
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 要


Need to quickly

dou¯ kuaiˋ yaoˋ

要 yaoˋ, yao¯
Want, Need, Require, Important, Essential, Necessary, Necessity, Should, Will, Shall, Ought To, Demand, Summarize, Summary, Brief, If, In Case, (Yao1), Invite, Threaten, Coerce, Blackmail, Stop, Investigate, Examine, Ask For, Engage, Make An Agreeement, Waist, Midriff

(hide char details)

Phone , Tone


快要 kuaiˋ yaoˋ

Words that rhyme with 都快要 (ou-wai)

Grouped by first phone

dou, rou

都快要 dou¯ kuaiˋ yaoˋ

Need to quickly

dou, rou

肉塊 rouˋ kuaiˋ

Chunks of meat, Chum

Grouped in tone pairs

14, 44

都快要 dou¯ kuaiˋ yaoˋ

Need to quickly

14, 44

肉塊 rouˋ kuaiˋ

Chunks of meat, Chum


十-十 : > : > [都]-都快 : > [都]-都快要 >

丶-忄 : > : > [快]-快要 : > [快]-都快要 >

一-覀 : > : > [要]-快要 : > [要]-都快要 >

都快要 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 要

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