
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 開


The door is open

menˊ kai¯ le˙

開 kai¯
Open, Start, Drive, Begin, Hold An Event, Operate, Run, Write

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Phone , Tone


門開 menˊ kai¯

開了 kai¯ le˙

Words that rhyme with 門開了 (en-ai)

Grouped by first phone

men, ben, chen, en, fen, gen, hen, pen, ren, shen, zhen

門開 menˊ kai¯

The door is open

門開了 menˊ kai¯ le˙

The door is open

men, ben, chen, en, fen, gen, hen, pen, ren, shen, zhen

本該 benˇ gai¯

Ought to be, Should be

本該是手的地方 benˇ gai¯ shiˋ shouˇ de˙ diˋ fang¯

Where a hand should be, Where hands should be

本來 benˇ laiˊ

Of course, It goes without saying, Originally, From the beginning

本來就是緣分 benˇ laiˊ jiuˋ shiˋ yuanˊ fenˋ

It is fate

本來就有這打算 benˇ laiˊ jiuˋ youˇ zheˋ daˇ suanˋ

That was the plan, That was the basic idea

本來打算 benˇ laiˊ daˇ suanˋ

Originally intended, Meant, Meant to, Had meant to, Had planned

本來打算說 benˇ laiˊ daˇ suanˋ shuo¯

Had meant to say

本來是 benˇ laiˊ shiˋ

Had been, Originally, Had originally been

men, ben, chen, en, fen, gen, hen, pen, ren, shen, zhen

塵埃 chenˊ ai¯

Dust, Dusty

塵埃滿佈 chenˊ ai¯ manˇ buˋ


men, ben, chen, en, fen, gen, hen, pen, ren, shen, zhen

恩愛 en¯ aiˋ

Mutual affection, Love between husband and wife

men, ben, chen, en, fen, gen, hen, pen, ren, shen, zhen

分開 fen¯ kai¯

Separated, Parted, Delaminated, Spread apart

分開站 fen¯ kai¯ zhanˋ

Spread out

men, ben, chen, en, fen, gen, hen, pen, ren, shen, zhen

跟來 gen¯ laiˊ

Following, coming

跟在他們後面 gen¯ zaiˋ ta¯ men˙ houˋ mianˋ

Follow them

跟在他後面 gen¯ zaiˋ ta¯ houˋ mianˋ

Follow him

跟在她後面 gen¯ zaiˋ ta¯ houˋ mianˋ

Follow her

men, ben, chen, en, fen, gen, hen, pen, ren, shen, zhen

很開心 henˇ kai¯ xin¯

Very happy

men, ben, chen, en, fen, gen, hen, pen, ren, shen, zhen

盆栽 penˊ zai¯

Potted plant, Potted plants

men, ben, chen, en, fen, gen, hen, pen, ren, shen, zhen

仁愛 renˊ aiˋ

Philanthropy, Benevolence, Kindness, Humanity, Love

人才 renˊ caiˊ

Talented Individuals, Talented, Suitable individuals

韌帶 renˋ daiˋ


人海茫茫 renˊ haiˇ mangˊ mangˊ

Vast sea of people

人脈 renˊ maiˋ

Contacts, Connections, Resources

人脈廣 renˊ maiˋ guangˇ

Wide network of contacts, Able to call on a wide network of contacts, Resourceful, Well connected

