Index for words including 道


Path, Direction, Way, Skill, Method, Principle, Spiritual Path, MW For Questions In School Texts And For Lines

Words containing

(Use links to see word pronunciation)


道別 Say goodbye

點頭道別 Nod goodbye, Nods goodbye, Nodding goodbye, Nodded goodbye


道路 Road

環形道路 Ring road

超高速道路 Super highway

較自然而人性的道路 The more natural and human way

道路與房屋 Roads and buildings

建設的道路與房屋 Construct roads and buildings

道路變寬了 The streets became wider

道路和河流之間 Between the road and the river


道具 Props


道姑 Woman Taoist


道幾內亞 Equatorial Guinea


道德 Morality, Ethics, Moral

道德品性 Moral character


道主 Host


道謝 Thank, Express gratitude

甚至還向他道謝 Actually thanked him


最為人津津樂道的一場仗 The most talked about battle, Most talked about battles

那是整個戰爭裡最為人津津樂道的一場仗 It was the most talked about battle of the whole war


道深 A deep pit


有幾道溫暖的陽 A few rays of warm sunlight


道道 Way, Method, Means

堅定的道道砍擊 Sturdy stroke, Steady swing, Unwavering strike

道道平行的小瀑布 Small parallel cascades


十二道鎖 Twelve locks

一扇有十二道鎖的大門 A gate with twelve locks


道小 A small scar

道小 Had a small scar


道歉 Apologize

不肯向對方道歉 Not willing to apologize to the other party


道光 Daoguan, seventh emperor of the Qing dynasty from 1820 to 1850


菜單上沒有這道菜 This dish isn't on the menu


在交流道下 Below the interchange


道爾 Doyle

道爾 Andorra

道爾 Dalton


道工 Multiple processes

經過多道工 Undergoing multiple processes


道理 Reason, Make sense, Makes sense, Right way

道理 Find reasonable, Understood, Makes sense

很有道理 Very sensible, Very reasonable, Very true, Makes a lot of sense

這沒有道理 It doesn't make sense

是有道理 It would make sense that

這沒有道理 It doesn't make sense!


道耳 Dalton

依據道耳頓原子說 According to Dalton's atomic theory


道聽塗說 Hearsay


道而 Go in opposite directions, Run counter to


維持呼吸道暢 Keep respiratory tract clear


道教 Daoism


道地 Authentic


道夫 Scavenger

道夫 Rudolph

道夫裝置 Scavenger, Scavenger


道森 Dawson


道頓 Dalton


沿著大彎道轉向南方 Followed the big bend to the south, Following the big bend, turned south


叫道 Exclaim, Exclaims, Exclaiming, Exclaimed


吸道 Respiratory, Respiratory tract


味道 Smell, Taste

橡膠燒焦的味道 Smell of burned rubber

能聞到她的味道 Could smell her

空氣中有一股清新的味道 The air smells fresh, The air smelled fresh

味道越臭 The smellier it gets, The stinkier it gets


哮道 Growl, Growling, Growled


喊道 Shouted (to)

喊道 Shouted


微不足道 Trivial


跑道 Running track, Runway


頭頭是道 Logical


問道 Asked

電腦問道 The computer asks, The computer asked


異道 Different viewpoints, Different points of view, Different route


隧道 Tunnel

時光隧道 Time tunnel, Tunnel through time

鐵路隧道 Railway tunnel

隱蔽隧道 Concealed tunnel, Hidden tunnel

獅球嶺鐵路隧道 Shiqiuling railway tunnel


出道 Debut

出道 Figure it out

會想出道 Could figure it out

出道理來 Figure it out

那類會想出道理來的人 The sort of person who could figure it out


津津樂道 Relish, Relishes, Relished, Talk about, Talks about, Talked about

最為人津津樂道 Most talked about


線道 Eight-lane


繞道 Detoured, Roundabout route

繞道經過 Detoured through, Took a circuitous route through


彎道 Big bend, Wide bend


彈道 Ballistic, Trajectory

彈道分子 Ballisticule


水道 Watercourse, Waterway, By water

暴雨下水道 Storm drain


厚道 Kind, Considerate, Generous, Sincere, Charitable


留道 Leave

故意留道疤痕 Intentionally leave a scar


匝道 Slip road, Ramp

下了匝道 Used the off ramp, Took the slip road


知道 Know, Knows, Knew, Known

知道 Don't know, Doesn't know, Didn't know

知道 He knows, He knew

知道 You know, Do you know, You understand

知道 Only knew

知道 I don't know

知道 She knows, She knew

知道 Want to know, Wanted to know

知道 I know, I knew

知道 Just find out, Just learn (about)

