Index for words including 量

liangˋ, liangˊ

Amount, Estimate, Quantity, Capacity, (Liang2), Measure, Take a measurement, Make a measurement

Word Links for words containing 量 (sorted via character pairs)

量 liangˋ, liangˊ
Amount, Estimate, Quantity, Capacity, (Liang2), Measure, Take a measurement, Make a measurement

Words containing

(Use links to see word pronunciation)


量尺 Scale, Ruler, Measuring stick


分子量是各分子質量的比較數值 Molecular weight is the relative value of a molecules molecular mass, Molecular weight is a molecule's relative molecular mass


分子中所有原子的原子量總 The sum of atomic masses of all atoms within a molecule

分子量為分子中所有原子的原子量總 Molecular weight is the sum of the atomic weights of all atoms within a molecule


量衡 Weights and Measures


量筒 Beaker


分子量為分子中所有原子的原子量總和 Molecular weight is the sum of the atomic weights of all atoms within a molecule


原子量訂 Atomic weighing method


量身 Tailored, Made to measure


量少 Small serving, Quantity is small


量取 Measure


時量 Amount of time


肚量 Capacity for tolerance, Capacity for forgiveness


膽量 Courage, Audacity, Guts


限量 Limit

限量分配 Ration


能量 Energy level, Energy

能量 Positive energy

內在每一分能量 Every ounce of inner strength, Every bit of inner strength

從超導體吸收它的能量 Drawing its energy from a superconductor


總量 Total


子量 Molecular weight

子量 Atomic weight

甲的原子量 Atom A's atomic weight

碳的原子量 Atomic weight of carbon

鎂的原子量 Atomic weight of magnesium, Magnesium's atomic weight

其他元素的原子量 Atomic weights of other elements

某一種化合物的分子量 A certain compound's molecular weight

分子中所有原子的原子量 The atomic mass for all atoms within a molecule


質量 Mass

質量 Total mass

分子質量 Molecular mass

分子的質量 Molecular mass

原子的質量 Atomic mass, The mass of an atom, An atom's mass

各原子質量 Each atomic mass

固定的質量 Fixed mass

碳原子質量 Atomic mass of carbon

一個原子或分子的質量 The mass of an atom or molecule

質量 Mass ratio

原子質量 Atomic mass ratio

質量守恆 Conservation of mass

質量為多少公克 What is the mass in grams?

分子質量的比較數值 Relative molecular mass

分子量是各分子質量的比較數值 Molecular weight is the relative value of a molecules molecular mass, Molecular weight is a molecule's relative molecular mass


與量 Numbers and quantities


多量 Many, So many


份量 Amount, Number of portions (on hand)

兩口份量 Two mouthfuls, Serving for two

約僅成人兩口份量 Only about two adult mouthfuls, About two adult servings


作量 Workload


儘量 As much as possible

儘量保持低庫存 Keeping inventory low

儘量讓自己舒適 Please make yourself comfortable


動量 Momentum


重量 Weight

重量 Weightless

掂掂重量 Test its weight, Tests its weight, Testing its weight, Tested its weight, Heft, Hefts, Hefting, Hefted

身體重量 Body weight

前後轉移重量 Shift weight forwards and backwards, Shifting weight forwards and backwards

憑著自己的重量 By means of its own weight, Because of its own weight

前後轉移你的重量 Shift your weight forwards and backwards, Shifting your weight forwards and backwards

沒承受身體任何重量 Not supporting any body weight, No longer supporting any body weight

重量 Heavyweight

轉移重量 Shift weight to, Shifting weight to, Shifted weight to

重量轉換 Shift weight, Shifting weight

重量再大些 Heavier

重量的不同 Weight differences

重量轉換到 Shift weight to, Shifting weight to

重量均勻分佈 Evenly distribute the weight, Evenly distribute your weight, Center the weight, Center your weight

重量均勻分佈在 Evenly distribute the weight over, Evenly distribute your weight over, Center the weight on, Center your weight over

重量轉移到另一隻腳 Shift weight to the other foot

連它本身的重量都無法負荷 Couldn't even lift it's own weight

重量轉移到 Shift weight to

將身體重量轉移到 Shift body weight to, Shifting body weight to

轉移重量到單腳 Shifting weight to one foot

重量轉換到單腳 Shift weight to one foot

重量轉換到單腳時 While shifting weight to one foot, As weight is shifted to one foot

重量轉移到單腳上 Shift weight to one foot, Shifting weight to one foot, Shifted weight to one foot