忍耐 renˇ naiˋ

Patience, Have patience, Persevere

人晒紅了 renˊ shaiˋ hongˊ le˙


men, ben, chen, en, fen, gen, hen, pen, ren, shen, zhen

深愛 shen¯ aiˋ

Totally loved

身材 shen¯ caiˊ

Figure, Physique, Physical build

身材精瘦 shen¯ caiˊ jing¯ shouˋ

Lean build, Lean body, Lean

身材高大壯碩 shen¯ caiˊ gao¯ daˋ zhuangˋ shuoˋ

Big in stature

伸開 shen¯ kai¯

Stretched, Stretched out, Stretched open

深埋 shen¯ maiˊ

Deeply buried, Deep

深埋在下意識裡 shen¯ maiˊ zaiˋ xiaˋ yiˋ shiˋ liˇ

Buried deep in the layer of the subconscious

神態 shenˊ taiˋ


men, ben, chen, en, fen, gen, hen, pen, ren, shen, zhen

真愛 zhen¯ aiˋ

True love

Grouped in tone pairs

21, 11, 12, 14, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 34, 44

塵埃 chenˊ ai¯

Dust, Dusty

塵埃滿佈 chenˊ ai¯ manˇ buˋ


門開 menˊ kai¯

The door is open

門開了 menˊ kai¯ le˙

The door is open

盆栽 penˊ zai¯

Potted plant, Potted plants

21, 11, 12, 14, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 34, 44

分開 fen¯ kai¯

Separated, Parted, Delaminated, Spread apart

分開站 fen¯ kai¯ zhanˋ

Spread out

伸開 shen¯ kai¯

Stretched, Stretched out, Stretched open

21, 11, 12, 14, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 34, 44

跟來 gen¯ laiˊ

Following, coming

身材 shen¯ caiˊ

Figure, Physique, Physical build

身材精瘦 shen¯ caiˊ jing¯ shouˋ

Lean build, Lean body, Lean

身材高大壯碩 shen¯ caiˊ gao¯ daˋ zhuangˋ shuoˋ

Big in stature

深埋 shen¯ maiˊ

Deeply buried, Deep

深埋在下意識裡 shen¯ maiˊ zaiˋ xiaˋ yiˋ shiˋ liˇ

Buried deep in the layer of the subconscious

21, 11, 12, 14, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 34, 44

恩愛 en¯ aiˋ

Mutual affection, Love between husband and wife

跟在他們後面 gen¯ zaiˋ ta¯ men˙ houˋ mianˋ

Follow them

跟在他後面 gen¯ zaiˋ ta¯ houˋ mianˋ

Follow him

跟在她後面 gen¯ zaiˋ ta¯ houˋ mianˋ

Follow her

深愛 shen¯ aiˋ

Totally loved

真愛 zhen¯ aiˋ

True love

21, 11, 12, 14, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 34, 44

人才 renˊ caiˊ

Talented Individuals, Talented, Suitable individuals

21, 11, 12, 14, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 34, 44

人海茫茫 renˊ haiˇ mangˊ mangˊ

Vast sea of people

21, 11, 12, 14, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 34, 44

仁愛 renˊ aiˋ

Philanthropy, Benevolence, Kindness, Humanity, Love

人脈 renˊ maiˋ

Contacts, Connections, Resources

人脈廣 renˊ maiˋ guangˇ

Wide network of contacts, Able to call on a wide network of contacts, Resourceful, Well connected

人晒紅了 renˊ shaiˋ hongˊ le˙


神態 shenˊ taiˋ


21, 11, 12, 14, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 34, 44

本該 benˇ gai¯

Ought to be, Should be

本該是手的地方 benˇ gai¯ shiˋ shouˇ de˙ diˋ fang¯

Where a hand should be, Where hands should be

很開心 henˇ kai¯ xin¯

Very happy

21, 11, 12, 14, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 34, 44

本來 benˇ laiˊ

Of course, It goes without saying, Originally, From the beginning

本來就是緣分 benˇ laiˊ jiuˋ shiˋ yuanˊ fenˋ

It is fate

本來就有這打算 benˇ laiˊ jiuˋ youˇ zheˋ daˇ suanˋ

That was the plan, That was the basic idea

本來打算 benˇ laiˊ daˇ suanˋ

Originally intended, Meant, Meant to, Had meant to, Had planned

本來打算說 benˇ laiˊ daˇ suanˋ shuo¯

Had meant to say

本來是 benˇ laiˊ shiˋ

Had been, Originally, Had originally been

21, 11, 12, 14, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 34, 44

忍耐 renˇ naiˋ

Patience, Have patience, Persevere

21, 11, 12, 14, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 34, 44

韌帶 renˋ daiˋ



口-門 : > : > [門]-門開 : > [門]-門開了 >

口-門 : > : > [開]-門開 : > [開]-門開了 >

𠃌-了 : > : > [了]-開了 : > [了]-門開了 >

門開了 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 開

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