知道 Know, Knew, Aware of

知道 Who knows, You never know

不想知道 Doesn't want to know

不會知道 Didn't know

也不知道 Do not know, Does not know, Did not know, Did not recognize

事先知道 Knowledge in advance, Know beforehand

他只知道 He only knew

你想知道 You want to know

你明知道 You knew, You know

光是知道 Just knowing

切身知道 Known to oneself

她不知道 She doesn't know

她只知道 She only knew

妳想知道 You want to know

必須知道 Need to know

我不知道 I don't know, I didn't know

我就知道 Now I know

我想知道 I want to know

我才知道 I now know

我要知道 I need to know

早就知道 Already suspected or knew

無法知道 Didn't know

讓她知道 Let her know

都不知道 Don't have a clue, Haven't got a clue

一看就知道 Know at a glance

不得不知道 Had to know, Have to know, Force to know

你就會知道 You will then know, You will then understand

你怎麼知道 How is it you know, How do you know

你早就知道 You know, You knew, You already know

大家都知道 Everybody knows, Everybody knew, Apparently, Obviously

妳早就知道 You know, You knew, You already know

完全不知道 Did not know at all, Did not know, Did not understand

從來不知道 Never knew

我也不知道 I don't know either

我可不知道 I don't know

我的確知道 I sure knew, I certainly knew

我至少知道 At least I know

永遠不知道 Never know

沒有人知道 No one knows, Nobody knows

立刻就知道 Know right away

第一次知道 Knew for the first time

不會有人知道 No one knew, No one had any idea

你怎麼會知道 How did you know that?, How did you know?

大家都不知道 Nobody knew, Nobody had a clue

我們可不知道 We don't know

我剛剛才知道 I just found out

才第一次知道 For the first time knew, Knew for the first time

村裡沒人知道 No one in the village knew

永達無法知道 Never knew

超過他想知道 More than he wanted to know

他們難道不知道 Don't they know

猜如果他們知道 Guess if they knew

至少他們會知道 At least they would know

這些妳也都知道 You know all of this, You knew all of this anyway

這點我倒不知道 The point escaped me, I fully don't understand

恐怕連我都不知道 I'm afraid even I don't know, I'm afraid not even I know

我只是自以為知道 I assumed that I knew, I only thought I knew

用不著多想也知道 Don't think at all, Don't think for a minute

當然不會有人知道 Of course now one had any idea, Of course nobody had any idea

他們有沒有可能知道 Did they possibly know, Is it possible they (know, Knew)

希望自己當初就知道 Wishing they'd known at the beginning, Wished they'd known

我沒有辦法事先知道 There's no way I could have known in advance

那時他才第一次知道 And then he knew for the first time

幾乎打從一開始就知道 Had known from almost the very beginning

知道 Know, Knows, Knowing, Knew, Understand, Understands, Understood, Now know, Now knows, Now knew, Now understand, Now understands, Now understood

知道 Know, Familiar with

知道 He knows

知道 She knows

不過誰知道 But who knows?, But perhaps there is a chance

但是我並不知道 But I didn't know!

我從我自己的經驗就知道 I know from my own experience

知道如果 Knew that if

知道怎麼 Know how, Know how to

知道她會 I know she will, I know she can

知道排除髒物 Know how to get rid of dirt, Know how to eject dirt, Knew how to remove dirt

知道我的本事 He knows my ability, He knows what I am

知道我的意思 You know what I mean.

我不知道這件事 I didn't know that, I didn't know about that

知道妳能應付 I know you can handle it, I knew you could handle it

知道要去哪兒吧 Know where to go?, Know where we are going?

也會知道奧秘所在喔 Will also understand this mystery, Will also know where the mystery lies

知道它該去的明確位置 Knew exactly where it should go, Knew exactly where it was supposed to go

她不知道她是怎麼辦到的 She doesn't know how she does it

好讓所有人知道你是武裝的 So that everyone knows that you are packing

如果發生了什麼我不知道的犯罪行為 If a criminal act occurred that I was not aware of

你想知道我是不是聽說了什麼特別有料的謠言 You want to know if I've heard any especially juicy rumors, You want to know if I've heard any particularly helpful rumors

知道了多少 How much does he know?

