牆頭 Flung his left arm across the wall, Flung her left arm across the wall, Flung their left arm across the wall, Fling your left arm across the wall
他把左臂甩過牆頭 He swung his left arm over the wall
曾警告過她 Had warned her
他曾警告過她 He had warned her
救過她不止一次 Saved her more than once, Had saved her more than once, Had saved her life on more than one occasion
談過那方面的事 Talked about a particular subject, Had the talk, Talked about the birds and the bees
在她看過並經歷過那些事情後 After what she'd seen and been through
過了 Passed, After
檢查過了 Checked, Watching, Covered (as in observing or keeping an eye out)
過了一個 After a, After an
過了一會兒 After a moment, After a while, Moments later
過了五分鐘 After five minutes, Five minutes later
過了幾百年 After a few hundred years
過了許多年 After a number of years, Much later
過了一陣子之後 After a period of time, After a while
過了今天 After today
而且過了今天 And after today
我幫助過他一次 I helped him once
救過他不止一次 Saved him more than once, Had saved him more than once, Had saved his life on more than one occasion
從來沒談起過他們 Never talk about them
過程 Process
發展過程 Development process
自然過程 Natural process
海水下的過程 The underwater process
熟悉操作過程 Become conversant with each step of the process
自動組合過程 Automatic assembly process
逃過死劫的過程 The process of escaping the clutches of death
過程中 In the process
在你和銀行解決問題的過程裡 While you and the bank resolve any difficulties
整個過程的速度 The speed of this process, The speed of the process
自然過程的一環 Part of a natural process
過程反覆十幾次 Repeat the process several dozen times, Repeat several dozen times
過往 Show up, Shown up, Comings and goings, Social contacts, Visits
過往雲煙了 A long time ago, A thing of the past
過往的故事 Comings and goings, Events, Happenings, Visits
好像在說著過往的故事 Seemingly speaking about old experiences
過後 After, Afterwards, Later
午餐過後 After lunch
大雨過後 After the heavy rain
那天過後 The day after, After that day
過後不久 Not long after
過得 Live, Experience
他沒過得 He wasn't
過得來 Can come over
過得去 Can go over
過得很好 Doing well, Doing very well
因為她過得很好 Because she was doing well
今天過得好嗎 Did you have a good day?, How was your day?
讓人們過得舒舒服服 Allowing people to live in comfort
他沒過得那麼糟 He wasn't doing that bad
你最近過得怎麼樣 How have you been lately
被渲染過的 Rendered, Rendered into
渲染過的圖畫 Painted picture
生活過的地方 Place someone lived or spent most of their life
快速彈過的鋼琴音符 Quickly played piano notes
騎著巨馬而過的男人 A man riding a huge horse, Men riding giant horses
過自己的日子 Live one's life
繼續過自己的人生 Continue with their lives, Go on with their lives
他們如何繼續過自己的人生 How did they continue with their lives
過海 Cross the sea
過海進入上海 Cross the sea into Shanghai
過海到上海的跨 Straddled the sea to Shanghai
過海到上海的跨海堤道 The causeway that straddled the sea to Shanghai, The sea straddling causeway to Shanghai
過濾 Filter, Sort through, Choose from
過濾器 Filter
過濾掉 Filtered
過濾時 When filtering
過濾面具 Filter mask
他要過濾的那些街道 The streets that he had to sort through, The streets that he had to choose from
過分 Overly, Extreme, Excessively, Excessive
更過分 Even worse
他很過分 He's excessive, He's a bit much, He's over the top
這樣的要求不算過分吧 It's not too much to ask it it?
