
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 得


Woke up extra early, Work up early

xingˇ deˊ henˇ zaoˇ

得 deˊ, deiˇ, de˙
Acquire, Obtain, Get, Succeed, Infix Used To Indicate Ability Or Success Or Acquisition (De5), (Dei3), Must, Should, Need, Adverbial

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Phone , Tone


得很 de˙ henˇ

Words that rhyme with 醒得很早 (ying-e)

Grouped by first phone

xing, bing, ding, jing, ling, ming, ning, ping, qing, ting, ying

行車 xingˊ che¯

Drive car, Driving

行得通 xingˊ deˊ tong¯

Will work

型的 xingˊ de˙


醒得很早 xingˇ deˊ henˇ zaoˇ

Woke up extra early, Work up early

性格 xingˋ geˊ

Disposition, Personality, Character

醒了 xingˇ le˙

Woken up, Awake, Woke up

刑責 xingˊ zeˊ

Sentencing for a criminal, Sentencing

xing, bing, ding, jing, ling, ming, ning, ping, qing, ting, ying

病了 bingˋ le˙

Get sick

xing, bing, ding, jing, ling, ming, ning, ping, qing, ting, ying

定額 dingˋ eˊ


訂了外賣 dingˋ le˙ waiˋ maiˋ

Order take out

盯著 ding¯ zhe˙

Stare at, Staring at

盯著她看 ding¯ zhe˙ ta¯ kanˋ

Peering at her, Staring at her

頂著 dingˇ zhe˙

Press against, Butt against

頂著窗戶 dingˇ zhe˙ chuang¯ huˋ

Press against the window, Presses against the window, Pressing against the window, Pressed against the window

xing, bing, ding, jing, ling, ming, ning, ping, qing, ting, ying

警車 jingˇ che¯

Police car

景色 jingˇ seˋ


驚蟄 jing¯ zheˊ

Awakening Insects, Mar 6 to Mar 21

xing, bing, ding, jing, ling, ming, ning, ping, qing, ting, ying

另個 lingˋ ge˙

Other, Another

另個策略 lingˋ ge˙ ceˋ lueˋ

Another strategy

領著 lingˇ zhe˙

Leading, Ushering

xing, bing, ding, jing, ling, ming, ning, ping, qing, ting, ying

名冊 mingˊ ceˋ


名額 mingˊ eˊ


冥河 mingˊ heˊ

Styx, The river Styx

冥河合唱團 mingˊ heˊ heˊ changˋ tuanˊ


和樂 mingˊ leˋ


xing, bing, ding, jing, ling, ming, ning, ping, qing, ting, ying

寧可 ningˊ keˇ

Would rather

寧可死了算了 ningˊ keˇ siˇ le˙ suanˋ le˙

Would rather die

xing, bing, ding, jing, ling, ming, ning, ping, qing, ting, ying

平和 pingˊ heˊ


平了 pingˊ le˙

Even, Balanced

憑著 pingˊ zhe˙

By means of, Because of

憑著自己的重量 pingˊ zhe˙ ziˋ jiˇ de˙ zhongˋ liangˋ

By means of its own weight, Because of its own weight

xing, bing, ding, jing, ling, ming, ning, ping, qing, ting, ying

清澈 qing¯ cheˋ


慶賀 qingˋ heˋ


請客 qingˇ keˋ

Host, Invite, Treat to dinner

xing, bing, ding, jing, ling, ming, ning, ping, qing, ting, ying

停車 tingˊ che¯

Park vehicle (car, Motorcycle etc.)

