me˙, maˊ, ma˙, moˊ
What?, (Ma2), Why, What, (Ma5), Interrogative, (Mo2)
Word Links for words containing 麼 (sorted via character pairs)
那麼 So then, That
怎麼那麼 How is it that
那麼做 Doing that, Doing it that way
那麼多 So many, So much, Too many
那麼慘 So bad, So miserable, So vicious
那麼深 That deeply, So deeply
那麼糟 That bad
那麼近 That close, So close
那麼醜 That bad, That ugly
沒那麼多 Not so much, Not much, Not so many, Not many
只有那麼多 There's only so much
不可能那麼小 Can't be that small
被打得那麼慘 Beaten so badly, Beaten so viciously, Such a vicious beating
那麼是什麼使 So what causes, So what makes, What leads to
他沒過得那麼糟 He wasn't doing that bad
站得離他那麼近 Stood so close to him, Was standing so close to him
距離安全那麼近 That close to safety, So close to safety
像肥皂泡泡那麼厚 Seemed about as thick as a soap bubble
頭髮被剪得那麼醜 Such a bad haircut, Hair had been cut so badly
儘管你知道了那麼多 Despite all that you knew, In spite of all that you knew
好像簡直不敢相信頭髮被剪得那麼醜 As if not believing how bad the haircut was
那麼敏感 So sensitive
那麼遲頓 So late, So inactive
沒那麼多人 Not so many people, Not many people
對那麼多事情 With respect to so many things
沒那麼好的事 It wasn't a good thing
那麼多張面孔 So many faces, All those faces
那麼平靜祥和 So quiet and peaceful
那麼遠的距離 That far a distance, That great a distance, That much distance
不至於那麼衝動 Couldn't be so rash as to
有那麼一個地方 There is such a place, There was such a place
那麼我們必須用 Then we must use, We must then use
生活怎麼那麼悲慘 How is it that life sucks so much
雖然他是那麼愛她 Even though he loved her so
那麼做不合乎生態學 That wasn't ecological, Doing it that way would not have been ecological
在那麼多下船的人裡面 In the crowd of people getting of the boat
猶豫了那麼百分之一秒 Hesitated for a split second
可是終究或許不是那麼幸運 But in the end perhaps not that lucky, But maybe not that lucky after all
那麼是什麼使一個人的生活比另一個有趣 What makes one person's life more interesting than another's?
那麼絕望 That desperate
似乎沒有那麼絕望 Doesn't seem that desparate
沒有昨天那麼絕望 Not as hopeless as yesterday
沒那麼簡單 Isn't that simple, It was not that simple, It wasn't that easy
不過沒那麼簡單 But it wasn't that simple, It wasn't easy
那麼一秒鐘 For an instant, For a moment, For a second
擔心了那麼一秒鐘 Felt a moment of worry
那麼多力氣 So much strength, So much effort
浪費了那麼多力氣 Wasted so much effort
那麼我得提醒你 Then I must remind you
那麼我得提醒您 Then I must remind you
多麼 So, How, How much, Great
多麼的快樂 How fun, So fun
多麼的有趣 How interesting, So interesting
是多麼耀眼 How it had dazzled, How it had glimmered, How dazzling
怎麼 How, What, How is it that
不怎麼 Not particularly
不知怎麼 Somehow
知道怎麼 Know how, Know how to
不過要怎麼 But how do we, But how to
怎麼了 What's up?, What's the matter?, What's wrong?
怎麼啦 What's the matter?
怎麼會 How did, How is it, How
怎麼樣 How is it, How is, How about, Well
怎麼試 How
怎麼辦 What to do, What do I do?
不怎麼樣 Not very good
她怎麼說 What did she say
是怎麼樣 How is it?, How was it?, What happened?
要怎麼做 What did we do, What should we do
要怎麼走 Which way, Which way to
該怎麼做 What to do, What needed to be done
那怎麼會 Then how is it that
不知怎麼了 Didn't know what to do, Didn't know what was wrong
今天怎麼樣 How are you today?, How was your day?
你會怎麼樣 How would you feel, What would you do
到底怎麼了 What happened?
學校怎麼樣 How's school?
我們怎麼辦 What do we do?
我該怎麼做 What I needed to do
看你怎麼樣 Depends on how you
那會怎麼樣 What would happen?, What will happen?
怎麼會這麼輕 How could it be that light
接下來怎麼辦 Then what's next?, What do we do next?
