Index for words including 陽


Male, Masculine Principle, Man, Male Genitals, Yang, Positive, Outwards, Sun, Facing The Sun, In Sunlight, World Of The Living

Word Links for words containing 陽 (sorted via character pairs)

陽 yangˊ
Male, Masculine Principle, Man, Male Genitals, Yang, Positive, Outwards, Sun, Facing The Sun, In Sunlight, World Of The Living

Words containing

(Use links to see word pronunciation)


陽台 Balcony

站到陽台 Stand on the balcony, Stands on the balcony, Standing on the balcony, Stood on a balcony


陽性 Masculine, Positive, Yang

陽性形式 Masculine form


陽傘 Parasol, Umbrella

行李裡沒帶陽傘 Hadn't packed a parasol

陽傘再度流行 Parasols are back in fashion, The parasol was back


陽光 Sunlight

陽光 Caused the sunlight to

陽光 Towards the light, Into the light

眼睛適應了陽光 Eyes had adjusted to the sunlight

陽光 In the sunlight, beneath the sun lit sky

陽光變得泛黃 Caused the sunlight to turn yellow, Yellowed the sunlight

陽光照不到的地方 Where the sun doesn't shine

探住了陽光照不到的地方 Poking where the shone doesn't shine, Someplace where the sun doesn't shine, Exploring places where the sun does not shine


夕陽 Evening Sun, Dusk, Twilight


有幾道溫暖的陽 A few rays of warm sunlight


遮陽 Protect from sunlight

既能擋雨又能遮陽 Can not only provide shelter from the rain but also provide shade from the sun

遮陽 Parasol

遮陽 Sun bonnet, Sun bonnets

木髓製的遮陽 Pith helmet

絲帶裝飾的遮陽 Silk ribboned sun bonnet

她們戴著絲帶裝飾的遮陽 They all wore silk ribboned sun-bonnets

在他木髓製的遮陽帽下 Under his pith helmet, Beneath his pith helmet


太陽 Sun

太陽 Sun, Bright sun, Big sun

太陽 Sun bathe, Bask in the sun

太陽 Take shelter from the sun

太陽 Silver colored sun

太陽 Sun God

太陽 Temple, Temples, Side of the forehead

太陽 Solar energy

太陽下山 Sunset, Sun goes down

太陽眼鏡 Sun glasses

太陽能板 Solar panels

太陽西沈 Sun set

太陽下山後 After the sunset, After the sun goes down

太陽的角度 The sun's angle, The angle of the sun

看到太陽西沈入上海 Watch the sunset over Shanghai

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