重量轉移到另一隻腳時 While shifting weight to the other foot, As weight is shifted to the other foot


衡量 Measure, Measures, Measuring, Measured

不可衡量 Measureless, Immeasurable

不可衡量的價值 Unmeasurable value, Measureless value, Immeasurable value


微量 Smallest amount, Tiniest trace

微量元素 Trace elements


產量 Production output, Yield


音量 Volume

提高音量 Raised voice, More loudly, Louder, With greater volume

音量增高 The sound volume went up, The sound volume increased

用正常音量對他們說話 Spoke to them in a normal tone of voice,

音量太高太尖難以聽清楚 Too loud and shrill to hear clearly

音量太高 Too loud

音量太高太尖 Too loud and high pitched

提高音量 With a raised voice said

故意提高音量 With an intentionally raised voice, Deliberately raising their voice


商量 Discuss, Confer, Consult

會診商量 Consult, Medical consultation

商量 After conferring, After discussing


計量 Measure

化學計量 Stoichiometry, Ratio of chemicals in chemical reactions, The measure of elements

計量時間 Measure time

計量時間的方式 Method of measuring time


評量 Weigh, Assess, Judge, Evaluate, Evaluation

滿分評量 Perfect score

自我評量 Self-assessment


容量 Capacity

空油箱的容量 Empty fuel tanks capacity

一個空油箱的容量 An empty fuel tanks capacity

體積容量單位 Measure of storage capacity, Measure of volume


成量 Yield, Harvested amount


糧食的量 Amount of food, Amount of supplies

足夠的量 Sufficient amount

所需要的量 The amount required

你得上教堂的量 The number of times you had to go to church, The amount of church you had to attend

不夠我所需要的量 Not quite the amount that I need

足夠應付突發狀況的量 Send an amount sufficient to deal with any emergencies, Send just enough to deal with any emergencies


流量 Flow rate

金錢流量 Cash flow


海量 Mass


測量 Measure, Measures, Assess, Survey, Surveyed

直接測量 Directly measure

測量 Measurement, Measurements

測量主體亮度 Measures subject's brightness, Assesses subject brightness

測量主體亮度以決定正確曝光 Measure subject brightness to determine correct exposure


過量 Overdose


適量 Appropriate amount

加入適量的水鹽酸 Add an appropriate amount of hydrochloric acid

只要施加適量的壓力 Just apply the right amount of pressure, With the right amount of pressure applied


含量 Amount contained, Contained amount, Contains


銷量 Sales


分量 Weight


少量 Small amount, Small quantity

少量液體 Small amounts of liquid

少量物質 Small amount of substance


總資料量 Total amount of data stored

所有磁帶上的總資料量 Total amount of data stored on the tapes


電量 Electricity savings


取量 Intake amount


數量 Quantity

表示數量 To represent a value or quantity, To represent a value, To represent a quantity

所需的數量 Required amount

超過所需的數量 More than was needed

數量奇多 Lots, Many


考量 Consider, Mitigate, Mitigating

考量 Mitigating

考量的情況 Mitigating circumstances


熱量 Calories

大卡的熱量 Calories


盡量 As much as possible

盡量悄悄移動 Move as quietly as possible, Moving as quietly as possible, Moved as quietly as possible

盡量悄悄移動 He moved as quietly as possible

盡量悄悄移動 She moved as quietly as possible


力量 Strength, Force, Power, Ability

土的力量 Earth power

更有力量 More powerful

這股力量 This power

大海的力量 The ocean's power, The power of the ocean

看不見的力量 Unseen powers

化這些恐懼為力量 Turn these fears into strength, Turns these fears into strength, Turning these fears into strength, Turned these fears into strength, Use these these fears for strength, Uses these fears for strength, Using these fears for strength, Used these fears for strength

操縱風火水土的力量 Manipulating the powers of air, fire, water and earth

可控制絕大多數的力量 Could for the most part control their ability

力量最強大 Most powerful

力量非常強大 Very powerful

力量非常大 Apply a lot of strength, Expend a lot of effort

力量強大無比 Extremely powerful

力量達到巔峰 At full strength, At peak strength


大量 Large quantity, Lots of, En masse, Mass

產出大量 Produce large quantities

能產出大量 Can produce large quantities

大量生產 Mass produce

大量繁殖 Reproduce, Multiply

一週洗兩次大量的衣服 Did a load of laundry twice a week

大量的原子或分子組成 Composed of a large number of atoms or molecules


打量 Looked at, Eyed, Glanced at measuringly

上下打量 Looked up and down, Conjectured


較量 Strength contest

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