Flash, Lightning, Blitz, Blitzkrieg, Scintillate, Twinkle, Flicker, Strain (A Muscle), Dodge, Evade, Avoid
Word Links for words containing 閃 (sorted via character pairs)
閃閃 Glisten
閃閃爍爍 Twinkled, Glittered
閃閃發亮 Sparkling, Sparkled, Gleaming, Gleamed, Glistening, Glistened, Glittering, Glittered
閃閃發光 Gleaming, Gleamed, Sparkled
閃出 Flash, Emit flashes, Send out flashes
閃出驚人強光 Emit intense flashes of light, Emit tremendous flashes of light
閃動 Blink, Flash, Glisten, Sparkle, Twinkle
數字閃動 Flashing digits, Flashing numbers
閃動著 Sparkling, Twinkling, Glistening
閃過 Dodge, Avoid, Evade
閃過了 Dodged, Avoided, Evaded
閃過了子彈 Dodged a bullet
他臉上似乎閃過一道陰影 It seemed as if a shadow briefly passed over his face
閃爍 Flickering, Twinkling, Flashing, Blinking (lights), Flicker, Twinkle, Flash, Blink (lights)
在檯燈的燈光下閃爍 Twinkled in the lamplight, Twinkling in the lamplight
閃爍的 Flickering, Twinkling, Flashing, Blinking (lights), Flicker, Twinkle, Flash, Blink (lights)
月光下閃爍的太平洋海面 Glittering moonlit surface of the Pacific ocean
閃爍紅光 Flash red
短促地閃爍紅光 Briefly flash red
閃光 Flash of light
閃光燈 Flash unit, Flash
內置閃光燈 Built-in Flash
使用內置閃光燈 Using the Built-in Flash
照相機的閃光燈 Camera's flash
閃光燈攝影 Flash photography
不使用閃光燈拍攝人像 Portrait shooting without using flash
在禁止閃光燈攝影的場所 In areas where flash photography is prohibited
如內置閃光燈彈起 If built in flash pops up
內置閃光燈將會自動彈起 Built in flash will automatically pop up
必要時內置閃光燈將會自動彈起 If necessary the built in flash will automatically pop up
閃耀 Sparkle, Twinkle, Glint, Blaze, Shone brightly
閃耀著 Sparkled, Twinkled, Glinted
閃耀著光芒 Sparkled, Twinkled, Glinted
閃電 Lightning
劃過一道閃電 A flash of lightning
動作快如閃電 As quick as lightning
地平線劃過一道閃電 Lightning flashes on the horizon, Lightning flashed on the horizon
閃電奇襲 Blitzkrieg, Lightning attack, Lightning fast surprise attach
一閃 Twinkle
靈光一閃 Flash of inspiration
頓時靈光一閃 Immediately had a flash of inspiration, Was suddenly inspired
一閃而逝 Fleeting
一閃一閃的星星 Twinkling stars, Shining stars
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