Sound, Noise, News
Word Links for words containing 音 (sorted via character pairs)
音量 Volume
音量增高 The sound volume went up, The sound volume increased
用正常音量對他們說話 Spoke to them in a normal tone of voice,
音量太高太尖難以聽清楚 Too loud and shrill to hear clearly
音量太高 Too loud
音量太高太尖 Too loud and high pitched
音樂 Music
噪響音樂 Loud music
民俗音樂 Folk music
鋼琴音樂 Piano music
電影音樂 Soundtrack, Film soundtrack, Music from a film
聽著噪響音樂 Listen to loud music, Listened to loud music, Listening to loud music
音樂會 Concert
聽音樂會 Go to music concert
悅耳音樂聲 Pleasant sounding music
民俗音樂會 Folk concert
舉辦了音樂會 Held a concert
戶外的民俗音樂會 Outdoor folk concert
音樂聲帶 Music soundtrack
鄰居放音樂太吵嗎 Is the neighbor's music too loud?
高音 High pitch, Treble, Soprano
提高音量 Raised voice, More loudly, Louder, With greater volume
提高音量說 With a raised voice said
故意提高音量說 With an intentionally raised voice, Deliberately raising their voice
語音 Pronounciation, Phonetic, Voice
電腦語音 Computer voice
電話語音 Phone, Telephone
語音隆隆說道 Rumbled, Rumbled words
提示音 Beeper, Beep, Beeping sound
取消提示音 Turn off Beeper, Silence Beeper
發出提示音 Emit a beeping sound, Emit a beep sound, Beep
相機會發出提示音 Camera beeper will sound, Camera will emit a beep (or beeping) sound
同時相機會發出提示音 At the same time the camera beeper will sound
破音 Alternate pronunciation of a character based on meaning
破音字 Alternate pronunciation of a character based on meaning
直音 Indicate a characters pronunciation by citing another character with the same pronunciation
聲音 Sound, Voice
什麼聲音 What's that sound?
她的聲音 Her voice
哽咽的聲音 Gulp, Gulping sound
問話的聲音 Questioning voice, Sound of
微弱的聲音 Weak sound, Small sound, Little sound
沒別的聲音 No other sound
自己的聲音 Own voice
響亮的聲音 Stentorian, Loud, Powerful, Loud and clear, A sound that rings out
又哼了哼聲音 Grunt, Snort, Grunted, Snorted
敲鍵盤的聲音 Keyboard sounds, Sounds of a keyboard being used
沒有臉的聲音 Faceless voice
聽見一個聲音 Heard a sound
鬧轟轟的聲音 Sounds of fighting
是嬰兒在哭的聲音 It is the sound of a baby crying, It was the sound of a baby crying
模仿自然中的各種聲音 Imitate various sounds in nature
聲音大 Loud
聲音說 Voice said
五聲音階 Pentatonic
沒發出聲音說 Mouthed silently
在自己的聲音中 In their own voice, In his own voice, In her own voice
聲音尖銳 Shrill, Sharp voiced
聲音很輕 A small sound
聲音極輕 In a quiet voice, Using a quiet voice, Using a hushed voice
聲音說話 Voice
她聲音裡的顫抖 The tremble in her voice
聲音中帶著失望 Sounding disappointed
聲音壓得低低的 Low voice
哨子的聲音又響又亮 The sound of the whistle was loud and distinctive
聲音大到所有人都聽得見 Loud enough for everyone to hear
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