He, He,, Her, Him, It, Other, Others, She, They
E, He, I, She, Third, Translit, Y
Canal, Deep, Ditch, Drain, Great, He, She, Stream, Them, They
He, Pronoun
He and several members of his Boy Scout troop
He asked me how the old man was doing
He blasted out air through his nostrils
He could hear the children all around him
He could hear the chit chat of children all around him
He couldn't do it while panicking
He crouched down at the edge of the roof
He decided to eat first and then start work
He didn't ask anymore questions
He didn't ask anything further
He didn't die in the explosion
He didn't intend to buy (it-any)
He didn't see the point in spending money on things she didn't need
He doesn't believe anything that I say
He doesn't understand what he's saying
He doesn't want to return to his old life
He exhaled strongly through his nose
He felt how the spaces connected
He figured that since he was going
He gave his subordinate-subordinates a severe beating
He had hoped to arrive without a hitch
He had planned to arrive without incident
He has no doubt that that was what they were doing
He heard quiet footsteps behind him
He heard the chattering of children all around him
He heard the children all around him
He himself had not done anything to help
He himself had not expended any effort to help
He ignored the goading of the person above
He jumped from one side of the street to the other
He just sat quietly in the back seat
He kept his eyes on the shivering old man
He knew how he would have answered
He knew what he would have said
He leaped from one side of the street to the other
He looked for work as a lookout
He moved as quietly as possible
He needed an aspirin for the pain in his hand
He needed the power of a spirit summoner
He needs the power of a necromancer
He needs to be taught a lesson
He of the powerful premonitions
He sat (back) against the wall
He showed his analytical expression
He slowly lifts-lifted his head
He steeled himself before he could runaway
He struggled for finger and toe holds while climbing
He swung his left arm over the wall
He tasted the water just to be sure
He tasted the water just to be sure of its quality
He thinks it's pointless spending money on things she doesn't need
He thought it was pointless spending money on things he didn't need
He tracked the Baron to an exposed enemy hideout
He turned his face directly toward
He used his walking-stick to poke at
He wanted to stay there forever
He withdrew his left hand from the glove
He asked
He did have
He didn't
He didn't see the point in spending money on things she didn't need
他覺得, 覺得, 得花, 花錢, 花錢在不需要的東西上, 不需要, 需要, 要的, 東西, 花錢在不需要的東西上, 是毫無意義的事, 毫無, 無意, 意義, 是毫無意義的事
He had to
He has no doubt that that was what they were doing
He or she
He rode
He squatted
He struggled for finger and toe holds while climbing
He then
He thinks it's pointless spending money on things she doesn't need
他覺得, 覺得, 得花, 花錢, 花錢在不需要的東西上, 不需要, 需要, 要的, 東西, 花錢在不需要的東西上, 是毫無意義的事, 毫無, 無意, 意義, 是毫無意義的事
He thought it was pointless spending money on things he didn't need
他覺得, 覺得, 得花, 花錢, 花錢在不需要的東西上, 不需要, 需要, 要的, 東西, 花錢在不需要的東西上, 是毫無意義的事, 毫無, 無意, 意義, 是毫無意義的事
He tracked the Baron to an exposed enemy hideout
He travelled by
He wanted
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