Index for words including 願


Wish, Hope, Desire

Word Links for words containing 願 (sorted via character pairs)

願 yuanˋ
Wish, Hope, Desire

Words containing

(Use links to see word pronunciation)


願望 Which, Hope, Desire

小小的願望 Small wish


願意 Willing, Want to

願意 Will you

倘若她願意 If she is willing to, If she was willing to

孩子們都高叫願意 The children all screamed yes

願意 Willing to spend

願意保持下去 Liked to maintain it, Liked to keep it

願意花一千多塊 Willing to spend over a thousand dollars

願意吻他 Willing to kiss him, Wouldn't mind kissing him

她也願意吻他 She also wouldn't mind kissing him

願意用一切交換一個機會 Willing to do anything for the chance to, Willing to do anything in exchange for the chance to

願意用一切交換一個機會 I'd do anything for the chance to, I'd give anything for the chance to


事與願違 Circumstances became unfavorable, Circumstances shift(ed) unfavorably


如願 Wish fulfilled

未能如願 Failed to get what they wanted, Failed

如願以償 Got one's wish


所願 Wished, Desired, Wanted to

一切就如他所願 Everything was as he wanted, He got his way


但願 Hope, Wish

但願 Hope so

但願如此 Hope so, Let's hope so


意願 Inclination, Wish, Volition, Ability to do as one wishes, Power to make decisions for one's self

意願不強 Not strongly motivated, Lacking will-power, Weak-willed


寧願 Would rather


自願 Voluntarily


遺願 Last wish


情願 Willing to, Would rather

心甘情願 Totally willing

情願 I would rather be, I would prefer to be


心願 Wish, Desire, Aspiration


祝願 Wish


天不從人願 Fate had other plans

就是天不從人願 But fate had other plans


不願 Unwilling

不願 Unwilling, Won't, Doesn't want to

不願妥協 Unwilling to compromise

不願相信 Didn't want to believe, Unwilling to believe

不願受到拘束 Unwilling to be tied down, Unwilling to be restrained

不願與人深交 Unwilling to get close, Resist intimacy, Resists intimacy, Resisted intimacy

不願再開口說任何話 Unwilling to say anything, Refuse to say anything at all, Refuse to speak at all

不願為自己行為負責 Unwilling to take responsibility for their own actions


志願 Volunteer, Aspiration, Ambition, Dream

志願 Volunteer

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