停車位 tingˊ che¯ weiˋ

Parking space

停車場 tingˊ che¯ changˇ

Car park

聽得 ting¯ deˊ

Hear, Detect

聽得到 ting¯ deˊ daoˋ

Audible, Heard

聽得懂 ting¯ deˊ dongˇ

Able to understand

聽得皺起眉頭 ting¯ deˊ zhouˋ qiˇ meiˊ touˊ


聽得見 ting¯ deˊ jianˋ

Could hear

聽的人 ting¯ de˙ renˊ


聽的人的感受 ting¯ de˙ renˊ de˙ ganˇ shouˋ

Listener's feelings

聽了 ting¯ le˙

Heard, Listened to

聽了一會兒 ting¯ le˙ yiˋ huiˋ erˊ

Listened for a moment, Listened

聽了爸爸的話 ting¯ le˙ baˋ ba˙ de˙ huaˋ

After listening to my father

停了 tingˊ le˙

Stopped, Paused, Parked

停了一下 tingˊ le˙ yiˋ xiaˋ

Pause, Paused

停了下來 tingˊ le˙ xiaˋ laiˊ


停了幾輛車 tingˊ le˙ jiˇ liangˋ che¯

Parked cars

聽這種廢話 ting¯ zheˋ zhongˇ feiˋ huaˋ

Listen to this sort of nonsense

聽著 ting¯ zhe˙

Listening, Listened, Listen!

聽著他們說話 ting¯ zhe˙ ta¯ men˙ shuo¯ huaˋ

Listened to them

聽著噪響音樂 ting¯ zhe˙ zaoˋ xiangˇ yin¯ yueˋ

Listen to loud music, Listened to loud music, Listening to loud music

聽著她們說話 ting¯ zhe˙ ta¯ men˙ shuo¯ huaˋ

Listened to them

停著 tingˊ zhe˙


xing, bing, ding, jing, ling, ming, ning, ping, qing, ting, ying

贏得 yingˊ deˊ

Win, Winning, Earn, Earned, Gain, Gaining

贏得一些名聲 yingˊ deˊ yiˋ xie¯ mingˊ sheng¯

Earned a little repute, Gained a little fame

硬顎 yingˋ eˋ

Hard Palate

迎合 yingˊ heˊ


影射 yingˇ sheˋ

Allude, Hint at, Insinuate, Refer to in an oblique or roundabout manner, Innuendo

迎著 yingˊ zhe˙

Greeting, Welcoming

映著 yingˋ zhe˙


映著晨光 yingˋ zhe˙ chenˊ guang¯

Caught the morning light, Gleamed in the light of dawn

硬著心 yingˋ zhe˙ xin¯

Harden one's heart, Steel one's heart

Grouped in tone pairs

32, 12, 14, 15, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 31, 34, 35, 42, 44, 45

醒得很早 xingˇ deˊ henˇ zaoˇ

Woke up extra early, Work up early

32, 12, 14, 15, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 31, 34, 35, 42, 44, 45

驚蟄 jing¯ zheˊ

Awakening Insects, Mar 6 to Mar 21

聽得 ting¯ deˊ

Hear, Detect

聽得到 ting¯ deˊ daoˋ

Audible, Heard

聽得懂 ting¯ deˊ dongˇ

Able to understand

聽得皺起眉頭 ting¯ deˊ zhouˋ qiˇ meiˊ touˊ


聽得見 ting¯ deˊ jianˋ

Could hear

32, 12, 14, 15, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 31, 34, 35, 42, 44, 45

清澈 qing¯ cheˋ


聽這種廢話 ting¯ zheˋ zhongˇ feiˋ huaˋ

Listen to this sort of nonsense

32, 12, 14, 15, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 31, 34, 35, 42, 44, 45

盯著 ding¯ zhe˙

Stare at, Staring at

盯著她看 ding¯ zhe˙ ta¯ kanˋ

Peering at her, Staring at her

聽的人 ting¯ de˙ renˊ


聽的人的感受 ting¯ de˙ renˊ de˙ ganˇ shouˋ

Listener's feelings

聽了 ting¯ le˙

Heard, Listened to

聽了一會兒 ting¯ le˙ yiˋ huiˋ erˊ

Listened for a moment, Listened

聽了爸爸的話 ting¯ le˙ baˋ ba˙ de˙ huaˋ

After listening to my father

聽著 ting¯ zhe˙

Listening, Listened, Listen!

聽著他們說話 ting¯ zhe˙ ta¯ men˙ shuo¯ huaˋ

Listened to them

聽著噪響音樂 ting¯ zhe˙ zaoˋ xiangˇ yin¯ yueˋ

Listen to loud music, Listened to loud music, Listening to loud music

聽著她們說話 ting¯ zhe˙ ta¯ men˙ shuo¯ huaˋ

Listened to them

32, 12, 14, 15, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 31, 34, 35, 42, 44, 45

停車 tingˊ che¯

Park vehicle (car, Motorcycle etc.)