好過一點 A little better, Feel a little better
只出現過一次 Only appear once, Only appeared once
過一星期 Go for a week, Let a week pass by
下過一陣大雨 A heavy rainfall
過頭 Overhead, Exceed, Overdo, Overshoot
衝過頭 Overshoot, Overshot, Shot past
過頭頂 Overhead, Past the top of the head, Past the the head
過不了 Can't get across
過不來 Can't come over
過不去 Can't go over, Make life difficult for
少跟戴目鏡的人過不去 Don't mess with someone wearing sights
過不了多久 Before long, How long will it take
過去 Formerly, In the past, Former, Old, Pass, Pass by, Passed, Go over, Go over there, Ended, Was over, Pass away
彎過去 Bent
儘快過去 Go over as soon as possible
撲了過去 Rushed over
翻了過去 Tumbled, Fell over
跨了過去 Across the past, Step through, Steps through, Stepping through, Stepped through, Cross over, Crosses over, Crossing over, Crossed over
我可以過去 I can come
朝上彎過去 Bent upwards
和我一起過去 Go with me, Come with me to
慢吞吞地過去 Went by slowly
能夠傳遞過去 Could get through
日子一天天過去 As the days went by
過去都讓它過去 The past is the past, It's all water under the bridge
他在這裡有段過去 He has a history here
一分鐘慢吞吞地過去 A minute dragged by slowly
過去時 Past Tense
動詞過去時 Verb Past Tense
一天天過去了 Days go by
一下子就過去了 Flew by, Went by quickly
一切真的過去了 Completely in the past, Completely over
這一切都過去了 It was all over now
時間很快就過去了 Time passed quickly
上午的時間一下子就過去了 The morning went by quickly
過去幾天 Spent several days, Spent a few days
過去的事 Past events, Situations from the past
過去幾十年 Past few decades
和過去同樣的 Same old
在過去三個月 Over the last three months, For the last three months
在過去幾十年內 Within the past few decades
是過去的事情了 Were a thing of the past
在過去幾十年內發展出來 Been developed within the last few decades
推過走廊 Push through the corridor, Pushes through the corridor, Pushing through the corridor, Pushed through the corridor
過來 Come, Come over
反過來 In turn
撞過來 Crashing in, Come crash into
活過來 Survive, Survived, Bring back to life
甩過來 Flung around, Whipped around, Swung around
追過來 Came over
送過來 Send over
翻了過來 Turned it over
轉了過來 Turned around
飄了過來 Waft over, Wafts over
從北美過來 Come in from North America, Arrived from North America
將腳凳搬過來 Brought the stool over, Bring the footstool over
已經轉了過來 Turned around
問他是否能過來 Asked if he could come
派個小孩子過來 Send a kid, Sends a child, Sent a child
讓他們又活過來 Bring them back to life
倒過來的 Inverted
反過來說 On the other hand
我就是為這個過來的 That's why I came here
過來看看 Come and look
我會過來找妳 I will come and find you
衝過來迎接他 Rush to meet him, Rushed to meet him
有如倒過來的一棵樹 Like an inverted tree
閃過 Dodge, Avoid, Evade
閃過了 Dodged, Avoided, Evaded
閃過了子彈 Dodged a bullet
他臉上似乎閃過一道陰影 It seemed as if a shadow briefly passed over his face
見過 Seen, Saw, Met
所見過 Had seen, Had ever seen
曾見過 Had seen, Had met
沒見過 Never seen
看見過 Seen, Have seen, Met, Have met
遇見過 Met, Had met
沒有見過 Never seen
再也沒見過 Never again saw
從來沒見過 Had never seen
如果你認為你見過 If you think you've seen
早見過了 Had seen before
我們見過面 We've met (before)
見過這個 Seen this, Seen this one
你見過我嗎 Have you seen me?
