
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 趕


Quickly, Move fast, Get on with

haiˊ shiˋ ganˇ kuaiˋ

趕 ganˇ
Rush, Making Haste, Hurry, In A Rush, Hurrying, Herd, Drive, Catch, Overtake

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Phone , Tone


還是 haiˊ shiˋ

趕快 ganˇ kuaiˋ

Words that rhyme with 還是趕快 (ai-i)

Grouped by first phone

hai, ai, bai, cai, chai, dai, gai, kai, lai, nai, pai, sai, tai, zai

還是 haiˊ shiˋ

Or, Still, Never the less, Nonetheless Might as well

還是不懂 haiˊ shiˋ buˋ dongˇ

Still don't understand, I still don't understand

還是什麼 haiˊ shiˋ shenˊ me˙

Or something?

還是個學步幼兒 haiˊ shiˋ ge˙ xueˊ buˋ youˋ erˊ

Still a toddler

還是學步 haiˊ shiˋ xueˊ buˋ

Still learning to walk

還是得 haiˊ shiˋ deiˇ

Should still, Still have to

還是會想念他 haiˊ shiˋ huiˋ xiangˇ nianˋ ta¯

Still missed him, Missed him

還是有 haiˊ shiˋ youˇ

Still have

還是有些更差的掙錢地方 haiˊ shiˋ youˇ xie¯ gengˋ chaˋ de˙ zheng¯ qianˊ diˋ fang¯

There are worst places to make some money

還是有其他 haiˊ shiˋ youˇ qiˊ ta¯

There are other, There are still other

還是沒有跟來 haiˊ shiˋ meiˊ youˇ gen¯ laiˊ

Still wasn't coming, Still wasn't following

還是花很多時間上健身房 haiˊ shiˋ hua¯ henˇ duo¯ shiˊ jian¯ shangˋ jianˋ shen¯ fangˊ

Still spent a lot of time at the gym

還是菜鳥 haiˊ shiˋ caiˋ niaoˇ

Still a rookie

還是被允許的 haiˊ shiˋ beiˋ yunˇ xuˇ de˙

But was allowed, Was still allowed, Was allowed

還是要簽 haiˊ shiˋ yaoˋ qian¯

Still needs to be signed

還是讓他憤怒 haiˊ shiˋ rangˋ ta¯ fenˋ nuˋ

Still made him angry, Still rankled him

還是趕快 haiˊ shiˋ ganˇ kuaiˋ

Quickly, Move fast, Get on with

害死 haiˋ siˇ

Kill, Killed

孩子們都高叫願意 haiˊ ziˇ men˙ dou¯ gao¯ jiaoˋ yuanˋ yiˋ

The children all screamed yes

孩子出來吧 haiˊ ziˇ chu¯ laiˊ ba¯

Son, come out, Come out son

孩子房 haiˊ ziˇ fangˊ

Kid's room

孩子還小 haiˊ ziˇ haiˊ xiaoˇ

Children are still young

孩子 haiˊ zi˙

Kids, Children, Offspring

孩子們 haiˊ zi˙ men˙

Children, Offspring

hai, ai, bai, cai, chai, dai, gai, kai, lai, nai, pai, sai, tai, zai

愛吃 aiˋ chi¯

Love to eat, Love eating

礙事 aiˋ shiˋ

Get in the way

艾斯裘 aiˋ si¯ qiuˊ


愛滋病 aiˋ zi¯ bingˋ

AIDs, Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome

艾滋病 aiˋ zi¯ bingˋ


hai, ai, bai, cai, chai, dai, gai, kai, lai, nai, pai, sai, tai, zai

白痴 baiˊ chi¯

Stupid, Idiotic

白日夢 baiˊ riˋ mengˋ


拜日式 baiˋ riˋ shiˋ

Sun Salutation(S), Surya Namaskara

白絲 baiˊ si¯

White silk

擺祀 baiˇ siˋ

Display for worship, Display as a trophy

白紙 baiˊ zhiˇ

Blank paper, White paper

hai, ai, bai, cai, chai, dai, gai, kai, lai, nai, pai, sai, tai, zai

才是未來 caiˊ shiˋ weiˋ laiˊ

Were the future

才是重點 caiˊ shiˋ zhongˋ dianˇ

Is the key, Is the focus, Is the main point

菜市場 caiˋ shiˋ changˇ

Vegetable market

才思敏銳 caiˊ si¯ minˇ ruiˋ


才知道 caiˊ zhi¯ daoˋ

Just find out, Just learn (about)

