
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 子



feng¯ chenˊ nuuˇ zi˙

子 ziˇ, zi˙
Son, Child, Noun Suffix, Particle, Grain, Egg, Seed, From 11Pm To 1Am, Rat

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Phone , Tone


女子 nuuˇ ziˇ

Words that rhyme with 風塵女子 (eng-en)

Grouped by first phone

feng, cheng, deng, geng, leng, meng, neng, seng, sheng, zeng, zheng

風塵女子 feng¯ chenˊ nuuˇ zi˙


縫紉機 fengˊ renˋ ji¯

Sewing machine

feng, cheng, deng, geng, leng, meng, neng, seng, sheng, zeng, zheng

成本 chengˊ benˇ


成本為 chengˊ benˇ weiˊ

Cost is

成分 chengˊ fenˋ

Composition, Ingredient, Ingredients

誠懇 chengˊ kenˇ


乘人之危 chengˊ renˊ zhi¯ wei¯

Take advantage of others

成人 chengˊ renˊ

Adult, Grown up

承認 chengˊ renˋ

Recognize, Confess, Admit, Claim

承認或授予 chengˊ renˋ huoˋ shouˋ yuˊ

Recognized or granted,

城鎮 chengˊ zhenˋ

City, Towns and cities

feng, cheng, deng, geng, leng, meng, neng, seng, sheng, zeng, zheng

等人 dengˇ renˊ

Wait for someone, People of equal rank, And others, And the others, Et al

feng, cheng, deng, geng, leng, meng, neng, seng, sheng, zeng, zheng

更認識 gengˋ renˋ shiˋ

Better understand, Know better

更深 gengˋ shen¯


feng, cheng, deng, geng, leng, meng, neng, seng, sheng, zeng, zheng

冷門 lengˇ menˊ


feng, cheng, deng, geng, leng, meng, neng, seng, sheng, zeng, zheng

夢神 mengˋ shenˊ

Morpheus, God of dreams

feng, cheng, deng, geng, leng, meng, neng, seng, sheng, zeng, zheng

能人 nengˊ renˊ

Capable person

能忍 nengˊ renˇ

Endure, Endures, Enduring, Endured

能忍這麼久 nengˊ renˇ zheˋ me˙ jiuˇ

Endure for so long, Endures for so long, Enduring for so long, Endured for so long

feng, cheng, deng, geng, leng, meng, neng, seng, sheng, zeng, zheng

僧人 seng¯ renˊ

The monk

feng, cheng, deng, geng, leng, meng, neng, seng, sheng, zeng, zheng

生人 sheng¯ renˊ

Stranger, Living person

勝任 sheng¯ renˋ


升任 sheng¯ renˋ


聖人 shengˋ renˊ

Sage, Sages

feng, cheng, deng, geng, leng, meng, neng, seng, sheng, zeng, zheng

憎恨 zeng¯ henˋ

Hold a grudge against, Feel bitter towards, Hate

feng, cheng, deng, geng, leng, meng, neng, seng, sheng, zeng, zheng

爭分奪秒 zheng¯ fen¯ duoˊ miaoˇ

Race against time

正門 zhengˋ menˊ

Main entrance

證人 zhengˋ renˊ

Witness, Witnesses

Grouped in tone pairs

12, 11, 14, 22, 23, 24, 32, 41, 42, 44

風塵女子 feng¯ chenˊ nuuˇ zi˙


僧人 seng¯ renˊ

The monk

生人 sheng¯ renˊ

Stranger, Living person

12, 11, 14, 22, 23, 24, 32, 41, 42, 44

爭分奪秒 zheng¯ fen¯ duoˊ miaoˇ

Race against time

12, 11, 14, 22, 23, 24, 32, 41, 42, 44

勝任 sheng¯ renˋ


升任 sheng¯ renˋ


憎恨 zeng¯ henˋ

Hold a grudge against, Feel bitter towards, Hate

12, 11, 14, 22, 23, 24, 32, 41, 42, 44

乘人之危 chengˊ renˊ zhi¯ wei¯

Take advantage of others

成人 chengˊ renˊ

Adult, Grown up

能人 nengˊ renˊ

Capable person

12, 11, 14, 22, 23, 24, 32, 41, 42, 44

成本 chengˊ benˇ


成本為 chengˊ benˇ weiˊ

Cost is

誠懇 chengˊ kenˇ


能忍 nengˊ renˇ

Endure, Endures, Enduring, Endured

能忍這麼久 nengˊ renˇ zheˋ me˙ jiuˇ

Endure for so long, Endures for so long, Enduring for so long, Endured for so long

12, 11, 14, 22, 23, 24, 32, 41, 42, 44

成分 chengˊ fenˋ

Composition, Ingredient, Ingredients

承認 chengˊ renˋ

Recognize, Confess, Admit, Claim

承認或授予 chengˊ renˋ huoˋ shouˋ yuˊ

Recognized or granted,

城鎮 chengˊ zhenˋ

City, Towns and cities

縫紉機 fengˊ renˋ ji¯

Sewing machine

12, 11, 14, 22, 23, 24, 32, 41, 42, 44

等人 dengˇ renˊ

Wait for someone, People of equal rank, And others, And the others, Et al

冷門 lengˇ menˊ


12, 11, 14, 22, 23, 24, 32, 41, 42, 44

更深 gengˋ shen¯


12, 11, 14, 22, 23, 24, 32, 41, 42, 44

夢神 mengˋ shenˊ

Morpheus, God of dreams

聖人 shengˋ renˊ

Sage, Sages

正門 zhengˋ menˊ

Main entrance

證人 zhengˋ renˊ

Witness, Witnesses

12, 11, 14, 22, 23, 24, 32, 41, 42, 44

更認識 gengˋ renˋ shiˋ

Better understand, Know better


冂-風 : > : > [風]-風塵 : > [風]-風塵女子 >

丶-广 : > : > [塵]-塵女 : > [塵]-風塵女子 >

𠄌-女 : > : > [女]-女子 : > [女]-風塵女子 >

𠃌-了 : > : > [子]-女子 : > [子]-風塵女子 >

風塵女子 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 子

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