Index for words including 適

shiˋ, diˊ

Suitable, Comfortable, Just Right, At Ease, Fit, Suit, Follow, Match

Word Links for words containing 適 (sorted via character pairs)

適 shiˋ, diˊ
Suitable, Comfortable, Just Right, At Ease, Fit, Suit, Follow, Match

Words containing

(Use links to see word pronunciation)


適量 Appropriate amount

加入適量的水鹽酸 Add an appropriate amount of hydrochloric acid

只要施加適量的壓力 Just apply the right amount of pressure, With the right amount of pressure applied


適時 Timely, In good time


適用 Applicable, Suitable, Useful

適用 Suited to, Suited for, Suitable for

適用於人像及逆光主 Suitable for portraits and backlit subjects


無所適從 Lacking decisiveness, Indecisive, Lacking direction, Not sure what to do, Not sure whose advice to follow


適宜 Suitable, Appropriate


適應 Adapt to, Get used to

等待眼睛適應 Waiting for their eyes to adjust, Until their eyes adjusted

適應 Adapted, Got used to, Adjusted

適應 Adaptable, Adaptability

你一適應 As soon as you are used to it

適應性強 Adaptable

眼睛適應了陽光 Eyes had adjusted to the sunlight


適度 Moderate


適合 Suitable, Perfect fit, Make suitable

可能適合 Potentially suitable

可能適合殖民 Potentially suitable for colonization

唯一適合的心臟 The only suitable heart, The only heart suitable

台灣只有很少數地方的氣候適合種植小麥 There are only a few places in Taiwan where the climate is suitable for growing wheat


適當 Proper, Appropriate, Fitting

適當 Appropriate, Fitting

填入適當 Fill in the appropriate number, Enter the appropriate number

適當的數 Appropriate number

在空格中填入適當的數 Fill in the blanks with the appropriate number


適中 Proper, Adequate, Appropriate


閒適 Quiet and comfortable


順適 Composed, Casual


調適 Adapt, Adjust


安適 Comfortable and peaceful


合適 Suitable, Fitting, Proper, Appropriate

合適的字眼 Right words


舒適 Comfortable, Comfortably, Pleasant, Pleasantly, Cozy, Cozily

夏季舒適 Summer comfort

請儘量讓自己舒適 Please make yourself comfortable

舒適自在 Comfortable and at ease

鬆軟舒適 Soft and comfortable, Fluffy

舒適的小咖啡館 Pleasant little cafe

鬆軟舒適的浴袍 Fluffy bath robe, Fluffy bath robes, Soft and comfortable bath robe

在某個舒適的小咖啡館外頭喝酒 Drinking outside some comfortable little cafe

樸實和夏季舒適之間不穩定的新領域 The variable border between modesty and summer comfort


不適 Ill suited, Indisposed

身體不適 Discomfort

不適 Not suitable

不適 Improper, Inappropriate

不適任了 Washed out, Done with, Incapable of doing the job

再也不適合我 No longer suitable for me, No longer suitable

不適用囉 Doesn't work, Isn't useful

現在也不適用囉 Is now no longer useful, Now no longer works

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