材質 caiˊ zhiˊ

Material, Composition

才智 caiˊ zhiˋ

Talent, Ability, Intelligence, Wisdom

裁製 caiˊ zhiˋ


hai, ai, bai, cai, chai, dai, gai, kai, lai, nai, pai, sai, tai, zai

差使 chai¯ shiˇ

Dispatch, Send

差事 chai¯ shiˋ

Job, Task, Errand

hai, ai, bai, cai, chai, dai, gai, kai, lai, nai, pai, sai, tai, zai

帶刺 daiˋ ciˋ

Barb, Barbed, Spike, Spiked

帶刺頭盔 daiˋ ciˋ touˊ kui¯

Spiked helmet

戴斯蒙 daiˋ si¯ mengˊ


待死 daiˋ siˇ

Dying, About to die, Waiting to die

待死的 daiˋ siˇ de˙

Dying, About to die, Waiting to die

代之 daiˋ zhi¯

Instead of, Replace, Replace with

帶職受訓 daiˋ zhiˊ shouˋ xunˋ

Receive training, On-the-job training

帶子 daiˋ ziˇ

Tape, Strap

袋子 daiˋ zi˙

Bag, Satchel

hai, ai, bai, cai, chai, dai, gai, kai, lai, nai, pai, sai, tai, zai

改日 gaiˇ riˋ

Another day

該死 gai¯ siˇ

Damn it, Shit

該死的 gai¯ siˇ de˙

Damn, Damned

該知道事情不對勁 gai¯ zhi¯ daoˋ shiˋ qingˊ buˊ duiˋ jinˋ

Should have known something was wrong

蓋子 gaiˋ zi˙

Cover, Lid

hai, ai, bai, cai, chai, dai, gai, kai, lai, nai, pai, sai, tai, zai

開始 kai¯ shiˇ

Start, Starts, Starting, Started, Begin, Begins, Beginning, Began

開始了 kai¯ shiˇ le˙

Started, Began, Has started, Has began

開始出現 kai¯ shiˇ chu¯ xianˋ

Start to appear, Starting to appear

開始出現細紋 kai¯ shiˇ chu¯ xianˋ xiˋ wenˊ

Start to wrinkle, Starting to wrinkle, Wrinkles started appearing

開始分配 kai¯ shiˇ fen¯ peiˋ

Begin rationing

開始分配食物 kai¯ shiˇ fen¯ peiˋ shiˊ wuˋ

Begin rationing food

開始吐血 kai¯ shiˇ tuˇ xieˇ

Start coughing up blood

開始咳嗽 kai¯ shiˇ hai¯ souˋ

Started to cough, Started coughing

開始在記憶中模糊 kai¯ shiˇ zaiˋ jiˋ yiˋ zhong¯ moˊ huˊ

Beginning to fade from memory

開始尖叫 kai¯ shiˇ jian¯ jiaoˋ

Start to scream

開始形成 kai¯ shiˇ xingˊ chengˊ

Began to form, Began to develop

開始思考如何賺錢 kai¯ shiˇ si¯ kaoˇ ruˊ heˊ zhuanˋ qianˊ

Start to think about how to make money, Starts to think about how to make money, Starting to think about how to make money