經過 Move past, Pass, Pass through, After, An experience, Ins and outs of an experience
報道經過 Report about events that occurred
描述經過 Describe an experience, Described the experience
繞道經過 Detoured through, Took a circuitous route through
從頭上經過 Passing overhead, Overhead
從他面前經過 Passed in front of him
從她面前經過 Passed in front of her
一輛計程車經過 A taxi passes by, A taxi passed by
從他們面前經過 Passed in front of them
經過了 Pass, Move past
經過的 Passing
經過答詢 Debriefed
經過長期 After a long period of time, Over a long period of time
經過的人都 Everyone passing by
經過多道工序 Undergoing multiple processes
經過市區後不久 Not long after passing through the city center
雖然經過三百多年 Even though over 300 years have passed, Even though its been over 300 years
那似乎已經過了很久 That seemed so long ago
午餐時間已經過了許久 It was already well past lunch time
周人勢力經過長期發展 The influence of the People of Zhou 周人 developed over a long period of time
已過 Past, Elapsed
早已過時 Obsolete, No longer relevant
已過的時間 Elapsed time
早已過時的系統 Obsolete system, Obsolete systems
學過 Learned, Studied
剛學過 Just learned
沒學過 Not yet studied, Not yet learned
我們在前一節學過 We learned in the previous section
學過的東西 Things that have been studied or learned
你剛學過的知識 What you have just learned
騙過 Fooled, Lied to, Deceived
能否騙過 Whether or not could fool, Whether or not could lie, Whether or not could deceive
看過 Seen
早看過 Had already seen
從沒看過 Had never seen
沒看過海 Had never seen the sea, Had never seen the ocean
他到處都看過了 He looked everywhere
她到處都看過了 She looked everywhere
他看過多少遍 How many times he'd seen
他看過這儀式 He'd seen the ritual
看過上千小時 Watched thousands of hours
看過並經歷過 Seen and been through, Seen and experienced
近距離看過他們 Saw them up close
近距離看過他們一次 Saw them up close once
他是早看過試爆的設計者之一 He was one of the designers who'd seen the test explosion earlier
在她看過並經歷過那些事情後 After what she'd seen and been through
翻過 Over, Turn over, Go over, Turning over, Going over
將手翻過來伸到小小的火焰上 Tipped their hand over the small flames
翻過來 Turn over, Flip, Flip over, Turn over here
翻過兒 Turn upside down
翻過去 Turn over, Flip, Flip over, Turn over there
得過 Acquired, Got
看得過 Passable
以前從沒得過 Never used to be able to, Never used to
得過麻疹 Had the measles
看得過去 Barely presentable
說過 Said
你聽說過 Have you heard, Have you ever heard, Have you heard of
妳聽說過 Have you heard, Have you ever heard, Have you heard of
從沒聽說過 Never heard of
大概從沒聽說過 Probably never heard of
你大概從沒聽說過 You've probably never heard of
沒說過話 Haven't spoken
穿過 Passing through, Piercing
開車穿過市區 Drove through the city, Drove across town, Drove through town
穿過一面碎玻璃 Through a pane of shattered glass
度過 Duration of, Over the duration of
順利度過 Smoothly pass over
度過餘生 For the remainder of one's life
透過 Through, Piercing through, Going through, Make use of
透過窗 Through the window
透過電話 Via phone
透過人物的動作 Through a person's actions, make use of a person's actions
他們透過彼此的眼睛向外看 They looked out through each other's eyes, They saw through each other's eyes
透過各族群口耳相傳的傳說故事 Go through each groups oral history
透過第一人稱 Through first person
透過第三人稱 Through third person
通過 Undergo, Take, Experience, By means of, Through, Via, Have experienced, Confirm an appointment
沒通過 Didn't pass (the tests)
一直通過 Has been using
通過了 Passed (a test)
通過考試了 Passed the tests
通過了什麼考驗 Had been tested
速度快得像是糞便通過鵝腸一樣 As fast as shit through a goose, Like shit through a goose
接通過武力迫使 Use force of arms to compel, Compel through force of arms
決定接通過武力迫使 Decide to use force of arms to compel
難過 Sad, Feel bad, Hard to endure, Hard, Difficult
很難過 Very sad, Very sorry
令人難過 Made one feel sad
令她感到難過 Made her feel sad
有時候令人難過 Sometimes saddening
難過的哭了 Cried sadly, Sadly cried
到過 Been, Experienced
提到過的 Mentioned
好多年都沒看到過這麼漂亮的一張臉了 Had not seen such a beautiful face in many years
不過 But, Though, Except, Only, Merely
信不過 Doesn't trust, Doesn't count on
只不過 Only, Merely, Well
活不過 Won't last, Won't survive, Won't live past, Won't live longer than
熬不過 Unable to endure
不過不是 But it isn't
不過並不是 But not, But isn't, But it isn't