生活得怎麼樣 How's life
你最近過得怎麼樣 How have you been lately
你的手到底怎麼了 What happened to your hand?
我知道我該怎麼做 I knew what I needed to do
怎麼回事 What happened
到底怎麼回事 What's going on?
怎麼寫的 How they are written
怎麼那麼 How is it that
再怎麼糊塗 How confusing, No matter how confusing
怎麼不會呢 And why not?
怎麼可能會 When is it possible?, Is it ever possible?,
怎麼能駭入 How did they get in (amazed or fearfully)
怎麼不順便帶 Why not bring
我怎麼回家呢 How will I get back home?
我要怎麼找她 How can I find her?
不怎麼擅長表達 Not very articulate, Not very good with words
他是怎麼出來的 How did he get out?
你怎麼會認識他 How do you know him?
大家怎麼沒看見 How is it that nobody can see it
小鳥怎麼飛走了 How did the bird fly away?
這是怎麼回事呢 What is this about
他們會怎麼對付他 What would they do with him, What would they do to him
怎麼現在才告訴我 Why is it that only now do you tell me
我們還能怎麼辦呢 What else could we do?
生活怎麼那麼悲慘 How is it that life sucks so much
這個人怎麼沒有頭 How is it that this person has no head
成年女子怎麼不見了 Why is the woman not here?
你怎麼老是丟你的鑰匙 How is it that you always lose your key, Why do you always lose your key
近來她也不怎麼游泳了 She doesn't swim much these days, She didn't swim much these days
她不知道她是怎麼辦到的 She doesn't know how she does it
怎麼真實 Not so genuine
不怎麼真實 Not really genuine
不怎麼開心 Not very happy
有時不怎麼開心 Not always happy, Not entirely happy
你怎麼知道 How is it you know, How do you know
你怎麼會知道 How did you know that?, How did you know?
感覺怎麼樣啊 How did it feel
書進展得怎麼樣啊 How's the book progressing?
他就會知道該怎麼回答了 He'll know how he should answer, He knew how he would have answered, He knew what he would have said
她就會知道該怎麼回答了 She'll know how to answer, She knew how she would have answered
什麼 What?
幹什麼 Why, To do what, What for, To do what, Doing what
懂什麼 Don't understand anything, What don't you understand?
是什麼 What is, What would be
沒什麼 It's nothing
為什麼 Why
要什麼 What do you want, Whatever you want
不是什麼 Not what, Not anything
你為什麼 Why are you
你要什麼 What do you want
你說什麼 What did you say?, What?
做些什麼 Doing what
在弄什麼 Work at something, Working at something
妳說什麼 What did you say?, What?
寫的什麼 What did you write, What does it say
想些什麼 Thinking about what
沒有什麼 Nothing, There's nothing, Nothing much
胡說什麼 What nonsense, Speaking nonsense
藏了什麼 Hid something
設計什麼 Design what?, Design something
說了什麼 Said what?
還是什麼 Or something?
那是什麼 What is that, What it is
那沒什麼 Nothing to it, It's easy
你在想什麼 What are you thinking?
你看到什麼 What do you see?
到底是什麼 What exactly is it?, So what is it?, What is it?
又出現什麼 And then came something else, And then appeared something else
問著為什麼 Asked why, Asking why
寫的是什麼 What does it say?
忽略了什麼 Overlooked something, Overlooked anything
想要做什麼 Want to do, Wanted to do
我說了什麼 What did I say
有沒有什麼 Is there anything
歷史是什麼 What is history?
沒錯過什麼 Didn't miss anything
無論是什麼 Whatever it is
發生了什麼 What happened
看不出什麼 Completely unnoticeable, Can't see anything
不確定為什麼 Was not sure why
你要我做什麼 What do you want me to do?, What do you need me to do?
差異性是什麼 What is the difference?
