Gather, Collect, Assemble
Word Links for words containing 集 (sorted via character pairs)
集合 Meet, Assemble, Converge, Gather together, Muster
從四面八方朝島的地點集合 From all directions converged on the island, Converged on the island from all directions, Converging on the island from all around
集合體 Collective
集中 Concentrate, Focus, Focused on, Stored in, Collected in,Pooled in, Converge, Center, Centered
集中了 Converging
集中心神 Focus, Focusing, Focused, Concentrate, Concentrating, Concentrated
集中放大 Zoom in on, Zoomed in on
集中目力 Focused
集中精神 Focus on, Focus intently, Concentrate will power
分類集中處理 Categorize and sort
集中在大儲存槽 Gathered in a giant tank, Gathered in giant tanks
我努力集中意志力 I strive to concentrate all of my willpower, I strived to concentrated all of my willpower, I strive to focus all of my willpower, I strived to focus all of my willpower
仍集中在他身上 Still focused on him
她的注意力集中在他身上 Her awareness was focused on him
他努力集中注意力 He's trying to focus, He tried to focus
她努力集中注意力 She's trying to focus, She tried to focus
集權 Centralized power
中央集權 Centralized power
加強中央集權 Bolster Centralization
走向中央集權 Moving towards centralized power
從封建走向中央集權 From Feudalism to Centralism (From Distributed to Centralized Power)
中央集權的建立 Establishment of centralized authority
從封建到中央集權的轉變 Transitioned from feudalism to centralized power, Transition form feudalism to centralized power, Transitioning from feudalism to centralized power
收集 Collect, Gather
收集了 Gathered, Collected
收集的 Collected (by)
收集數據 Data collection
收集起來 Gathered, Collected
收集到的氣體 Collected gas, Collected gasses
收集到的氣體要做後續的觀察時 When collected gas is to be observed later
召集 Summon, Convene, Call to arms
召集起來 Gather, Get, Get together, Call together, Convene
我們該把所有幫手都召集起來 We need all the help we can get
密集 Dense, Densely populated, Concentrated, Crowded together
最密集 Most dense, Densest, Most concentrated
勞動力密集 Labor-intensive
像銀河核心般密集 As dense as a the core of the milky way, As dense as a galactic core
聚集 Gathering, Assembling, Converging on, Gathered, Assembled, Converged
聚集了 Gathered, Assembled
聚集到現場 Converge on the scene, Converging on the scene
聚集成一點 Gathered into a point, Focused into a single point
搜集 Collect, Gather and collect, Seek and collect
搜集情報 Gather information
搜集紀念品的小籃子 Little baskets for collecting souvenirs, Little baskets for souvenirs, Little souvenir baskets
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