
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 大



yuanˇ daˋ

大 daˋ, daiˋ
Big, Huge, Great, Large, Important, Adult, Senior, (Dai4), Doctor, High Official

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Phone , Tone

Words that rhyme with 遠大 (yuan-a)

Grouped by first phone

yuan, juan, quan, xuan

遠大 yuanˇ daˋ


yuan, juan, quan, xuan

捲髮 juanˇ faˇ

Curly hair, Curls

yuan, juan, quan, xuan

全押 quanˊ ya¯

Bet everything on (all the chips)

yuan, juan, quan, xuan

選拔 xuanˇ baˊ


選拔人才 xuanˇ baˊ renˊ caiˊ

Selection of talented individuals, Selection of suitable individuals

選拔官員 xuanˇ baˊ guan¯ yuanˊ

Select officials, Selects officials, Selecting officials, Selected officials

選拔官員管道之一 xuanˇ baˊ guan¯ yuanˊ guanˇ daoˋ zhi¯ yiˋ

One of the channels for selecting officials

Grouped in tone pairs

34, 21, 32, 33

遠大 yuanˇ daˋ


34, 21, 32, 33

全押 quanˊ ya¯

Bet everything on (all the chips)

34, 21, 32, 33

選拔 xuanˇ baˊ


選拔人才 xuanˇ baˊ renˊ caiˊ

Selection of talented individuals, Selection of suitable individuals

選拔官員 xuanˇ baˊ guan¯ yuanˊ

Select officials, Selects officials, Selecting officials, Selected officials

選拔官員管道之一 xuanˇ baˊ guan¯ yuanˊ guanˇ daoˋ zhi¯ yiˋ

One of the channels for selecting officials

34, 21, 32, 33

捲髮 juanˇ faˇ

Curly hair, Curls


丶-辶 : > : > [遠]-遠大 : > [遠]-遠大 >

十-大 : > : > [大]-遠大 : > [大]-遠大 >

遠大 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 大

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