知道了多少 How much does she know?

會想知道是否 Would wonder whether or not

那時我不知道她是誰 At the time I didn't know who she was

知道兩種管教 Knew two kinds of discipline

小時候知道兩種管教 Knew two kinds of discipline as a child

不會想知道的事 Wouldn't want to know about

只有他知道的事 Only things he knew, Only things he could know

只有她知道的事 Only things she knew, Only things she could know

知道該說什麼 Did not know what to say, Had nothing to say

知道那是什麼 Don't know what it is

知道胚胎是什麼 Did not know what a fetus was, Did not know what an embryo was

知道能幫忙什麼 Didn't know what to do to help, Didn't know how to help

也不知道那是什麼 Wouldn't know it, Wouldn't know, Wouldn't recognize, Would be unable to recognize what it was

知道這輩子要做什麼 She knows what she wants to do with her life, She knew what she wanted to do with her life

他跟朋友最大的不同是他知道這輩子要做什麼 The biggest difference between him and his friends was that he knew what she wanted to do with his life

她跟朋友最大的不同是她知道這輩子要做什麼 The biggest difference between her and her friends was that she knew what she wanted to do with her life

我只知道這麼多 I know that much, I only know that much, I only know so much

知道我該怎麼做 I knew what I needed to do

知道我在講什麼嗎 Are you getting all of this?, Do you understand what I am saying?

儘管你知道了那麼多 Despite all that you knew, In spite of all that you knew

我可以知道為什麼嗎 Can I know why, Can you tell me why

知道他們會說什麼呢 Don't know what they'll say

知道我到底發生了什麼事 Know what happened to me in the end

知道事情不對了 Knew something was wrong

知道事情不對勁 Should have known something was wrong

知道他們的來臨 Know they are coming, Knew they were coming

你早就知道我們是為什麼來的 You already know why we are here

妳早就知道我們是為什麼來的 You already know why we are here

知道是什麼了嗎 Does he know what it is?, Does he know what it was?

知道是什麼了嗎 Does she know what it is?, Does she know what it was?

你知不知道你惹到了誰 Do you know who you messed with?, You don't know who you messed with do you?

妳知不知道妳惹到了誰 Do you know who you messed with?, You don't know who you messed with do you?

你早就知道我會來 You knew I would come

妳早就知道我會來 You knew I would come

切身知道的一些事 Things well know to oneself

在暗示切身知道的一些事 Allude to things known to oneself, Alluding to things known to oneself

要是讓他知道真相 If he knew the truth

要是讓她知道真相 If she knew the truth

他就會知道該怎麼回答了 He'll know how he should answer, He knew how he would have answered, He knew what he would have said

她就會知道該怎麼回答了 She'll know how to answer, She knew how she would have answered


修道 Self-cultivation via some religious doctrine


便道 Sidewalk


傳道 Preach, Preaching


行道 Street

行道 Sidewalk, Footpath

敲在人行道上叩叩作響 Knocked on the pavement, Clacked on the sidewalk


街道 Street(s), Road(s)

從底下街道 From the street below, From the streets below

他要過濾的那些街道 The streets that he had to sort through, The streets that he had to choose from

他從街道的一側跳到另一側 He jumped from one side of the street to the other, He leaped from one side of the street to the other

她從街道的一側跳到另一側 She jumped from one side of the street to the other, She leaped from one side of the street to the other

耳邊還聽得到從底下街道傳來的陣陣笑聲 Bursts of laughter could be heard from the streets below


笑道 Laugh, Smile


答道 Said, Replied

答道 Reply

這個人答道 The man said


管道 Pipeline, Channel, Plumbing

正規管道 Formal channel

其他的管道 Other channels

管道的執著 Culvert, Culverts

根狀管道系統 Rootlike plumbing system, Rootlike plumbing

選拔官員管道之一 One of the channels for selecting officials


交道 Contact, Cross paths with


充道 Said in addition, Added


說道 Said

說道 According to legend, Legend says that

嘶嘶說道 Said with a hoarse voice

很愉快說道 Pleasantly said, Very pleasantly said

語音隆隆說道 Rumbled, Rumbled words

沉默片刻才說道 After a moment of silence said, After a silent pause said, Said at last


議道 Protested, Said in defiance, Said defiantly


流道 Interchange


渠道 Irrigation ditch, Ditch, Communications channel, Channel of communication


測道 Speculated aloud, Inferred, Suggest aloud


通道 Passageway, Passage, Corridor, Aisle, Portal

步入通道 Step into the corridor, Stepped into the passageway

打開兩個世界之間的通道 Open a passage between two worlds, Opening a portal between two worlds

