搞砸 gaoˇ zaˊ
Fail, Mess up, Screw up, Blow it, Ruin it
Blow, Fail, Mess, Ruin, Screw
搞 Cause trouble, Change, Do, Engage In, Get, Get involved, Organize, Secure, Set up, Start, Stir up, Take care of
砸 Beat, Bungle, Crash, Destroy, Fail, Ruin, Screw, Smash
Words with shared element: 搞砸
gaoˇ, zaˊ
Fail | Mess up | Screw up | Blow it | Ruin it
gaoˇ zaˊ le˙
Failed | Messed up | Screwed up | Failing | Messing up | Screwing up | Blowing it | Ruining it
搞砸 | 了
bieˊ gaoˇ zaˊ
Don't mess up | Don't mess it up | Don't cock it up
搞砸 | 別
baˇ shiˋ qingˊ gaoˇ zaˊ le˙
Screwed things up | Made a cock-up of the whole thing
事情 | 搞砸 | 把 | 了
Shared elements with: 搞, 砸
Frag (shared element) page
init Shapes | final Shapes | phone Shapes | phone inits | phone finals | English | cats
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