Word Links for words containing 鼻 (sorted via character pairs)
鼻子 Nose
捏了他的鼻子 Pinched his nose
她就忍不住皺了下鼻子 Wrinkle her nose in distaste
鼻子尖 Pointy nosed, Long nosed
碰一鼻子灰 Rejected, Meet with rejection, Rebuffed
鼻子被打斷了 Broken nose
你把我的鼻子打斷了 You broke my nose
好把我的鼻子打斷了 You broke my nose
在你鼻子前方幾吋 A few inches in front of your nose
你把我的鼻子打斷了啦 You broke my nose
在你鼻子前方幾吋的一點 A point a few inches in front of your nose
就像灰塵飄進鼻子裡讓人打噴嚏一樣 It was the same as dust getting into someone's nose causing them to sneeze
鼻孔 Nostrils, Nostril
他從鼻孔大力吐氣 He exhaled strongly through his nose, He blasted out air through his nostrils
嗤之以鼻 Pooh-pooh, Snicker at, Look down on, Laugh at the idea, Never admit to the idea, Turn nose up at the idea
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