不適 buˊ shiˋ
Discomfort, Indisposed, Ill suited
Discomfort, Ill, Indisposed, Infix, No, Non, None, Not, Un, Without
Words with 不適:
zaiˋ yeˇ buˊ shiˋ heˊ woˇ
No longer suitable for me | No longer suitable
xianˋ zaiˋ yeˇ buˊ shiˋ yongˋ luo ˉ
Is now no longer useful | Now no longer works
sui ˉ ranˊ buˊ shiˋ yongˋ yuˊ suoˇ youˇ xiˋ tongˇ
While not applicable to all systems
Words with 不:
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