只不過不是 Just not, Only not
不過嘿 But hey
不過度 Does not go beyond, Does not exceed
那只不過是 It was just
不過做了 Had only done
不過即使 But even if
不過反正 But in any case, But anyway
不過只要 But as long as
不過總之 But anyway, But anyways
不過還是 But still, However, But never the less, But even so
不過要怎麼 But how do we, But how to
不過一旦我們 But once we
不過不像任何 But not like any
不過倒也未必 Not necessarily, Perhaps not
不過別給他們 But don't give it to them
不過從另方面 But from another point of view, But in another way
不過我沒想到 But I never thought
不過誰知道呢 But who knows?, But perhaps there is a chance
不過也沒什麼用 Not that it matters, Not that it mattered
不過我一直都在 But I was there, But I was always there
不過沒那麼簡單 But it wasn't that simple, It wasn't easy
不過確實有幫助 But it really helped
臀部不過度翹起 Buttocks do not lift
一年不過幾次而已 Just a few times a year
不過這該不太可能 This was not too likely, Which was not terribly likely
也不過跟加法一樣 It's just like adding
只不過她不由自主 But she couldn't stop, But she couldn't stop doing it
不過一旦我們逮到她 But once we catch her
我只不過是要別人欣賞我這個人罷了 I just want others to appreciate me for who I am
聽過 Heard
曾聽過 Had ever heard
從來沒聽過 Never heard, Never heard of
假裝仔細聽過 Pretend to listen carefully, Pretending to listen carefully
我從來沒聽過他 I never heard of him
我從來沒聽過她 I never heard of her
聽過所有關利率的狗屁 Listened to all the crap about interest rates, Heard all the crap about interest rates
去過 Have been (someplace)
我去過 I went to
從更高的地方摔出去過 Have fallen from higher places, Been thrown from higher places
你又不是沒有從更高的地方摔出去過 It's not like you haven't been thrown from higher, You've been thrown from higher
妳又不是沒有從更高的地方摔出去過 It's not like you haven't been thrown from higher, You've been thrown from higher
我去過北京 I went to Beijing
我去過郵局 I went to the post office.
我去過圖書館 I was at the library.
從未真正去過那裡 Had never actually been there, Had never been there
走過 Cross, Crosses, Crossed, Walk past, Walks past, Walked past, Went past, Walk across, Traverse, Traversed, Traverses
大步走過 Strode past, Strode through
從他面前走過 Walked past him
從她面前走過 Walked past her
走過來 Come over to, Came over to
走過去 Walked over
走過場 Go through the motions
看見一名年輕的女人朝他走過來 Saw a young woman walking towards him
帶領走過小道 Lead down the path, Lead through the trail, Led through the lane, Lead through the lanes
走過大街小巷 Through the streets
超過 More than, Past, Exceed, Over, Above
如超過 If exceeding
已超過 Already more than
遠超過 Exceeding, Far more than
超過三十五歲 More than 35 years old, Closer to forty years old than thirty
超過他想知道 More than he wanted to know
體重超過標準 Overweight
超過所需的數量 More than was needed
遠超過你痛苦的門檻 Far exceeding your pain threshold, Well in excess of your pain theshold
劃過 Swipe across
劃過一道閃電 A flash of lightning
地平線劃過一道閃電 Lightning flashes on the horizon, Lightning flashed on the horizon
來過 Just left, Was just here, Had been before
你來過 You came by, You were here
出來過 Came out, Emerged
再沒回來過 Didn't come around anymore
吃來過癮 Fun to eat, Satisfying taste, Want to keep eating
之前來過的那個地方 The same place as last time
想過 Thought
他想過 He had thought, It had occurred to him
從來都沒想過 Had never thought, Had never suspected
想過來 Thought of, Thought about
挺過 Handle, Stand up to, Withstand
挺過了 Handled, Stood up to, Withstood
挺過來了 Am dealing with it, Can deal with it, Have dealt with it
轉過 Turned
轉過來 Turn, Turns, Turned, Turn to, Turns to, Turning to, Turned to, Come back here, Get back here, Get over here
轉過頭 Turned around
倒轉過來 Reversed, Reversed it
調轉過來 Turn around, Turned around
他把臉轉過去 He turned his face
終於調轉過來 Finally turned around, Finally got turned around
轉過街角 Rounded a corner, Turned at a corner, Turned around a corner
轉過身去 Turned around, Spun around, Wheeled around
轉過去看著他 Turn to him, Turns to him, Turned to him
趕緊轉過去面對他 Quickly turn to face him, Quickly turning to face him, Quickly turned to face him
趕緊轉過去面對她 Quickly turn to face her, Quickly turning to face her, Quickly turned to face her
他把臉轉過去正面對著 He turned his face directly toward
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