通道走上走下 Roam up and down the aisle, Roam up and down the aisles


過道 Aisle, Passageway


遠道 Faraway, Distant


人道 Philanthropy, Humanitarian, Sexual union

人道 Pavement, Sidewalk


纜索鐵道 Cable car


胡說八道 Nonsense, Bullshit, Horseshit, Bogus


公道 Justice


小道 Path, Lane

一條隱匿小道 A concealed path

帶領走過小道 Lead down the path, Lead through the trail, Led through the lane, Lead through the lanes

發現一條隱匿小道 Discovered a concealed path


拳道 Jeet kune do, Way of the intercepting fist


茶道 Tea ceremony


難道 Do you mean to say, Is it possible, It's hard to believe, It doesn't seem likely

難道不會 It would be hard not to

難道不能 Could not, Why shouldn't…

難道你忘了 It's hard to believe you've forgotten, It doesn't seem likely that you forgot

難道你忘了嗎 You mean to say that you forgot?

他們難道不知道 Don't they know

難道不是意味著 Doesn't this imply

難道不能直接 Couldn't just

但這個人難道不能直接 But couldn't this person just

難道他不能睜隻眼閉隻眼 Couldn't he play dumb, Wouldn't he have played dumb

難道她不能睜隻眼閉隻眼 Couldn't she play dumb, Wouldn't she have played dumb


黃道 Ecliptic

黃道 The zodiac

黃道吉日 Auspicious day, A lucky day

黃道十二宮 The 12 signs of the zodiac


一道 Together, On the same path, A (problem)

一道一道 Arrived one-by-one

一道陷阱 A trap

一道衝擊波 A shock wave

一道飛矛 The first flying spear

一道小小的疤 A small scar, A little scar

挑高一道眉毛 Raise an eyebrow, Raising an eyebrow, Raised an eyebrow

挑高了一道 Raised an eyebrow

最後一道餘暉 Last remaining light

一道道平行的小瀑布 Small parallel cascades

他臉上似乎閃過一道陰影 It seemed as if a shadow briefly passed over his face

劃過一道閃電 A flash of lightning

地平線劃過一道閃電 Lightning flashes on the horizon, Lightning flashed on the horizon


下道 Underground tunnel


邪門歪道 Dishonest practices


正道 The correct path, The right way


步道 Trail, Path, Walkway

步道 Walking area


頻道 Channel, Station


古道 Old road, Ancient road


報道 Report

報道經過 Report about events that occurred


走道 Aisle, Footpath, Pavement, Sidewalk

隔壁走道 Next aisle, Neighboring aisle


地道 Tunnel


土堆坡道 Ramp, Incline, Mound ramp, Ramp made from piled earth


堤道 Causeway

跨海堤道 Cross-sea causeway, Causeway

過跨海堤道 Cross the causeway, Go over the causeway

過海到上海的跨海堤道 The causeway that straddled the sea to Shanghai, The sea straddling causeway to Shanghai


聲道 Whispered

聲道 Universal voice recognition (Yuvree), Voice recognition interface, Vocal interface


力道 Force, Applied force

強大力道 Strong forces

止不住力道 Unable to stop

力道比剛剛強得多 Much stronger, Much harder, With more force


大道 Boulevard, Avenue

日落大道 Sunset Boulevard

大道 Great truth, Great truths, High philosophy

如果沿著日落大道 If following Sunset Boulevard, If going along Sunset Boulevard

日落大道西段 West Sunset Boulevard

從日落大道這裡 From here on Sunset Boulevard

離日落大道只有一街之遙 One block from Sunset Boulevard


樓道 Corridor


車道 Lane, Lanes, Traffic lane, Traffic lanes, Driveway, Driveways, Drive, Drives

圓形車道 Circular lane

好幾條車道 Several lanes

餐廳的點餐車道 Drive through lane

車道盡頭 End of the driveway

走到車道盡頭 Walk to the end of the driveway


軌道 Orbit, Orbital track

回到軌道 Return to orbit

低地球軌道 Low earth orbit

循著直而窄的軌道 Follow the straight and narrow path, Followed the straight and narrow path

軌道動力能 Orbital Mechanics, Power derived from orbiting

回到軌道途中 During the trip back to orbit

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