我沒教妳什麼 I didn't teach you anything
此刻在做什麼 Was up to right now
那件事是什麼 What that is, What it is, What that was
那就是為什麼 That's why
不知道該說什麼 Did not know what to say, Had nothing to say
不知道那是什麼 Don't know what it is
如果發生了什麼 If something happened
很不想嗅到什麼 Did not want to smell anything, Did not want to smell something, Does not want to smell anything, Does not want to smell anything
我有感覺到什麼 I feel something, I felt something
於是她沒說什麼 And so she didn't say anything
為她準備了什麼 What have we got for her
猜想會發生什麼 Speculate on what was about to happen, Guessing what was going to occur
聽不懂你講什麼 Don't understand what you are saying
那些到底是什麼 What are those?, What the hell are those
不知道胚胎是什麼 Did not know what a fetus was, Did not know what an embryo was
不知道能幫忙什麼 Didn't know what to do to help, Didn't know how to help
不顯得內容是什麼 Unaware of what it was about, Not knowing what it was about
主要的意思是什麼 What's the main idea?
也不知道那是什麼 Wouldn't know it, Wouldn't know, Wouldn't recognize, Would be unable to recognize what it was
你們的策略是什麼 What is your strategy?
甚至不明白為什麼 Didn't even know why
確實感應到了什麼 Sensed something
聽不見他們說什麼 Couldn't hear what they said
想像他此刻在做什麼 Wondered what he was doing right now, Wondering what he was doing right now
想像她此刻在做什麼 Wondering what she was doing right now
正下方地面上是什麼 What is on the ground below?, What is below us?
說出課文在寫些什麼 Describe what the text is about
你到底他媽的在想什麼 What the fuck were you thinking?
你很清楚自己在幹什麼 You know what you are doing
她知道這輩子要做什麼 She knows what she wants to do with her life, She knew what she wanted to do with her life
想像他們此刻在做什麼 Wondering what they were doing right now
癒合後完全看不出什麼 Heal without a trace
那另一個缺少的成分是什麼 What is the other missing ingredient?, What was the other missing ingredient
看起來你很清楚自己在幹什麼 It looks like you know what you are doing
老師叫大家說出畢業以後要做什麼 The teacher asked everyone to say what they wanted to do after graduating, The teacher had asked everyone to declare what they wanted to do when they finished school
他跟朋友最大的不同是他知道這輩子要做什麼 The biggest difference between him and his friends was that he knew what she wanted to do with his life
她跟朋友最大的不同是她知道這輩子要做什麼 The biggest difference between her and her friends was that she knew what she wanted to do with her life
什麼事 What? What is it? What's the matter?
什麼是 What is, What are
什麼晚 That late
什麼樣 What kind?
什麼的 And so on (etc.)
什麼都 Anything, Everything
或什麼的 Or something
是什麼使 What makes
沒什麼用 Of no use, No use
沒什麼錢 Isn't rich, Wasn't rich
為什麼要 Why would, Why should
發什麼呆 Waiting for what
也沒什麼用 Of no use, Didn't matter, Didn't really matter
他為什麼跑 Why is he running?
你為什麼要 Why would you want, Why would you want to
她為什麼跑 Why is she running?
發生什麼了 What happened
發生什麼事 What happened, Wondering what happened
還有什麼事 Anything else
發生了什麼事 What had happened
能問為什麼嗎 Can I ask why, Might I ask why?
那麼是什麼使 So what causes, So what makes, What leads to
不過也沒什麼用 Not that it matters, Not that it mattered
你為什麼要這麼做 Why are you doing this
沒告訴我是什麼事 Didn't tell me what it was, Didn't tell me what it was about
你知道我在講什麼嗎 Are you getting all of this?, Do you understand what I am saying?
我到底發生了什麼事 What happened to me in the end? What happened to me?
我可以知道為什麼嗎 Can I know why, Can you tell me why
不知道他們會說什麼呢 Don't know what they'll say
他的黨羽都是些什麼人 Who are his associates?, Who are these associates?
知道我到底發生了什麼事 Know what happened to me in the end
你從來也沒有逮捕過什麼人 You never arrested anyone
妳從來也沒有逮捕過什麼人 You never arrested anyone
他們的腦袋裡到底裝了什麼啊 What was in their heads?, What were they thinking?
我終於了解媽媽剛才為什麼說 I finally understood why mother a moment ago said
什麼急事 What urgent matter, What is the urgent matter
什麼提示 What clues
什麼時候 When
什麼樣的 What kind of
什麼聲音 What's that sound?
什麼職業 What career, What occupation, What kind of career, What kind of occupation
什麼他媽的 What the fuck
沒什麼兩樣 No difference, Not different at all, Usual
沒什麼差別 No difference, No different
為什麼這樣 Why this?
為什麼那樣 Why that?