開始爬下山 kai¯ shiˇ paˊ xiaˋ shan¯

Begin climbing down, Began climbing down

開始緊張了 kai¯ shiˇ jinˇ zhang¯ le˙

Became worried, Began to worry

開始舔牆壁了 kai¯ shiˇ tianˇ qiangˊ biˋ le˙

Start licking the walls

開始覺得舒服一點 kai¯ shiˇ jueˊ de˙ shu¯ fuˊ yiˋ dianˇ

Started to feel a little more comfortable, Started to feel better

開始解釋 kai¯ shiˇ jieˇ shiˋ

Began to explain, Began explaining, Started explaining

開始訓練了 kai¯ shiˇ xunˋ lianˋ le˙

Began training

開始認識 kai¯ shiˇ renˋ shiˋ

Started to get to know, Began to understand

開始送報 kai¯ shiˇ songˋ baoˋ

Started delivering newspapers

開式 kai¯ shiˋ

Open style

凱斯特倫 kaiˇ si¯ teˋ lunˊ

Kestron, Castallan

凱絲 kaiˇ si¯


開支 kai¯ zhi¯


hai, ai, bai, cai, chai, dai, gai, kai, lai, nai, pai, sai, tai, zai

來自 laiˊ ziˋ

From, Come from, Came from

來自不同人 laiˊ ziˋ buˋ tongˊ renˊ

From various people

來自地獄 laiˊ ziˋ diˋ yuˋ

From hell

hai, ai, bai, cai, chai, dai, gai, kai, lai, nai, pai, sai, tai, zai

乃至 naiˇ zhiˋ

And even

hai, ai, bai, cai, chai, dai, gai, kai, lai, nai, pai, sai, tai, zai

排斥 paiˊ chiˋ


拍死 pai¯ siˇ


拍死它 pai¯ siˇ ta¯

Swat it

拍子 pai¯ ziˇ

Beat time, Mark time, Rhythm, Bat, Racket, Fly swatter

牌子 paiˊ zi˙

Bulletin board, Sign post, Signboard, Sign, Tag, Label, Brand, Plate

hai, ai, bai, cai, chai, dai, gai, kai, lai, nai, pai, sai, tai, zai

賽事資歷 saiˋ shiˋ zi¯ liˋ

Tournament qualifications

hai, ai, bai, cai, chai, dai, gai, kai, lai, nai, pai, sai, tai, zai

台尺 taiˊ chiˇ

Taiwan foot

太遲 taiˋ chiˊ

Too late

台詞 taiˊ ciˊ

Caption, Subtitle, Line

臺伺服器 taiˊ ciˋ fuˊ qiˋ

Server, Computer network device

態勢 taiˋ shiˋ

Situation, Posture

泰式 taiˋ shiˋ

Thai style

泰式奶茶 taiˋ shiˋ naiˇ chaˊ

Thai Style Milk Tea

泰式旗魚酥 taiˋ shiˋ qiˊ yuˊ su¯

Thai Style Crispy Swordfish

泰式海鮮餅 taiˋ shiˋ haiˇ xian¯ bingˇ

Thai Style Fresh Seafood

泰式炒河粉 taiˋ shiˋ chaoˇ heˊ fenˇ

Pad Thai Noodles

泰式烤牛肉 taiˋ shiˋ kaoˇ niuˊ rouˋ

Thai Style Roast Beef

泰式空心菜 taiˋ shiˋ kong¯ xin¯ caiˋ

Thai Style Greens

泰式雞肉燴飯 taiˋ shiˋ ji¯ rouˋ huiˋ fanˋ

Thai Style Chicken Risotto

泰式青木瓜沙拉 taiˋ shiˋ qing¯ muˋ gua¯ sha¯ la¯

Thai Style Papaya Salad

泰式高麗菜 taiˋ shiˋ gao¯ liˋ caiˋ

Thai Style Cabbage

泰式龍鬚菜 taiˋ shiˋ longˊ xu¯ caiˋ

