Buddha, Buddhism, Clarify, Elucidate, Explain, Interpret, Release, Set free, Taoism
Abandon, Abstain, Desert, Discard, Divorce, Leave, Let go, Reject, Release, Relinquish, Throw away
Free, Let go, Let out, Place, Put, Release
Disclose, Dissipate, Divulge, Drain, Drip, Leak, Let out, Release, Vent
Disband, Dispatch, Dispel, Drive Away, Exile, Release, Send, Severance
Disperse, Expel, Gas, Release, Vent
Cast, Disperse, Display, Exhibit, Let go, Loosen, Relax, Release, Scatter, Spill, Spread, Sprinkle, Unleash
Appear, Appeared, Book, Came out, Come Out, Participate, Publish, Published, Release, Released
Release, Relieve
Distribute, Issue, Publish, Release, Sell
Publish, Release
Annul, Cancel, Fire, Release, Relieve, Remove, Renounce
Lose, Loses, Losing, Lost, Release, Released, Releases, Releasing, To lose, To release
Discharge, Emit, Give off, Release, Send out
Lose, Loses, Losing, Lost, Released, Releases, Releasing, To lose, To release, Free up
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