用什麼方法 How to use, In what way, Somehow
不出什麼結果 Have little to show for, Produce few or no results
什麼也沒發生 Nothing happens, Nothing happened
什麼人都接受 Accept anyone, Take anyone
什麼都看得見 Everything could be seen
你憑什麼認為 Are you really sure
妳下什麼命令 What was the order you gave
捅了什麼漏子 What the hell, What's wrong, What happened, What hole were you trying to plug
沒有什麼壞處 There are no bad points, There are no disadvantages
為什麼不直接 Why not just
需要什麼服務 What do you need?
也許沒什麼相干 Maybe it's nothing, It's probably nothing, It's probably not what we are looking for
什麼都沒有捉到 Didn't catch a thing, Didn't catch anything
你在開什麼玩笑 You gotta be kidding me?, You're joking right?
摸到什麼硬硬的 Felt something hard
有什麼要效勞的 Can I be of assistance?, Can I help you?
有什麼話要說嗎 Have something you want to say?
沒什麼用就是了 Was of no use anyway
通過了什麼考驗 Had been tested
如果有什麼東西壞 If something breaks
所以有什麼好等的 So why wait? So why bother waiting?
沒有什麼對不起的 There is nothing to be sorry for, It's okay, Don't worry about it
無論付出什麼代價 No matter what the cost
什麼都看得一清二楚 Could see everything clearly
你最喜歡吃什麼水果 What fruit do you like to eat the best?, What's your favorite fruit to eat?
是為了達到什麼目的 For what purpose?, To what end?
為什麼男人如此愚蠢 Why are men so stupid?
藏了什麼在他床墊下 Hid something under his mattress
不是什麼有意義的字句 Not anything that makes sense
她需要什麼樣的幫助呢 What kind of help does she need?
當時路口沒有什麼車輛 At the time there were no vehicles at the intersection
通常沒有什麼是我弄不到的 There isn't much that I can't get
他們可能會為了什麼而起衝突 What might they be fighting over?
看不出那裡有什麼值得留影的地方 Could not see anything there that was photo worthy
如果發生了什麼我不知道的犯罪行為 If a criminal act occurred that I was not aware of
再也沒有什麼東西能比狂熱份子更危險了 There's nothing more dangerous than a fanatic, There's nothing more dangerous than a zealot
你想知道我是不是聽說了什麼特別有料的謠言 You want to know if I've heard any especially juicy rumors, You want to know if I've heard any particularly helpful rumors
什麼意思 What do you mean?
有什麼意見 Had a problem with, Had an opinion of
你到底什麼意思 What do you mean?, What are you trying to get at?
不管那是什麼意思 Whatever that meant
那句話是什麼意思 What that phrase meant, What does that phrase mean
了解那句話是什麼意思 Understood the meaning of the phrase
什麼毀損 What damage, How much damage, Much damage
沒造成什麼毀損 Not causing much damage
什麼都大 Everything is so big
什麼都有 Has everything
做什麼事都快 Fast, Do things quickly
叫什麼名字 What is your name
她叫什麼名字 What's her name?
我什麼沒有 I don't have anything else to do
為什麼我還沒死 Why aren't I dead yet? Why am I still alive?
裡頭一定什麼也沒有 There would be nothing inside, There is nothing inside, It would be empty, It is empty
除了空氣什麼也沒有 Nothing but air
有什麼不同 What differences, The difference
為什麼不幫 Why not help
什麼也聽不見 Can't hear a thing, Can't hear anything
什麼都看不到 Can't see a thing
有什麼問題 What is the problem?
出了什麼問題 What happened?, What went wrong?
不會有什麼問題 Won't have any problems, Won't have a problem (with regards to)
有沒有什麼問題 Are there any problems? is there a problem?
就不會出什麼問題 It would not be a problem
沒什麼天分 Very few talents, Not very talented
什麼時候才天亮 When will daybreak, When will it finally be daybreak
到底什麼時候才天亮 When will daybreak arrive, How long till daybreak finally arrives
不是什麼好事 Not a good thing
這可不是什麼好事 This is not a good thing, This can't be good, That can't be good
什麼時候的事 When did this happen?, When did that happen?
沒有什麼好擔心的了 Nothing to worry about
說了什麼有意義的話 Said something meaningful, Said something significant
告訴他什麼新奇有趣的事 Telling him something novel and interesting
像一個很不想嗅到什麼的人 Like a person eager not to sense a smell
什麼樣的幫助 What kind of help?