Thai Style Chayote Shoots

hai, ai, bai, cai, chai, dai, gai, kai, lai, nai, pai, sai, tai, zai

在吃草 zaiˋ chi¯ caoˇ

Eating grass, While eating grass

在此 zaiˋ ciˇ


在此刻 zaiˋ ciˇ keˋ

Now, At this point

在此刻當場 zaiˋ ciˇ keˋ dang¯ changˇ

On the spot

在此時此刻 zaiˋ ciˇ shiˊ ciˇ keˋ

Real quick, Really quickly, Really soon, Now

再次 zaiˋ ciˋ

Once again

再次進入了 zaiˋ ciˋ jinˋ ruˋ le˙

Re-enter, Re-entered

在日常生活中 zaiˋ riˋ changˊ sheng¯ huoˊ zhong¯

In every day life, In daily life

在日正當中時 zaiˋ riˋ zhengˋ dang¯ zhong¯ shiˊ

Right at noon, As the sun reached its height

在石圈旁 zaiˋ shiˊ quan¯ pangˊ

Next to the circle of stones

在史坦福商業學院進修期間 zaiˋ shiˇ tanˇ fuˊ shang¯ yeˋ xueˊ yuanˋ jinˋ xiu¯ qiˊ jian¯

While studying at Stanford Business School

再試一次 zaiˋ shiˋ yi¯ ciˋ

Tried again

在世 zaiˋ shiˋ

Alive, Living, In this world

在世紀之交 zaiˋ shiˋ jiˋ zhi¯ jiao¯

At the turn of the century

在事情終於發生之前 zaiˋ shiˋ qingˊ zhong¯ yuˊ fa¯ sheng¯ zhi¯ qianˊ

Before it finally happened

在事過境遷之後 zaiˋ shiˋ guoˋ jingˋ qian¯ zhi¯ houˋ

After the event, After the occurrence

在死前 zaiˋ siˇ qianˊ

Before dying

在四月初或四月底摘 zaiˋ siˋ yueˋ chu¯ huoˋ siˋ yueˋ diˇ zhai¯

Picked in early or late April

在支撐的那隻腳上 zaiˋ zhi¯ cheng¯ de˙ naˋ zhi¯ jiaoˇ shangˋ

On the supporting foot, Over the supporting foot

在執行之前 zaiˋ zhiˊ xingˊ zhi¯ qianˊ

Before carrying out, Before doing it

在執行判刑之前 zaiˋ zhiˊ xingˊ panˋ xingˊ zhi¯ qianˊ

Before a sentence is carried out

在職 zaiˋ zhiˊ


在自家工作室做的 zaiˋ ziˋ jia¯ gong¯ zuoˋ shiˋ zuoˋ de˙

Made in their home workshop

在自己的聲音中 zaiˋ ziˋ jiˇ de˙ sheng¯ yin¯ zhong¯

In their own voice, In his own voice, In her own voice

Grouped in tone pairs

24, 11, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 25, 31, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45

白日夢 baiˊ riˋ mengˋ


才是未來 caiˊ shiˋ weiˋ laiˊ

Were the future

才是重點 caiˊ shiˋ zhongˋ dianˇ

Is the key, Is the focus, Is the main point

才智 caiˊ zhiˋ

Talent, Ability, Intelligence, Wisdom

裁製 caiˊ zhiˋ


還是 haiˊ shiˋ

Or, Still, Never the less, Nonetheless Might as well

還是不懂 haiˊ shiˋ buˋ dongˇ

Still don't understand, I still don't understand

還是什麼 haiˊ shiˋ shenˊ me˙

Or something?

