Index for words including 面


Surface, Plane, Face, Flat, Side, Aspect, Dimension, MW For Flat Objects

Words containing

(Use links to see word pronunciation)


面罩 Mask, Visor, Face shield

戴氧氣面罩 Wearing oxygen masks

面罩 Masked, Mask wearing

面罩消音 Muffled by the mask, Muffled by a mask


面目 Face, Appearance

面目全非 Unrecognizable


面具 Mask, Masked

過濾面具 Filter mask

防毒面具 Gas mask


面牆 Wall-sized, Wall-size

面牆 This wall


面紅耳赤 Flushed


面紗 Veil

有如灰色面紗的雷雨 Like gray veiled thunderstorms, Thunderstorms like a gray veil


面子 Face, Prestige, Reputation

面子 Saving face

面子 Faceless

追回面子 Recover one's honor


面孔 Face of a person, Face, Faces

木然面孔 Blank face, Blank faces

那麼多張面孔 So many faces, All those faces

他的面孔扭曲 His face twisted

她的面孔扭曲 Her face twisted


面臨 Confront, Face (to face)

一個勇敢的人面臨苦難而面無懼色 In the face of adversity a brave man shows no fear, A brave man smiles in the face of adversity


面無表情 Expressionless, Without expression, Blankly

一個勇敢的人面臨苦難而面無懼色 In the face of adversity a brave man shows no fear, A brave man smiles in the face of adversity

面無表情地看著他 Looking at him without expression, Looked at him blankly

面無表情地看著她 Looking at her expressionlessly, Stared at her blankly


面俱 Comprehensive


面積 Area, Acreage

面積 The area, Its area, Their area

面積 Large area

面積 Figure out the area, Find the area

受熱面積 Heated area, Area being heated

多少面積 How much area, How much acreage

種植面積 Planting area, Growing area

以下的面積 Of surface area or less

正方形面積 Area of the square, The area of the square

這一塊的面積 The area of this piece

負責的區域面積 Area of responsibility

求噴水池以外的面積 Find the area not including the fountains

面積 Area is

面積 The area is, Its area is, Their area is

面積 Total area is

長方形面積 The rectangle's area is, The area of the rectangle is, The area of a rectangle is

面積也才多 The area is just an additional

面積的分割 Area partitioning, Surface area partitioning

正方形面積不變 The area of the square is still the same, The area of the square hasn't changed

負責的區域面積比較小 A relatively smaller area of responsibility

正方形的面積與邊長的關係 The relationship between a square's area and side length

為正方形面積與邊長的關係表 Shows the relationship between the area of a square and its side length

面積會增加多少呢 How much will the area increase by?

這一塊的面積是多少呢 What is the area of this piece?


面貌 Face, Appearance


面向 Faced, Oriented towards

面向東邊 Faced east


面部 Face


面試 Interview, Audition

給薪的面試 Paid audition, Paid interview


面談 Discuss, Interview, Meeting


面容 Face, Facial features, Countenance


撞球檯面般 Billiard table like surface

撞球檯面般 Billiard table like surface


面鏡 Convex mirror

面鏡 Concave mirror

面鏡 Half-lens, Half-lenses


面對 Face, Faces, Facing, Faced, Confront, Confronts, Confronting, Confronted

轉身面對 Turned towards, Turned to face

轉回去面對 Turned back to face

面對 Confrontational

面對 Surface-to-surface, Face-to-face

轉回去面對 Turned back to face him

趕緊轉過去面對 Quickly turn to face him, Quickly turning to face him, Quickly turned to face him

趕緊轉過去面對 Quickly turn to face her, Quickly turning to face her, Quickly turned to face her

面對新征服的廣大土地 Facing a vast 廣大 and newly conquered 征服 land


面前 In front of

面前 In front of him

在他面前 In front of him

在妳面前 In front of you

把夾子推到他面前 Push the binder in front of him, Pushes the binder in front of him, Pushed the binder towards him

