
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 月


Hound of the black moon, (Cats: Latest next)

hei¯ yueˋ lieˋ quanˇ

月 yueˋ
Moon, Month, Monthly, Calendar, Female, Menses, Platform, Station Platform

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Phone , Tone


黑月 hei¯ yueˋ

獵犬 lieˋ quanˇ

Words that rhyme with 黑月獵犬 (ei-yue)

Grouped by first phone

hei, bei, fei, mei, pei

黑月 hei¯ yueˋ

Black moon

黑月獵犬 hei¯ yueˋ lieˋ quanˇ

Hound of the black moon

hei, bei, fei, mei, pei

被學校送回家 beiˋ xueˊ xiaoˋ songˋ huiˊ jia¯

Sent home from school

北約 beiˇ yue¯


hei, bei, fei, mei, pei

飛越 fei¯ yueˋ

Flying over

飛躍 fei¯ yueˋ


hei, bei, fei, mei, pei

沒學過 meiˊ xueˊ guoˋ

Not yet studied, Not yet learned

每月 meiˇ yueˋ

Every month

每月最低繳款 meiˇ yueˋ zuiˋ di¯ jiaoˇ kuanˇ

Minimum monthly payment, Minimum monthly payments

hei, bei, fei, mei, pei

配樂 peiˋ yueˋ

Music, Soundtrack

Grouped in tone pairs

14, 22, 31, 34, 42, 44

飛越 fei¯ yueˋ

Flying over

飛躍 fei¯ yueˋ


黑月 hei¯ yueˋ

Black moon

黑月獵犬 hei¯ yueˋ lieˋ quanˇ

Hound of the black moon

14, 22, 31, 34, 42, 44

沒學過 meiˊ xueˊ guoˋ

Not yet studied, Not yet learned

14, 22, 31, 34, 42, 44

北約 beiˇ yue¯


14, 22, 31, 34, 42, 44

每月 meiˇ yueˋ

Every month

每月最低繳款 meiˇ yueˋ zuiˋ di¯ jiaoˇ kuanˇ

Minimum monthly payment, Minimum monthly payments

14, 22, 31, 34, 42, 44

被學校送回家 beiˋ xueˊ xiaoˋ songˋ huiˊ jia¯

Sent home from school

14, 22, 31, 34, 42, 44

配樂 peiˋ yueˋ

Music, Soundtrack


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口-黑 : > : > [黑]-黑月 : > [黑]-黑月獵犬 >

冂-月 : > : > [月]-黑月 : > [月]-黑月獵犬 >

十-犭 : > : > [獵]-獵犬 : > [獵]-黑月獵犬 >

丶-丶 : > : > [犬]-獵犬 : > [犬]-黑月獵犬 >

黑月獵犬 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 月

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