還是個學步幼兒 haiˊ shiˋ ge˙ xueˊ buˋ youˋ erˊ

Still a toddler

還是學步 haiˊ shiˋ xueˊ buˋ

Still learning to walk

還是得 haiˊ shiˋ deiˇ

Should still, Still have to

還是會想念他 haiˊ shiˋ huiˋ xiangˇ nianˋ ta¯

Still missed him, Missed him

還是有 haiˊ shiˋ youˇ

Still have

還是有些更差的掙錢地方 haiˊ shiˋ youˇ xie¯ gengˋ chaˋ de˙ zheng¯ qianˊ diˋ fang¯

There are worst places to make some money

還是有其他 haiˊ shiˋ youˇ qiˊ ta¯

There are other, There are still other

還是沒有跟來 haiˊ shiˋ meiˊ youˇ gen¯ laiˊ

Still wasn't coming, Still wasn't following

還是花很多時間上健身房 haiˊ shiˋ hua¯ henˇ duo¯ shiˊ jian¯ shangˋ jianˋ shen¯ fangˊ

Still spent a lot of time at the gym

還是菜鳥 haiˊ shiˋ caiˋ niaoˇ

Still a rookie

還是被允許的 haiˊ shiˋ beiˋ yunˇ xuˇ de˙

But was allowed, Was still allowed, Was allowed

還是要簽 haiˊ shiˋ yaoˋ qian¯

Still needs to be signed

還是讓他憤怒 haiˊ shiˋ rangˋ ta¯ fenˋ nuˋ

Still made him angry, Still rankled him

還是趕快 haiˊ shiˋ ganˇ kuaiˋ

Quickly, Move fast, Get on with

來自 laiˊ ziˋ

From, Come from, Came from

來自不同人 laiˊ ziˋ buˋ tongˊ renˊ

From various people

來自地獄 laiˊ ziˋ diˋ yuˋ

From hell

排斥 paiˊ chiˋ


臺伺服器 taiˊ ciˋ fuˊ qiˋ

Server, Computer network device

24, 11, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 25, 31, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45

該知道事情不對勁 gai¯ zhi¯ daoˋ shiˋ qingˊ buˊ duiˋ jinˋ

Should have known something was wrong

開支 kai¯ zhi¯


24, 11, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 25, 31, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45

差使 chai¯ shiˇ

Dispatch, Send

該死 gai¯ siˇ

Damn it, Shit

該死的 gai¯ siˇ de˙

Damn, Damned

開始 kai¯ shiˇ

Start, Starts, Starting, Started, Begin, Begins, Beginning, Began

開始了 kai¯ shiˇ le˙

Started, Began, Has started, Has began

開始出現 kai¯ shiˇ chu¯ xianˋ

Start to appear, Starting to appear

開始出現細紋 kai¯ shiˇ chu¯ xianˋ xiˋ wenˊ

Start to wrinkle, Starting to wrinkle, Wrinkles started appearing

開始分配 kai¯ shiˇ fen¯ peiˋ

Begin rationing

開始分配食物 kai¯ shiˇ fen¯ peiˋ shiˊ wuˋ

Begin rationing food

開始吐血 kai¯ shiˇ tuˇ xieˇ

Start coughing up blood

開始咳嗽 kai¯ shiˇ hai¯ souˋ

Started to cough, Started coughing

開始在記憶中模糊 kai¯ shiˇ zaiˋ jiˋ yiˋ zhong¯ moˊ huˊ

Beginning to fade from memory

開始尖叫 kai¯ shiˇ jian¯ jiaoˋ

Start to scream

開始形成 kai¯ shiˇ xingˊ chengˊ

Began to form, Began to develop

開始思考如何賺錢 kai¯ shiˇ si¯ kaoˇ ruˊ heˊ zhuanˋ qianˊ

Start to think about how to make money, Starts to think about how to make money, Starting to think about how to make money

開始爬下山 kai¯ shiˇ paˊ xiaˋ shan¯

Begin climbing down, Began climbing down

開始緊張了 kai¯ shiˇ jinˇ zhang¯ le˙

Became worried, Began to worry

開始舔牆壁了 kai¯ shiˇ tianˇ qiangˊ biˋ le˙

Start licking the walls

開始覺得舒服一點 kai¯ shiˇ jueˊ de˙ shu¯ fuˊ yiˋ dianˇ

Started to feel a little more comfortable, Started to feel better

開始解釋 kai¯ shiˇ jieˇ shiˋ

Began to explain, Began explaining, Started explaining

開始訓練了 kai¯ shiˇ xunˋ lianˋ le˙

Began training

開始認識 kai¯ shiˇ renˋ shiˋ

Started to get to know, Began to understand

開始送報 kai¯ shiˇ songˋ baoˋ

Started delivering newspapers

拍死 pai¯ siˇ


拍死它 pai¯ siˇ ta¯

Swat it

拍子 pai¯ ziˇ

Beat time, Mark time, Rhythm, Bat, Racket, Fly swatter

24, 11, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 25, 31, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45