面前說起 Say in front of

站在他面前的是誰 Who was standing in front of him

從他面前經過 Passed in front of him

從她面前經過 Passed in front of her

從他們面前經過 Passed in front of them

從他面前走過 Walked past him

從她面前走過 Walked past her


滿面羞 Look ashamed


面觀 View from different angles, Get different perspectives, Different points of view


在檯面下交易 Did business under the table, Did business off the record


面露微笑 Smiling, Grinning


面而 Rushing


方方面面 Every aspect


面朝 Lying face down, Prone

面朝 Face forward, Facing forward


面頰 Cheek

面頰深陷 Hollows of the cheeks, Sunken cheeks


面帶 Look of, Carrying a look of, Looked, Appeared, Appearing

面帶微笑 Smiling

大多數面帶微笑 Mostly smiling

面帶愁容 Face showing a sad countenance, Sad face

面帶病容 Face showing a sickly countenance, Sickly looking expression

面帶稚氣 Fresh faced

面帶笑意 Smiling face, Happy face


局面 Situation

局面失控 Situation getting out of control


層面 Aspect, Aspects


路面 Road surface

在比路面高的地方 At a place high above street level, High above street level


四面 Four sided, Four sides

四面 Tetrahedral, Four sided

四面八方 All around, All directions

四面遠望 Look far in all directions, See far in all directions

四面有柱子撐住 Supporting columns on four sides

四面八方朝島的地點集合 From all directions converged on the island, Converged on the island from all directions, Converging on the island from all around

造一個四面有柱子撐住上面有蓋的亭子 Built a pavilion with supporting pillars on four sides and a roof above


界面 Interface, Boundary, Border


見面 Meet, Get together

跟你見面 Meet you

跟我見面 Meet me

他們一見面 As soon as they met

我們才剛見面 We've only just met

聞名不如見面 To hear of someone's reputation is not the same as knowing them

在這裡跟你見面 (to) meet you here

想儘快跟你見面 Wants to meet with you as soon as possible

很久沒見面 It's been a while! Long time no see!


體面 Honor, Dignity, Good looking, Elegant


出面 Assume responsibility, Act on someone's behalf, Come forward, Step forward

出面 Did not come forward, Did not step forward


牆面 Walls


水面 Water surface, Surface of the water

沿著水面 Following the water line

水面 On the water, On the surface of the water

水面之下 Beneath the water surface, Beneath the surface of the water


反面 Back side, Reverse side, Opposite side, Turn away from, Turn back on


片面 Unilateral, One-sided, Unfair

片面之交 Casual acquaintance

片面之言 One side of a story


負面 Negative

負面影響 Down side

負面的感覺 Negative feelings


外面 Outside

外面 Outside, Outdoors

坐在外面 Sit outside, Sitting outside

擋在外面 Keep out

走到外面 Went outside, Walked outside

時常在外面 Often outside, Frequently outdoors

很多民眾坐在外面 Many people sit outside

平常很多民眾坐在外面 Usually there are lots of people sitting outside

外面 Outside

外面還是 Outside it was

到聖殿外面等他們 Wait for them outside the temple, Wait for them outside the sanctuary


修面 Shave


側面 Side, Profile, Flank


後面 Back side, Last part, Tail end

後面 Behind it

後面 Back of the house, The back of the house

後面 Directly behind

坐在後面 Sitting in the back, Sat in the back

簾子後面 Behind the curtain(s)

他頭的後面 The back of his head

在他們後面 Behind them

她頭的後面 The back of her head

跟在他後面 Follow him

跟在她後面 Follow her

一路坐在後面 Sat all the way in the back

跟在他們後面 Follow them

後面 At the rear

後面口袋 Back pocket

後面的牆 The wall behind

後面那兩個 Those last two, Those latter two, The last two, The latter two, The two at the back

