
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 甲



kaiˇ jiaˇ

甲 jiaˇ
First, Covered, Armour, Armoured, Shell, Toenail, Fingernail, 1

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Phone , Tone

Words that rhyme with 鎧甲 (ai-ia)

Grouped by first phone

kai, ai, cai, chai, dai, hai, mai, pai, tai, zai, zhai

鎧甲 kaiˇ jiaˇ


kai, ai, cai, chai, dai, hai, mai, pai, tai, zai, zhai

挨家挨戶 ai¯ jia¯ ai¯ huˋ

Door to door

kai, ai, cai, chai, dai, hai, mai, pai, tai, zai, zhai

彩霞 caiˇ xiaˊ

Pink clouds

踩下煞車 caiˇ xiaˋ sha¯ che¯

Put on the brakes, Apply the brakes

kai, ai, cai, chai, dai, hai, mai, pai, tai, zai, zhai

拆下來 chai¯ xiaˋ laiˊ

Taken from, Torn from, Removed from

kai, ai, cai, chai, dai, hai, mai, pai, tai, zai, zhai

帶甲 daiˋ jiaˇ

Armored, Wearing armor

代價 daiˋ jiaˋ


kai, ai, cai, chai, dai, hai, mai, pai, tai, zai, zhai

海峽 haiˇ xiaˊ

Strait, Straits, Water channel

kai, ai, cai, chai, dai, hai, mai, pai, tai, zai, zhai

買下來 maiˇ xiaˋ laiˊ

Buy (it)

kai, ai, cai, chai, dai, hai, mai, pai, tai, zai, zhai

拍下 pai¯ xiaˋ

Filming, Photographing

kai, ai, cai, chai, dai, hai, mai, pai, tai, zai, zhai

台下 taiˊ xiaˋ


kai, ai, cai, chai, dai, hai, mai, pai, tai, zai, zhai

再加上 zaiˋ jia¯ shangˋ

Then adding on, Then in addition, Then taking into account

在家 zaiˋ jia¯

Is at home, Are at home, Was at home

在家工作 zaiˋ jia¯ gong¯ zuoˋ

Work from home

在家自學 zaiˋ jia¯ ziˋ xueˊ


在家自學到十四歲 zaiˋ jia¯ ziˋ xueˊ daoˋ shiˊ siˋ suiˋ

Home-schooled up until the age of fourteen

在家門口 zaiˋ jia¯ menˊ kouˇ

At the door, At the door of the house, At the front door, On the porch

在下 zaiˋ xiaˋ

At the bottom

在下列各題 zaiˋ xiaˋ lieˋ geˋ tiˊ

For each question below

在下列空格中 zaiˋ xiaˋ lieˋ kong¯ geˊ zhong¯

Using the blanks below, Using the following blanks

在下邊 zaiˋ xiaˋ bian¯

At the bottom

在下面 zaiˋ xiaˋ mianˋ

Beneath, Below

在下面出現 zaiˋ xiaˋ mianˋ chu¯ xianˋ

Appear beneath, Appearing beneath, Appeared beneath

在下面放 zaiˋ xiaˋ mianˋ fangˋ

Put under, Put beneath, Place under

在夏綠蒂公主的信號下 zaiˋ xiaˋ luuˋ diˋ gong¯ zhuˇ de˙ xinˋ haoˋ xiaˋ

At Princess Charlotte's signal, At the signal of Princess Charlotte, At a signal given by Princess Charlotte

kai, ai, cai, chai, dai, hai, mai, pai, tai, zai, zhai

摘下 zhai¯ xiaˋ

Pick or pluck flowers, Take of glasses

摘下來 zhai¯ xiaˋ laiˊ

Picked, Plucked

Grouped in tone pairs

33, 11, 14, 24, 32, 34, 41, 43, 44

鎧甲 kaiˇ jiaˇ


33, 11, 14, 24, 32, 34, 41, 43, 44

挨家挨戶 ai¯ jia¯ ai¯ huˋ

Door to door

33, 11, 14, 24, 32, 34, 41, 43, 44

拆下來 chai¯ xiaˋ laiˊ

Taken from, Torn from, Removed from

拍下 pai¯ xiaˋ

Filming, Photographing

摘下 zhai¯ xiaˋ

Pick or pluck flowers, Take of glasses

摘下來 zhai¯ xiaˋ laiˊ

Picked, Plucked

33, 11, 14, 24, 32, 34, 41, 43, 44

台下 taiˊ xiaˋ


33, 11, 14, 24, 32, 34, 41, 43, 44

彩霞 caiˇ xiaˊ

Pink clouds

海峽 haiˇ xiaˊ

Strait, Straits, Water channel

33, 11, 14, 24, 32, 34, 41, 43, 44

踩下煞車 caiˇ xiaˋ sha¯ che¯

Put on the brakes, Apply the brakes

買下來 maiˇ xiaˋ laiˊ

Buy (it)

33, 11, 14, 24, 32, 34, 41, 43, 44

再加上 zaiˋ jia¯ shangˋ

Then adding on, Then in addition, Then taking into account

在家 zaiˋ jia¯

Is at home, Are at home, Was at home

在家工作 zaiˋ jia¯ gong¯ zuoˋ

Work from home

在家自學 zaiˋ jia¯ ziˋ xueˊ


在家自學到十四歲 zaiˋ jia¯ ziˋ xueˊ daoˋ shiˊ siˋ suiˋ

Home-schooled up until the age of fourteen

在家門口 zaiˋ jia¯ menˊ kouˇ

At the door, At the door of the house, At the front door, On the porch

33, 11, 14, 24, 32, 34, 41, 43, 44

帶甲 daiˋ jiaˇ

Armored, Wearing armor

33, 11, 14, 24, 32, 34, 41, 43, 44

代價 daiˋ jiaˋ


在下 zaiˋ xiaˋ

At the bottom

在下列各題 zaiˋ xiaˋ lieˋ geˋ tiˊ

For each question below

在下列空格中 zaiˋ xiaˋ lieˋ kong¯ geˊ zhong¯

Using the blanks below, Using the following blanks

在下邊 zaiˋ xiaˋ bian¯

At the bottom

在下面 zaiˋ xiaˋ mianˋ

Beneath, Below

在下面出現 zaiˋ xiaˋ mianˋ chu¯ xianˋ

Appear beneath, Appearing beneath, Appeared beneath

在下面放 zaiˋ xiaˋ mianˋ fangˋ

Put under, Put beneath, Place under

在夏綠蒂公主的信號下 zaiˋ xiaˋ luuˋ diˋ gong¯ zhuˇ de˙ xinˋ haoˋ xiaˋ

At Princess Charlotte's signal, At the signal of Princess Charlotte, At a signal given by Princess Charlotte


人-金 : > : > [鎧]-鎧甲 : > [鎧]-鎧甲 >

口-田 : > : > [甲]-鎧甲 : > [甲]-鎧甲 >

鎧甲 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 甲

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