
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 廣


Hiro, (Cats: Name next)

a¯ guangˇ

廣 guangˇ
Vast, Wide, Spread Out, Big, Numerous

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Phone , Tone

Words that rhyme with 阿廣 (a-wang)

Grouped by first phone

a, ba, ca, da, fa, na, sa, sha

阿廣 a¯ guangˇ


a, ba, ca, da, fa, na, sa, sha

把窗打開 baˇ chuang¯ daˇ kai¯

Open the window, Opens the window, Opening the window, Opened the window

a, ba, ca, da, fa, na, sa, sha

擦窗戶 ca¯ chuang¯ huˋ

Cleans the windows

擦網球 ca¯ wangˇ qiuˊ

Net ball

a, ba, ca, da, fa, na, sa, sha

打光棍 daˇ guang¯ gunˋ

Bachelor life, Single man

大黃蜂 daˋ huangˊ feng¯


a, ba, ca, da, fa, na, sa, sha

發光 fa¯ guang¯


發黃 fa¯ huangˊ

Yellowed, Turned yellow, Sepia colored

發狂地 fa¯ kuangˊ de˙

Thrashing, In a frenzy

a, ba, ca, da, fa, na, sa, sha

那窗戶為什麼要打開 naˋ chuang¯ huˋ weiˋ sheˊ me˙ yaoˋ daˇ kai¯

Why was the window open, Why had the window been open

那雙藍眼眸 naˋ shuang¯ lanˊ yanˇ mouˊ

Those blue eyes

a, ba, ca, da, fa, na, sa, sha

撒謊 sa¯ huangˇ

Tell a lie

a, ba, ca, da, fa, na, sa, sha

紗窗 sha¯ chuang¯

Window screen

殺光所有人 sha¯ guang¯ suoˇ youˇ renˊ

Kill all

Grouped in tone pairs

13, 11, 12, 31, 41, 42

阿廣 a¯ guangˇ


擦網球 ca¯ wangˇ qiuˊ

Net ball

撒謊 sa¯ huangˇ

Tell a lie

13, 11, 12, 31, 41, 42

擦窗戶 ca¯ chuang¯ huˋ

Cleans the windows

發光 fa¯ guang¯


紗窗 sha¯ chuang¯

Window screen

殺光所有人 sha¯ guang¯ suoˇ youˇ renˊ

Kill all

13, 11, 12, 31, 41, 42

發黃 fa¯ huangˊ

Yellowed, Turned yellow, Sepia colored

發狂地 fa¯ kuangˊ de˙

Thrashing, In a frenzy

13, 11, 12, 31, 41, 42

把窗打開 baˇ chuang¯ daˇ kai¯

Open the window, Opens the window, Opening the window, Opened the window

打光棍 daˇ guang¯ gunˋ

Bachelor life, Single man

13, 11, 12, 31, 41, 42

那窗戶為什麼要打開 naˋ chuang¯ huˋ weiˋ sheˊ me˙ yaoˋ daˇ kai¯

Why was the window open, Why had the window been open

那雙藍眼眸 naˋ shuang¯ lanˊ yanˇ mouˊ

Those blue eyes

13, 11, 12, 31, 41, 42

大黃蜂 daˋ huangˊ feng¯



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