後面的送貨區停車 Parked in the loading area at the back


節面 Joint Facet


簿面 Book, Surface of (a) book


市面 Market place, Business in general


顏面 Face

顏面所受的傷 Facial injury, Facial injuries


方面 Aspect, Sphere, Field, Realm, Direction, Quarter, District, Topic, Subject, On one hand, On the other hand, In this respect, In that respect

方面 One side, On the one hand, but on the other hand…

方面 Unilateral

方面 Multifaceted, Many-sided

方面 In some way, In some ways, Certain aspects, In some aspect, In some aspects

其他方面 In other aspects, In respect to other things

另一方面 On the other hand, In other matters

在某方面 In a way, In some ways

從另方面 From another point of view, In another way

在某些方面 In some respects, In some ways, From a certain point of view

不過從另方面 But from another point of view, But in another way

事情安排這方面 This aspect of the arrangement, That aspect of the arrangement

方面 Every aspect

在各方面 In all sorts of ways

方面的事 The talk, The birds and the bees

談過那方面的事 Talked about a particular subject, Had the talk, Talked about the birds and the bees

方面的話題 The subject of the birds and the bees

在各方面都很有用 Useful in all sorts of ways

在某些方面長大了許多 In some respects you are a lot older now

在某方面來說也確是如此 In a way it is true, In a way it is, In a way it was


剖面 Profile, Cross-section, Section

剖面 Vertical cross section, Longitudinal cross section

軸向剖面 Axial section


艙面 Ship's deck


冷面 Deadpan


河面 River surface


洋面 Ocean surface


海面 Ocean, Sea, Surface of the sea or ocean, Ocean surface, Sea surface

浮出海面 Float up to sea surface

太平洋海面 Surface of the Pacific, Surface of the Pacific ocean

月光下閃爍的太平洋海面 Glittering moonlit surface of the Pacific ocean


迎面 Head on

迎面吹來 Blew on my face


我們見過面 We've met (before)