差事 chai¯ shiˋ

Job, Task, Errand

開式 kai¯ shiˋ

Open style

24, 11, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 25, 31, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45

白痴 baiˊ chi¯

Stupid, Idiotic

白絲 baiˊ si¯

White silk

才思敏銳 caiˊ si¯ minˇ ruiˋ


才知道 caiˊ zhi¯ daoˋ

Just find out, Just learn (about)

24, 11, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 25, 31, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45

材質 caiˊ zhiˊ

Material, Composition

台詞 taiˊ ciˊ

Caption, Subtitle, Line

24, 11, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 25, 31, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45

白紙 baiˊ zhiˇ

Blank paper, White paper

孩子們都高叫願意 haiˊ ziˇ men˙ dou¯ gao¯ jiaoˋ yuanˋ yiˋ

The children all screamed yes

孩子出來吧 haiˊ ziˇ chu¯ laiˊ ba¯

Son, come out, Come out son

孩子房 haiˊ ziˇ fangˊ

Kid's room

孩子還小 haiˊ ziˇ haiˊ xiaoˇ

Children are still young

台尺 taiˊ chiˇ

Taiwan foot

24, 11, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 25, 31, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45

孩子 haiˊ zi˙

Kids, Children, Offspring

孩子們 haiˊ zi˙ men˙

Children, Offspring

牌子 paiˊ zi˙

Bulletin board, Sign post, Signboard, Sign, Tag, Label, Brand, Plate

24, 11, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 25, 31, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45

凱斯特倫 kaiˇ si¯ teˋ lunˊ

Kestron, Castallan

凱絲 kaiˇ si¯


24, 11, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 25, 31, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45

擺祀 baiˇ siˋ

Display for worship, Display as a trophy

改日 gaiˇ riˋ

Another day

乃至 naiˇ zhiˋ

And even

24, 11, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 25, 31, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45

愛吃 aiˋ chi¯

Love to eat, Love eating

艾斯裘 aiˋ si¯ qiuˊ


愛滋病 aiˋ zi¯ bingˋ

AIDs, Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome

艾滋病 aiˋ zi¯ bingˋ


戴斯蒙 daiˋ si¯ mengˊ


代之 daiˋ zhi¯

Instead of, Replace, Replace with

在吃草 zaiˋ chi¯ caoˇ

Eating grass, While eating grass

在支撐的那隻腳上 zaiˋ zhi¯ cheng¯ de˙ naˋ zhi¯ jiaoˇ shangˋ

On the supporting foot, Over the supporting foot

24, 11, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 25, 31, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45

帶職受訓 daiˋ zhiˊ shouˋ xunˋ

Receive training, On-the-job training

太遲 taiˋ chiˊ

Too late

在石圈旁 zaiˋ shiˊ quan¯ pangˊ

Next to the circle of stones

在執行之前 zaiˋ zhiˊ xingˊ zhi¯ qianˊ

Before carrying out, Before doing it

在執行判刑之前 zaiˋ zhiˊ xingˊ panˋ xingˊ zhi¯ qianˊ

Before a sentence is carried out

在職 zaiˋ zhiˊ


24, 11, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 25, 31, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45