您需要什麼幫助 Do you need some kind of help or assistance, What kind of help or assistance do you need
什麼樣的麻煩 What kind of trouble?
碰上什麼麻煩 What was the problem
遇到了什麼樣的麻煩 Is in what kind of trouble?
他遇到了什麼樣的麻煩 What kind of trouble is he in, What kind of trouble did he run into?
什麼都沒有了 Lost everything, Doesn't have anything
那麼是什麼使一個人的生活比另一個有趣 What makes one person's life more interesting than another's?
什麼都沒注意 Didn't notice anything
太過緊張什麼都沒注意 Too nervous to notice anything
你有什麼愛好 What are your hobbies, What hobbies do you have
他沒什麼別的愛好 He has no other hobbies
有什麼不一樣 What is the difference, What are the differences, How are they different
沒什麼特別的一點 Nothing special, At no particular point
有什麼好笑的 What's so funny?
說了什麼讓他笑了 Said something to make him smile
還有什麼事嗎 Anything else?
沒有發生什麼奇怪的事吧 Nothing strange happened?
什麼都長不出來 Nothing can grow
什麼都還沒種出來 Nothing has been planted yet
這裡什麼都長不出來 Nothing can grow here
我什麼都跟你講 I'll tell you everything
有什麼事我可以幫你喔 Is there something I can help you with?, Is there anything I can help you with?
我拿了什麼東西 What have I got?, What am I holding?
四處張望找什麼順手可以用力拍死它的東西 Look around for something handy to swat it with
我是為什麼來的 Why am I here?, Why I came
我們是為什麼來的 Why are we here?, Why we came
你早就知道我們是為什麼來的 You already know why we are here
妳早就知道我們是為什麼來的 You already know why we are here
為什麼問題總是接二連三地來呢 Why it is that problems always come together?
他知道是什麼了嗎 Does he know what it is?, Does he know what it was?
她知道是什麼了嗎 Does she know what it is?, Does she know what it was?
像是被什麼東西打中 Like something had hit it, As if something had hit it
那窗戶為什麼要打開 Why was the window open, Why had the window been open
你有什麼急事需要幫忙了 What is the urgent matter that you need help with
妳有什麼急事需要幫忙了 What is the urgent matter that you need help with
什麼職業會比魔法更吸引他 What kind of career could interest him more than magic?
什麼職業會比魔法更吸引她 What kind of career could interest her more than magic?
是什麼風把你吹到我的地盤上來 What brings you to my neck of the woods
是什麼風把妳吹到我的地盤上來 What brings you to my neck of the woods
這麼 This
這麼久 For so long, For how long
這麼做 Doing this
這麼多 So much, So many, Such a large amount (of)
這麼遠 This far, This distant, At this distance
這麼點 This little, This (tiny) amount (of)
別這麼說 Don't say that, Don't speak like this
不該這麼做 Shouldn't be doing this
他只這麼說 Was all he said
就是這麼做 Did exactly that
才沒這麼大 Are not so big, Are not as big, Are not that big
能忍這麼久 Endure for so long, Endures for so long, Enduring for so long, Endured for so long
話雖這麼說 That being said
怎麼會這麼輕 How could it be that light
哇雨下得這麼大 Wow! That's a lot of rain, Wow! That's a heavy rain
我倒喜歡這麼想 I like to think so, I like to think
我只知道這麼多 I know that much, I only know that much, I only know so much
你為什麼要這麼做 Why are you doing this
我想你可以這麼說 I think you could say, I guess you could say that
未必是刻意這麼做 Probably didn't do it intentionally
這麼做是 This was done
這麼熱鬧 Really busy, Really lively
你這麼一說 Now that you mention it
這麼設計出 Designed this way
都這麼久了 It's been so long, After that much time
居然這麼陰險 Just how tricky, How tricky, How cunning, How deceitful
這麼一個位置 Such a position
這麼多好東西 So many nice things
事情沒這麼發生 It didn't pan out, It didn't work out that way
這麼設計出的系統 Systems designed this way
這麼一份最美好的生日禮物 This most wonderful birthday present
好多年都沒看到過這麼漂亮的一張臉了 Had not seen such a beautiful face in many years
這麼年輕 Such a young, So young?
即使這麼多年後 Even after all this time, Even after all these years
這麼回事了 This is the case
可不是這麼回事了 This is not the case
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