Index for words including 遵


Comply, Follow, Obey, Honor

Word Links for words containing 遵 (sorted via character pairs)

遵 zun¯
Comply, Follow, Obey, Honor

Words containing

(Use links to see word pronunciation)


遵照 Comply with, According to, Accordingly

遵照這準則 Complying to these standards, According to these standards, Accordingly


遵循 Follow, Go by, Be in accord with, Hesitate


遵守 Follow, Obey, Abide by, Act in accordance with

遵守 Don't follow, Don't obey, Don't abide by

遵守告示 Follow the posted guidelines


遵命 Follow orders, Follows orders, Following orders, Obey, Obeys, Obeying, Obeyed

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