待死 daiˋ siˇ

Dying, About to die, Waiting to die

待死的 daiˋ siˇ de˙

Dying, About to die, Waiting to die

帶子 daiˋ ziˇ

Tape, Strap

害死 haiˋ siˇ

Kill, Killed

在此 zaiˋ ciˇ


在此刻 zaiˋ ciˇ keˋ

Now, At this point

在此刻當場 zaiˋ ciˇ keˋ dang¯ changˇ

On the spot

在此時此刻 zaiˋ ciˇ shiˊ ciˇ keˋ

Real quick, Really quickly, Really soon, Now

在史坦福商業學院進修期間 zaiˋ shiˇ tanˇ fuˊ shang¯ yeˋ xueˊ yuanˋ jinˋ xiu¯ qiˊ jian¯

While studying at Stanford Business School

在死前 zaiˋ siˇ qianˊ

Before dying

24, 11, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 25, 31, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45

礙事 aiˋ shiˋ

Get in the way

拜日式 baiˋ riˋ shiˋ

Sun Salutation(S), Surya Namaskara

菜市場 caiˋ shiˋ changˇ

Vegetable market

帶刺 daiˋ ciˋ

Barb, Barbed, Spike, Spiked

帶刺頭盔 daiˋ ciˋ touˊ kui¯

Spiked helmet

賽事資歷 saiˋ shiˋ zi¯ liˋ

Tournament qualifications

態勢 taiˋ shiˋ

Situation, Posture

泰式 taiˋ shiˋ

Thai style

泰式奶茶 taiˋ shiˋ naiˇ chaˊ

Thai Style Milk Tea

泰式旗魚酥 taiˋ shiˋ qiˊ yuˊ su¯

Thai Style Crispy Swordfish

泰式海鮮餅 taiˋ shiˋ haiˇ xian¯ bingˇ

Thai Style Fresh Seafood

泰式炒河粉 taiˋ shiˋ chaoˇ heˊ fenˇ

Pad Thai Noodles

泰式烤牛肉 taiˋ shiˋ kaoˇ niuˊ rouˋ

Thai Style Roast Beef

泰式空心菜 taiˋ shiˋ kong¯ xin¯ caiˋ

Thai Style Greens

泰式雞肉燴飯 taiˋ shiˋ ji¯ rouˋ huiˋ fanˋ

Thai Style Chicken Risotto

泰式青木瓜沙拉 taiˋ shiˋ qing¯ muˋ gua¯ sha¯ la¯

Thai Style Papaya Salad

泰式高麗菜 taiˋ shiˋ gao¯ liˋ caiˋ

Thai Style Cabbage

泰式龍鬚菜 taiˋ shiˋ longˊ xu¯ caiˋ

Thai Style Chayote Shoots

再次 zaiˋ ciˋ

Once again

再次進入了 zaiˋ ciˋ jinˋ ruˋ le˙

Re-enter, Re-entered

在日常生活中 zaiˋ riˋ changˊ sheng¯ huoˊ zhong¯

In every day life, In daily life

在日正當中時 zaiˋ riˋ zhengˋ dang¯ zhong¯ shiˊ

Right at noon, As the sun reached its height

再試一次 zaiˋ shiˋ yi¯ ciˋ

Tried again

在世 zaiˋ shiˋ

Alive, Living, In this world

在世紀之交 zaiˋ shiˋ jiˋ zhi¯ jiao¯

At the turn of the century

在事情終於發生之前 zaiˋ shiˋ qingˊ zhong¯ yuˊ fa¯ sheng¯ zhi¯ qianˊ

Before it finally happened

在事過境遷之後 zaiˋ shiˋ guoˋ jingˋ qian¯ zhi¯ houˋ

After the event, After the occurrence

在四月初或四月底摘 zaiˋ siˋ yueˋ chu¯ huoˋ siˋ yueˋ diˇ zhai¯

Picked in early or late April

在自家工作室做的 zaiˋ ziˋ jia¯ gong¯ zuoˋ shiˋ zuoˋ de˙

Made in their home workshop

在自己的聲音中 zaiˋ ziˋ jiˇ de˙ sheng¯ yin¯ zhong¯

In their own voice, In his own voice, In her own voice

24, 11, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 25, 31, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45

袋子 daiˋ zi˙

Bag, Satchel

蓋子 gaiˋ zi˙

Cover, Lid


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還是趕快 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 趕

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