Index for words including 鑰

yaoˋ, yueˋ


Word Links for words containing 鑰 (sorted via character pairs)

鑰 yaoˋ, yueˋ

Words containing

(Use links to see word pronunciation)


鑰匙 Key

備份鑰匙 Spare key or keys

轉動鑰匙 Turned the key

白宮的鑰匙 White House keys, Keys to the White House

家裡所有鑰匙 Keys for the entire house

一模一樣的鑰匙 Duplicate key or keys

你怎麼老是丟你的鑰匙 How is it that you always lose your key, Why do you always lose your key

鑰匙 Key-shaped, In the shape of a key

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