
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 久


Long time

changˊ jiuˇ

久 jiuˇ
For A Long Time, Long Time, Been A Long Time, Ages, Late

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Phone , Tone

Words that rhyme with 長久 (ang-you)

Grouped by first phone

chang, bang, shang

長久 changˊ jiuˇ

Long time

長久到 changˊ jiuˇ daoˋ

Long enough that

常有 changˊ youˇ

Usually, From time to time

常有這念頭 changˊ youˇ zheˋ nianˋ touˊ

Thought about it from time to time

常有颱風侵擾 changˊ youˇ taiˊ feng¯ qin¯ raoˇ

There are often typhoons

chang, bang, shang

棒球 bangˋ qiuˊ


棒球手套 bangˋ qiuˊ shouˇ taoˋ

Baseball glove

棒球隊 bangˋ qiuˊ duiˋ

Baseball team

chang, bang, shang

上流 shangˋ liuˊ

Upper class

上游 shangˋ youˊ

Up stream, Upper reaches, Reach for, Aim high

Grouped in tone pairs

23, 42

長久 changˊ jiuˇ

Long time

長久到 changˊ jiuˇ daoˋ

Long enough that

常有 changˊ youˇ

Usually, From time to time

常有這念頭 changˊ youˇ zheˋ nianˋ touˊ

Thought about it from time to time

常有颱風侵擾 changˊ youˇ taiˊ feng¯ qin¯ raoˇ

There are often typhoons

23, 42

棒球 bangˋ qiuˊ


棒球手套 bangˋ qiuˊ shouˇ taoˋ

Baseball glove

棒球隊 bangˋ qiuˊ duiˋ

Baseball team

上流 shangˋ liuˊ

Upper class

上游 shangˋ youˊ

Up stream, Upper reaches, Reach for, Aim high


厂-镸 : > : > [長]-長久 : > [長]-長久 >

丿-夕 : > : > [久]-長久 : > [久]-長久 >

長久 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 久

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