最近的 zuiˋ jinˋ de˙
Nearest, Closest, Most recent
Accurate, Clear, Closest, Distinct, Exact, Goal, Gp, Have,, Most, Nearest, Proper, Target
Words with 最近的:
woˇ yiˋ baˇ zhua ˉ qiˇ liˊ woˇ zuiˋ jinˋ de˙ bao ˉ guoˇ
I grabbed the nearest package
我 | 一把 | 一把 | 抓起 | 抓起 | 離我最近 | 離我最近 | 最近 | 最近 | 最近的 | 包裹 | 包裹
huiˋ duiˋ jiao ˉ zuiˋ jinˋ de˙ zhuˇ tiˇ
Will (bring into) focus the nearest object
Words with 的:
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