
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 髮



touˊ faˇ

髮 faˇ
Hair, Hair's Breadth, Hair Thin

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Phone , Tone

Words that rhyme with 頭髮 (ou-a)

Grouped by first phone

tou, chou, dou, gou, hou, kou, mou, ou, rou, shou, sou, zhou, zou

頭髮 touˊ faˇ


頭髮一綹綹地 touˊ faˇ yiˋ liuˇ liuˇ de˙

Tufts of hair

頭髮被剪得那麼醜 touˊ faˇ beiˋ jianˇ deˊ naˋ me˙ chouˇ

Such a bad haircut, Hair had been cut so badly

tou, chou, dou, gou, hou, kou, mou, ou, rou, shou, sou, zhou, zou

醜八怪 chouˇ ba¯ guaiˋ


抽查 chou¯ chaˊ

Investigate, Test, Survey

抽搭 chou¯ da¯

Sob, Sobbing

抽打 chou¯ daˇ

Whip, Lash

籌碼 chouˊ maˇ

Gambling chip(s)

瞅他一眼 chouˇ ta¯ yiˋ yanˇ

Look at him, Glance at him

瞅她一眼 chouˇ ta¯ yiˋ yanˇ

Look at her, Glance at her

臭丫頭 chouˋ ya¯ touˊ

Stinky little girl, Brat

tou, chou, dou, gou, hou, kou, mou, ou, rou, shou, sou, zhou, zou

豆芽菜 douˋ yaˊ caiˋ

Bean sprouts

tou, chou, dou, gou, hou, kou, mou, ou, rou, shou, sou, zhou, zou

夠大 gouˋ daˋ

Big enough, Old enough

夠大了 gouˋ daˋ le˙

Big enough, Old enough

tou, chou, dou, gou, hou, kou, mou, ou, rou, shou, sou, zhou, zou

後拉 houˋ la¯

Pull back, Pulled back

tou, chou, dou, gou, hou, kou, mou, ou, rou, shou, sou, zhou, zou

扣押 kouˋ ya¯


tou, chou, dou, gou, hou, kou, mou, ou, rou, shou, sou, zhou, zou

謀殺 mouˊ sha¯


謀殺了 mouˊ sha¯ le˙


謀殺罪 mouˊ sha¯ zuiˋ

The crime of murder, Murder

謀殺還是犯法的 mouˊ sha¯ haiˊ shiˋ fanˋ faˇ de˙

Murder is still illegal, Murder is still a crime

tou, chou, dou, gou, hou, kou, mou, ou, rou, shou, sou, zhou, zou

毆打 ou¯ daˇ

Hit, Beat, Strike, Come to blows with

偶發 ouˇ fa¯

Chance occurrence, Happen by accident

歐拉拉 ou¯ la¯ la¯


tou, chou, dou, gou, hou, kou, mou, ou, rou, shou, sou, zhou, zou

肉麻 rouˋ maˊ

Revolting, Disgusting, Give one goose pimples, Creepy feeling

tou, chou, dou, gou, hou, kou, mou, ou, rou, shou, sou, zhou, zou

手把 shouˇ baˇ

Handles, Handle bars

手把套 shouˇ baˇ taoˋ

Hand grips, Grips for handlebars, Grips

收發 shou¯ fa¯

Receive and send

收發信號 shou¯ fa¯ xinˋ haoˋ

Signal reception, Transceiver, Transmitter-receiver

手法 shouˇ faˇ

Workmanship, Artistry

手拉手 shouˇ la¯ shouˇ

Hold hands

手拿開 shouˇ naˊ kai¯

Get (your) hand off me

手帕 shouˇ paˋ


tou, chou, dou, gou, hou, kou, mou, ou, rou, shou, sou, zhou, zou

搜查 sou¯ chaˊ


tou, chou, dou, gou, hou, kou, mou, ou, rou, shou, sou, zhou, zou

周發 zhou¯ fa¯


tou, chou, dou, gou, hou, kou, mou, ou, rou, shou, sou, zhou, zou

走吧 zouˇ ba˙

Let's go

Grouped in tone pairs

23, 11, 12, 13, 21, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 41, 42, 44

籌碼 chouˊ maˇ

Gambling chip(s)

頭髮 touˊ faˇ


頭髮一綹綹地 touˊ faˇ yiˋ liuˇ liuˇ de˙

Tufts of hair

頭髮被剪得那麼醜 touˊ faˇ beiˋ jianˇ deˊ naˋ me˙ chouˇ

Such a bad haircut, Hair had been cut so badly

23, 11, 12, 13, 21, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 41, 42, 44

抽搭 chou¯ da¯

Sob, Sobbing

歐拉拉 ou¯ la¯ la¯


收發 shou¯ fa¯

Receive and send

收發信號 shou¯ fa¯ xinˋ haoˋ

Signal reception, Transceiver, Transmitter-receiver

周發 zhou¯ fa¯


23, 11, 12, 13, 21, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 41, 42, 44

抽查 chou¯ chaˊ

Investigate, Test, Survey

搜查 sou¯ chaˊ


23, 11, 12, 13, 21, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 41, 42, 44

抽打 chou¯ daˇ

Whip, Lash

毆打 ou¯ daˇ

Hit, Beat, Strike, Come to blows with

23, 11, 12, 13, 21, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 41, 42, 44

謀殺 mouˊ sha¯


謀殺了 mouˊ sha¯ le˙


謀殺罪 mouˊ sha¯ zuiˋ

The crime of murder, Murder

謀殺還是犯法的 mouˊ sha¯ haiˊ shiˋ fanˋ faˇ de˙

Murder is still illegal, Murder is still a crime

23, 11, 12, 13, 21, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 41, 42, 44

醜八怪 chouˇ ba¯ guaiˋ


瞅他一眼 chouˇ ta¯ yiˋ yanˇ

Look at him, Glance at him

瞅她一眼 chouˇ ta¯ yiˋ yanˇ

Look at her, Glance at her

偶發 ouˇ fa¯

Chance occurrence, Happen by accident

手拉手 shouˇ la¯ shouˇ

Hold hands

23, 11, 12, 13, 21, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 41, 42, 44

手拿開 shouˇ naˊ kai¯

Get (your) hand off me

23, 11, 12, 13, 21, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 41, 42, 44

手把 shouˇ baˇ

Handles, Handle bars

手把套 shouˇ baˇ taoˋ

Hand grips, Grips for handlebars, Grips

手法 shouˇ faˇ

Workmanship, Artistry

23, 11, 12, 13, 21, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 41, 42, 44

手帕 shouˇ paˋ


23, 11, 12, 13, 21, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 41, 42, 44

走吧 zouˇ ba˙

Let's go

23, 11, 12, 13, 21, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 41, 42, 44

臭丫頭 chouˋ ya¯ touˊ

Stinky little girl, Brat

後拉 houˋ la¯

Pull back, Pulled back

扣押 kouˋ ya¯


23, 11, 12, 13, 21, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 41, 42, 44

豆芽菜 douˋ yaˊ caiˋ

Bean sprouts

肉麻 rouˋ maˊ

Revolting, Disgusting, Give one goose pimples, Creepy feeling

23, 11, 12, 13, 21, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 41, 42, 44

夠大 gouˋ daˋ

Big enough, Old enough

夠大了 gouˋ daˋ le˙

Big enough, Old enough


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頭髮 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 髮

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