情面 Friendship, Regard for others

不留情面 Unrelenting, Ruthless, Unflinching

破除情面 Not spare anyone's feelings


裡面 Within

裡面 Inside, Is inside

在這裡面 Here, In here

擋在裡面 Trap inside, Trap, Trapped

放在裡面 Put in

在那麼多下船的人裡面 In the crowd of people getting of the boat

裡面放著 Inside, Placed inside, Inside of which

裡面跨一步 Took a step inside

把這罐裡面剩下的給他吧 Give him what's left in this can

裡面當然不會有任何東西 Of course there wouldn't be anything inside


介面 Interface, Connection

介面語言 Interface language

選擇介面語言 Selecting interface language


全面 Overall, Comprehensive, En masse, All together

全面觀照 All-seeing


會面 Meet face to face

會面 Meets face to face


鋒面 Leading edge, Frontal surface, Front

暴風雨鋒面 Storm front


鏡面 Mirror surface, Mirrored surface

鏡面般的 Mirror-like


肋骨小面 Tubercle Of Rib


對面 Directly opposite

對面 Surface-to-surface, Face-to-face

我店的對面 Opposite my store


前面 Front, In front of, Front surface

前面 First

前面口袋 Front Pocket

在他前面的人 The person in front of him

走到前面再繞過來 Go around to the front, Go around

在他前面的人有一個 One of the people in front of him


光面 Glossy

光面紙張 Glossy paper


當面 Face to face

當面 Have a meeting, Have a discussion


一面 A/An, An aspect, One side, At the same time

油漆一面 Paint a, Paint an

一面 A wall, One wall

一面 Facing a wall

一面碎玻璃 A pane of shattered glass

穿過一面碎玻璃 Through a pane of shattered glass

一面老城牆 An old section of wall

一面歡呼一面興奮的 Cheered excitedly

一面爬一面拚命尋找手腳的支點 Struggled for finger and toe holds while climbing

一面爬一面拚命尋找手腳的支點 He struggled for finger and toe holds while climbing


下面 Below, Bottom surface

下面 Beneath, Below

磨穿到下面 Worn through to the bottom layer

下面 Put under, Put beneath, Place under

下面的做法 The method below

下面出現 Appear beneath, Appearing beneath, Appeared beneath

下面每一幅圖 Each of the following pictures

下面這篇文章 The following article

下面的小孩們 The children faced down, Facing the children below

我們來看下面的討論 Let's look at the discussion below

下面的小孩們揮手 Wave at the children below, Waved at the children below


平面 Flat, Plane

平面 Ocean surface

在水平面 At the waterline, At the level of the water

平面 Flat mirror

不比海平面高多少 Not much higher than sea level


夾在兩面 Sandwiched between two surfaces, Sandwiched between


正面 Front, Direct, Positive

正面交鋒 Head to head, Confront (each other)

正面朝下 Face down

正面 True face

正面對著 Squarely opposite, Directly opposite, Directly facing

他把臉轉過去正面對著 He turned his face directly toward


露面 Show up


西面 West facing, Western


頁面 Page, Webpage

失蹤兒童頁面 Missing children page

頁面 On the page

一開始頁面佈滿 Initially the page was covered with

頁面上凝聚成形 Coalesced on the page


桌面 Desktop

兩張桌面 Two tabletops

佔了兩張桌面 Covered two tables, Occupied the tops of two tabletops


上面 Above, On top of, On

上面 On top

上面 Top most surface, The top

坐到上面 Sat on it, Sat down on it

爬到上面 Climbed up on, Climbed on top of

跪在他上面 Knelt over him

上面 On (top of)

上面有蓋 A roof above

上面的詩 The above poem, The poem above

上面左式 Taking the left part above

上面到底下 From top to bottom

上面到底下的距離可不短 It was a long way down, It was not a short drop

上面有蓋的亭子 Covered pavilion, Open sided pavilion

造一個四面有柱子撐住上面有蓋的亭子 Built a pavilion with supporting pillars on four sides and a roof above


背面 Back

背面 Details on back (of page)


南面 The south, Southern facing, South side


封面 Cover, Book cover


地面 Ground, Earth's surface

地面 Towards the ground

戳戳地面 Poke the ground, Poking at the ground

離開地面 Lift off of the ground, Lift up, Lift

靠近地面 Moves towards the ground, Gets closer to the ground

好奇戳戳地面 Poking curiously at the ground

地面 Area under cultivation

地面多遠 How far off the ground, How far from the ground

地面控制中心 Ground Control

地面控制中心的 Ground Control's

正下方地面上是什麼 What is on the ground below?, What is below us?


油頭垢面 Oily haired wrong doers


場面 Open area, Open space


表面 Surface

接近表面 Near the surface, Close to the surface

爆炸表面 Detonation surface, Detonation surfaces, Explosion front

表面 Superficial, Superficially, On the surface, Apparent, Apparently

火星表面任務 Mars surface operations

表面粗糙的皮 Gritty skin, Rough skin

在衝撞表面時固化 Solidified as it impacted the surface, Solidifying as it crashed against the surface

表面帶有髮絲紋的鋼製 Brushed steel surface, Brushed steel

從太平洋暗沈的表面看下去 Looking down through the dark surface of the Pacific


書面 Written communication


畫面 Screen, Plane of a picture, Picture

畫面 Control screen

速控畫面 Quick control screen

腦海中的畫面 Imagined, Pictured, Visualized

實在不太喜歡這個畫面 Really don't like the look of this picture, Really don't like the way things are looking, Really don't like the way that this looks

我實在不太喜歡這個畫面 I really don't like the look of this picture, I really don't like the way things are looking, I really don't like the way that this looks

畫面在腦海 Mental picture

拍攝設定畫面顏色 Shooting settings, Picture taking settings

變更拍攝設定畫面顏色 Changing shooting settings screen color


橢面 Ellipsoid

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