停車位 tingˊ che¯ weiˋ

Parking space

停車場 tingˊ che¯ changˇ

Car park

行車 xingˊ che¯

Drive car, Driving

32, 12, 14, 15, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 31, 34, 35, 42, 44, 45

名額 mingˊ eˊ


冥河 mingˊ heˊ

Styx, The river Styx

冥河合唱團 mingˊ heˊ heˊ changˋ tuanˊ


平和 pingˊ heˊ


行得通 xingˊ deˊ tong¯

Will work

刑責 xingˊ zeˊ

Sentencing for a criminal, Sentencing

贏得 yingˊ deˊ

Win, Winning, Earn, Earned, Gain, Gaining

贏得一些名聲 yingˊ deˊ yiˋ xie¯ mingˊ sheng¯

Earned a little repute, Gained a little fame

迎合 yingˊ heˊ


32, 12, 14, 15, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 31, 34, 35, 42, 44, 45

寧可 ningˊ keˇ

Would rather

寧可死了算了 ningˊ keˇ siˇ le˙ suanˋ le˙

Would rather die

32, 12, 14, 15, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 31, 34, 35, 42, 44, 45

名冊 mingˊ ceˋ


和樂 mingˊ leˋ


32, 12, 14, 15, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 31, 34, 35, 42, 44, 45

平了 pingˊ le˙

Even, Balanced

憑著 pingˊ zhe˙

By means of, Because of

憑著自己的重量 pingˊ zhe˙ ziˋ jiˇ de˙ zhongˋ liangˋ

By means of its own weight, Because of its own weight

停了 tingˊ le˙

Stopped, Paused, Parked

停了一下 tingˊ le˙ yiˋ xiaˋ

Pause, Paused

停了下來 tingˊ le˙ xiaˋ laiˊ


停了幾輛車 tingˊ le˙ jiˇ liangˋ che¯

Parked cars

停著 tingˊ zhe˙


型的 xingˊ de˙


迎著 yingˊ zhe˙

Greeting, Welcoming

32, 12, 14, 15, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 31, 34, 35, 42, 44, 45

警車 jingˇ che¯

Police car

32, 12, 14, 15, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 31, 34, 35, 42, 44, 45

景色 jingˇ seˋ


請客 qingˇ keˋ

Host, Invite, Treat to dinner

影射 yingˇ sheˋ

Allude, Hint at, Insinuate, Refer to in an oblique or roundabout manner, Innuendo

32, 12, 14, 15, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 31, 34, 35, 42, 44, 45

頂著 dingˇ zhe˙

Press against, Butt against

頂著窗戶 dingˇ zhe˙ chuang¯ huˋ

Press against the window, Presses against the window, Pressing against the window, Pressed against the window

領著 lingˇ zhe˙

Leading, Ushering

醒了 xingˇ le˙

Woken up, Awake, Woke up

32, 12, 14, 15, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 31, 34, 35, 42, 44, 45

定額 dingˋ eˊ


性格 xingˋ geˊ

Disposition, Personality, Character

32, 12, 14, 15, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 31, 34, 35, 42, 44, 45

慶賀 qingˋ heˋ


硬顎 yingˋ eˋ

Hard Palate

32, 12, 14, 15, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 31, 34, 35, 42, 44, 45

病了 bingˋ le˙

Get sick

訂了外賣 dingˋ le˙ waiˋ maiˋ

Order take out

另個 lingˋ ge˙

Other, Another

另個策略 lingˋ ge˙ ceˋ lueˋ

Another strategy

映著 yingˋ zhe˙


映著晨光 yingˋ zhe˙ chenˊ guang¯

Caught the morning light, Gleamed in the light of dawn

硬著心 yingˋ zhe˙ xin¯

Harden one's heart, Steel one's heart


一-西 : > : > [醒]-醒得 : > [醒]-醒得很早 >

丿-彳 : > : > [得]-得很 : > [得]-醒得很早 >

丿-彳 : > : > [很]-得很 : > [很]-醒得很早 >

口-日 : > : > [早]-很早 : > [早]-醒得很早 >

醒得很早 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 得

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