洛杉磯 luoˋ sha ˉ ji ˉ
Los Angeles
Words with shared element: 洛杉磯
luoˋ sha ˉ ji ˉ liˊ niuˇ yue ˉ youˇ duo ˉ yuanˇ
How far is it from Los Angeles to New York
zaiˋ qianˊ wangˇ luoˋ sha ˉ ji ˉ de˙ luˋ shangˋ
On the way to Los Angeles
ta ˉ weiˋ yuˊ luoˋ sha ˉ ji ˉ shiˋ jing ˉ huaˊ qu ˉ dong ˉ nanˊ fang ˉ
It was located south east of the best part of Los Angeles | It would be to the south and east of the best part of Los Angeles
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