Connect, Connected, Touch, Touched
Contact, Contacted, Contacting, Contacts, To contact, To touch, Touch, Touched, Touches, Touching
Contact, Contacted, Touch, Touched
(Contacting, Contacts, To contact, To touch, Touches, Touching)
Nudge, Nudged, Nudges, Nudging, Touch, Touched, Touches, Touching
Feel, Feeling, Feels, Felt, To feel, To touch, Touch, Touched, Touches, Touching
Feel, Feeling, Feels, Felt, To feel, To touch, Touch, Touched, Touches, Touching
(Get Up, In the process, Verb Ending, While doing)
Touched Contacted
Touched Contacting
Touched Contacts
Touched down
Touched heavily
Touched lightly
Touched the cobbles
Touched the mirror
Touched their forehead to the floor
Touched their own forehead
English (and Chinese Chars for) page
init Shapes | final Shapes | phone Shapes | phone inits | phone finals | English | cats
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