Index for words including 釋


Release, Set Free, Explain, Interpret, Clarify, Elucidate, Buddha, Buddhism, Taoism

Word Links for words containing 釋 (sorted via character pairs)

釋 shiˋ
Release, Set Free, Explain, Interpret, Clarify, Elucidate, Buddha, Buddhism, Taoism

Words containing

(Use links to see word pronunciation)


釋出 Released


釋重 Release a weight, Releases a burden, Releasing a burden, Released a burden

釋重負地嘆了口氣 Breathe a sigh of relief, Breathes a sigh of relief, Breathing a sigh of relief, Breathed a sigh of relief


愛不釋手 Can't put it down


釋放 Lose, Lost, Release, Released

釋放 Release, Emit, Discharge, Send out, Give off

釋放出噴泉般的物質 Discharging fountains of material


解釋 Explanation, Explain, Explains, explaining, Explained, Interpretation, Interpret, Interprets, Interpreting, Interpreted

解釋 To explain

解釋 Didn't explain

歷史解釋 Historical explanation, Historical interpretation

無法解釋 Unexplained

要求解釋 Demand an explanation, Demanded an explanation

進行解釋 Be interpreted

開始解釋 Began to explain, Began explaining, Started explaining

我應該解釋 I should explain

更好說服自己的解釋 Better explanation

解釋 Explained

解釋 Explained (verbally)

無法解釋 Unexplained

解釋一下 Explain

解釋了狀況 Explained the situation

很難解釋的概念 A difficult concept to explain


保釋 Bail out

保釋了出去 Bailed out


註釋 Notation, Remark


課文注釋 Notes, Note

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